Endo and Kobayashi’s Live Commentary on the Villainess – 01

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Hearing the Voices of the Gods

『That’s some strong tsun! Liselotte is really pouring on the tsun now! Don’t you think she’s taking it too far!?』

『To describe Liselotte’s move in a nutshell, it would be ‘Let me join in too!’. But even if that’s her intention, her excessive avoiding the point and typically pompous attitude means she has been misunderstood, don’t you think? It seems that Liselotte’s favour with His Highness has fallen once again. Oh, what a precarious development…!』

As that courtyard was wrapped in a tense atmosphere, the strange voices of a man and a woman rang through the air.

The man’s voice was strong and passionate, whilst the woman’s was calm and measured.

These voices that sounded like opposites formed a magnificent duo as their sonorous call seemed to descend from the heavens. Later, when the histories were compiled, they would be called ‘Play-By-Play Endo-kun and The Colour Commentator Kobayashi-san’, revered as two of the upholding pillars of a divine pantheon of gods.




“Just what is it that you think you are doing here?”

With curled blonde hair and striking violet eyes, the moment that beautiful girl called Liselotte, who was both the daughter of Duke Riefenstahl and my fiancée, entered the courtyard, I knew that whatever would happen next would give me a headache.

“A-Ah, that’s, it’s just… There’s something I didn’t understand in the last class, so…”

The girl who spoke back to her as she embarrassingly tried to close up the textbook she had open on her knee until then had rosy pink hair and eyes the colour of the sky. Her name was Finne, a friend I had made recently.

As she sat beside me on the bench, she seemed flustered over whether she should stand up respectfully or stay sitting down, so I decided to calm things down with a hand.

“When I saw that she was troubled, I decided to help her study. Why are you here, Liselotte?”

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After I affirmed Finne’s words, Liselotte gave me a silent curtsey before opening her mouth again.

“My fiancée is spending some time alone with another woman, it seems. Or at the very least, that’s what some kind passers-by told me as I was walking through the courtyard. I merely wished to see this for myself.”

‘Oh, this really is going to be a headache’, I thought to myself miserably as her venomous tone and angry face didn’t match her polite speech at all.

“There isn’t anything that you need to be concerned about. We are just sitting in a public courtyard, talking about magic theory.”

“I am sure that Your Highness Prince Siegward has no ill intentions, but can anyone know what her expectations truly are?”

As Liselotte glared at Finne with blazing suspicion, the poor girl shook pitiably.

Certainly, if Liselotte was going off the rumour she had heard before, then things might lead to a misunderstanding. But, neither I nor Finne had done anything to feel guilty about. Thinking about it rationally, there shouldn’t really be any confusion at all.

Perhaps the woman who spoke so viciously, my fiancée Liselotte, was maliciously exaggerating what was going on for her own gain? What am I going to do about this?

“Well, it certainly would be hard for a commoner who has never received a proper education to comprehend the teachings of the Royal Academy of Magic. If you like, perhaps I could instruct you? …Ahh, or perhaps, does Miss Finne only wish to be instructed by a handsome gentleman instead?”

Just as I was about to try and talk to Liselotte and calm her down, she took things one step further before I could open my mouth.

『That’s some strong tsun! Liselotte is really pouring on the tsun now! Don’t you think she’s taking it too far!?』

『To describe Liselotte’s move in a sentence, it would be ‘Let me join in too!’. But even if that’s her intention, her excessive avoiding the point and typically pompous attitude means she has been misunderstood, don’t you think? It seems that Liselotte’s favour with His Highness has fallen once again. Oh, what a precarious development…!』

From the heavens, the 【Voices of the Gods】 resounded.


『Oh just why did Liselotte make that move!? Even if she was just saying that sarcastically, His Highness won’t take it well, just why can’t she understand thaaaaaat!』

The man’s voice was somber with regret.

I looked around inadvertently, but I couldn’t see anyone.

Neither Finne who was sitting next to me nor Liselotte, who had been directly mentioned, seemed to notice anything at all. Liselotte meanwhile continued to glare angrily at me as Finne, who was shrinking smaller and smaller into her seat by the second, glanced towards me anxiously.

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『That is because Liselotte is what we call a tsundere. She’s also genuinely worried about Finne-chan’s reputation in a situation like this, but because she loves His Highness so much her words got twisted jealously and she can’t express herself honestly.』

I could barely comprehend what the calm womanly voice was saying in my shock.

L-Love…? Who…? Jealously…? What does Soon d’Rey mean…?

“Your Highness, is there something wrong…?”

Noticing the sudden strange look on my face, Liselotte’s angry expression turned to one of worry as she looked at me.

