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It was just a simple board game. Nothing more, nothing less.

It's just a game meant to be enjoyed with your friends.

But for the two people playing this board game, this game was nothing but simple.



[[[Huh? What do you mean by violation, old man? Didn't I just move this planet forward? Why are you blocking it?]]]


[[[Eh? Oh, that slot is indeed number 7+. My bad, my bad.]]]


[[[Nothing's wrong with me old man. Why don't we just continue this game? PLANET REDFANG. STAGE 4 PLANET. MOVE 7 LIGHT YEARS NORTHWEST.]]]


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[[[Tsk, so you're going the retreat tactic then. Did you think that I will really allow that? SACRFICE PROTOCOL ACTIVATE: CONVERT 10,000 SENTIENT BEINGS INTO AN IMMORTAL WARRIOR. ]]]

[[[An important person? Are you perhaps pertaining to the Conqueror that's under your protection? PLANET REDFANG. STAGE 4 PLANET. MOVE 10 LIGHT YEARS DOWNWARD]]]]


[[[I have no problem with Emperor Litch. I just think that kid is too eager to be a member of our group. ACTIVATE IMMORTAL WARRIOR. BLOCKING SEQUENCE INITAITED.]]]


[[[A  behaved person? Old man, you knew what things Emperor Litch did during his reign as the ruler of the Undying Empire. He committed numerous atrocities under his name, and he just passed those off as effects of his rule. Aside from that, he also violated lots of rules set on the Lower Realm! The only reason he's still not punished by the Vice Monarchs was because of you! PLANET BLUEBERRY. STAGE 6 PLANET. INITIATE EVOLUTION.]]]


[[[Are you sure that nobody can stop you? Do you dare say that to the Endless Monarch himself? PLANET BLUEBERRY. EVOLUTION ON PROGRESS]]]


[[[Old man, you know for a fact that one of Endless Monarch's seedlings is currently fighting Emperor Litch. With that kind of scenario, are you still condiment that your Emperor Litch can survive? PLANET BLUEBERRY. EVOLUTION ON PROGRESS]]]


[[[Hoho, you sure sound confident about your disciple. But will that confidence of yours last once the seedling starts trashing Emperor Litch? PLANET BLUEBERRY. EVOLUTION ON PROGRESS]]]

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[[[But this seedling is the bane of Emperor Litch. This seedling is the Emperor's clone, which means tha-]]]


[[[10 seconds? Hmph, I can't believe you'd say that, especially to someone as good as Alex. Do you really underestimate him? He's one of the elites chosen by the Endless Monarch himself! He surely has a way to overturn this! PLANET BLUEBERRY. EVOLUTION ON PROGRESS]]]


[[[Wow, I never pegged you for a trashtalker old man, but you certainly sound like one right now. Do you want to say those words directly to the Endless Monarch himself? From what I heard, he was just fishing somewhere nearby…. PLANET BLUEBERRY. EVOLUTION ON PROGRESS]]]


[[[Wow. You say a lot of trashtalk, yet at the very mention of the Endless Monarch, you start pissing yourself like a gutted Realm Snake. Are you really someone that should be in our group? PLANET BLUEBERRY. EVOLUTION ON PROGRESS]]]


[[[You s***y old man. I hope that this seedling Alex will eviscerate Emperor Litch like a fileted fish! Hehehe, let's see if you can still smile once that happens… PLANET BLUEBERRY. EVOLUTION ON PROGRESS.]]]


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[[[[Sigh, I really want to see your face once you watch Emperor Litch dying on his pathetic little playground. But because I have already won this game, I am obliged to leave already….]]]


[[[PLANET GREENDEW. STAGE 7 PLANET. MOVE 20 LIGHT YEARS FORWARD. Hehehe, can you see it now? It's an instant ROUT! Hahaha, I win!]]]

<[you cheating="" skive!="" you…="" you="" distracted="" me="" with="" emperor="" litch="" just="" to="" set="" your="" pieces="" up!="" you-="">>>

[[[Hehe, it's your fault for getting distracted. Now, pay up according to our bet~]]]


[[[You owe me 1,000 Planets. Cough it up already, or I will call your sister to beat you up.]]]


[[[Now that's the old man that I knew! Hehehe, thank you for gifting these planets to me! I will not put them to waste…]]]


[[[Hmm, did you say something?]]]


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[[[Aww, are you trying to flirt with me, old man? I never knew that had that in you!]]]


[[[Hehehe, it's been years since I had a male dote on me. Now that I think about that, it actually makes me feel sad. Well, since you seem to like me, I think I have no choice but to accept your invitation to sleep with me…]]]


[[[I can feel your sister is just lurking nearby. Want me to call her?]]]


[[[[Hehe, good boy. Now, where do you want us to go, cutie pie?]]]


[[[What did you say?]]]


[[[Oh, don't worry about that, old man. You will get a lot of me later, I assure you…]]]



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