“Ah, no, it’s that just now I heard 【The Voice of God】…”

That’s right, these were probably the heavenly messengers that only the royal family could hear,【The Voice of God】. Even though I realized it, the current situation was so far outside of the norm that I could only answer weakly, my voice trailing away.

The reason why my family came into power in this country was due to the ability to hear them.

A family that can hear the voices of the Gods who reside in a higher plane.

These heavenly voices of the Gods descend from upon high and teach us various things.

Such as unheard of knowledge and secrets of the future.

However, being able to communicate with these eccentric Gods was usually completely based on their whims.

No matter how much one would pray for wisdom or knowledge of the future, usually all you would hear from them were one or two words; perhaps a hint or a warning about a future disaster such as an earthquake, never such a fluid and fluent message like this.

And what’s more, as far back as I remembered in the records of the royal family, there had never been a case where two voices were heard at the same time.

“Have you heard of it before?” I asked Finne. As I explained the ability passed down my ancestral line to her, I glanced sidelong at Liselotte, my thoughts cloudy.

Assuming the voices I heard just now really were Gods and I believe them, then this girl is in love with me.

Certainly, if I think about it, Liselotte has always been stubborn like this around me…

『Why did His Highness Prince Siegward start thinking about Liselotte all of a sudden!?』

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『I don’t know the reason either. Perhaps His Highness heard 【The Voice of God】…? But, His Highness shouldn’t have awakened yet, this isn’t a part of the scenario at all… Is this a secret route? Endo-kun, did you input any strange commands?』

For some reason, the voice of the Goddess seemed closer nearby than before.

But what they said was true, I am still young and haven’t come of age yet, so this is the first time that I have heard the Gods’ voices.

However, somehow I am certain that the voices I am hearing descending from the heavens now must be the 【The Voice of God】I had learned about from my family’s histories.

『I didn’t do a thing! I just put it on autoplay like you told me too, Kobayashi-san. After choosing ‘Study in the courtyard’, you don’t even need to touch the controller…』

In that passionate tone of voice, similarly sounding closer than before, the male-sounding God 【Endowkuhn】.

“Ah… Umm… Oh Great Gods Endowkuhn and Coebyashayshan, what is it that you are saying…?”

I stood up from the bench and spoke to these two Gods, who spoke in a completely confusing way.

The voices from the heavens suddenly fell quiet.

Had the 【Voices of the Gods】fallen silent because they were listening to me? Since Liselotte and Finne had become anxiously quiet as well, the courtyard was blanketed by silence.

“I am deeply sorry for calling upon you so suddenly and out of turn. My name is Crown Prince Siegward, first son of the King of Fitzenhagen. I am incredibly humbled by the fact you have been calling me by my title, but please do call me Siegward or simply Sieg.”

Then, my greetings complete, I bowed deeply before the Gods.

Following my lead, Liselotte curtseyed elegantly whilst Finne nearly lost her balance as she stiffly bowed three or four times in a panic.

The Gods exist on a far higher stratum than even a member of the royal family like myself, not to mention a Duke’s daughter like Liselotte or a common girl like Finne. It wouldn’t do for them to call me ‘His Highness’.

“O’ Great Endowkuhn… Ah, I started hearing both of your exultant voices the moment you said 『That’s some strong soon!』. Our family has been blessed with the gift to hear the voices of the Gods who exist in another world.”

I couldn’t see them, but the voices of the two Gods seemed confused somehow.

『Ahh… No, I suppose there was a setting like this… Eh, wait a minute, you can really hear my voice? Well then… Your Highnes- No, Sieg, if you really can hear me, make sure to give Rize-tan, no, I mean, Liselotte a big smoooooch!』


Coebyashayshan’s words left me completely gobsmacked once again.

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Did she just tell me to kiss Liselotte…!?

What a terrible thing to consider, but all the same, they were still instructions given by God. As royalty… No, as an inhabitant of this world, I had no choice but to obey.

In any case, Liselotte is my fiancée.

I should be forgiven for at least one kiss… But, still, doing it in public would really be bad.

Ahh, but, these are the instructions of God…

As my thoughts spun around in my heard, I stepped towards Liselotte, cupping her cheek with my right hand.

“Y-Your Highness…?”

She stiffened up as she looked at me, her eyes wide with confusion.

God had commanded me.

But even so, this was a public courtyard…

There were so many eyes on us…

But, actually…

Liselotte’s cheek was unexpectedly soft.

The skin under my fingers was a beautiful pale colour.

Those glossy lips of hers were a cherry-shade of pink…

“W-What are you…Hn!?”

Ignoring Liselotte, who didn’t know what was happening, I planted a deep kiss.

Pulling her close to me.


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