“Sunday is Sunday”

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“Sunday is an off day as expected, huh…”
“I just checked with my sister and it seems that there are a few university students who attend classes on Saturday, but it’s mostly empty on Sunday unless there are certain classes or events…”

We immediately went to Kuon Kirisato’s university where Kobayashi-san’s older sister also attends to.
Although the gate wasn’t closed, the atmosphere is just too quiet and mostly empty with people as if wanting to say that we can’t enter this place at all. Thus, we sneaked in while exchanging words with a low voice.
“As expected, this is not something that can be managed by being lucky or something like that.”
“Right…. Ah, I guess it just arrived! My sister said that she has a friend who is a stalker-level fan of Kuon Kirisato and has his lesson schedules! Look!”
It seems that the light *piron* tone that came with the message from Kobayashi’s sister, was because of us being lucky.
I peered into Kobayashi-san’s smartphone screen from her back.
It turns out that today is hopeless after looking at the received schedule and places which Kuon Kirisato will likely appear one by one. Looks like Kuon Kirisato isn’t here on Sunday as he works on days when he doesn’t have class.

“…Should we call it a day for now?”
“…You’re right. Let’s come again next time.”

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We exchanged such words while looking at the continuous received text messages.
“Uhh, sorry. I should have asked my sister in advance…”
Perhaps because she was talking while exchanging messages with his sister, Kobayashi-san gave out a slightly spoiled voice, just like a ‘little sister’ would do, which made me not really care about Kuon Kirisato anymore.
“No, I’m also at fault for not questioning our chosen time, sorry. As we’re just having a look for today, how about we have some lunch nearby?”
Kobayashi-san then raised her face with joy and nodded after I suggested so.

“You should have asked me if you want to meet Kuon Kirisato.. I can be your guide if you come on weekdays!”

It seems that all the information about Kuon Kirisato has been sent completely, thus such message popped up when we were looking.
“No way.”
Kobayashi-san, whose mind seems to have already focused on lunch, quickly replied with two words.
Rather, Kobayashi-san is usually an angel, but I feel that she’s in a bit of a rebellious period only for her sister.

“What’s with that reply!? Shiipomu is being cold to me recently!”

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A crying penguin stamp was sent almost at the same time with the message. I couldn’t suppress my laugh when I saw such a thing and Kobayashi-san glared at me as a response.

“Sorry. Puh, kuhkuh, Shiipomu, is that what you are called?”
When I asked with a laugh about the strangely adorable nickname, Kobayashi Shihono-san scowled at her smartphone which is displaying her sister’s chat with tremendous embarrassment.
“Uh. That’s my nickname when I was little… It might because of a habit but I just wish that she would stop… Ah geez! This is why an older sister is…!”
That said, she shoved her smartphone into her bag. Seems like it’s decided that she won’t respond to her chat.

“She’s your older sister, so how about telling our situation and ask for her cooperation?”
I felt sorry for her sister and casually suggested such proposal.
“…….sorry….no can do.”
Kobayashi-san uttered her refusal in a tiny voice and tears in her eyes.
“Eh!? Ah! Sorry! I went too far and involved myself into someone’s business!!”
Without knowing what to do with her in a depressed state, I reflected on myself and bowed down.
“It’s fine… I’m not on bad terms with my sister. She’s beautiful, smart, and I’m proud to have her as my sister… I even borrowed her clothes for today as well. But……sorry, I just don’t want her to know about Rize-tan and the others, or rather I want to solve this with Endou-kun alone…”
She talked bit by bit with a dejected voice.

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I could only desperately nodded while searching for words to cheer her up.
I can’t say that I didn’t really think about it that much, but, should I say it…? but…uhh..what to do..?

“Excuse me, Kobayashi-sama! Endou-sama! Umm, I was wondering if I have to stay quiet before, but, umm.., could you head a little to the north? Umm, Kuon? is it? There is a similar aura like him just about 500 meters northwest from here!!”

I sighed after hearing Lilena’s sudden voice.
Kobayashi-san also wiped her overflowing tears with her hands and lifted up her face.
“…Shall we go?”
I managed to nod to the awkward words that she made.
“…Sorry, let’s go.”
Joining the same club, attending the same class, playing Gods together since before the summer vacation.
I’m ashamed of myself thinking that our distance was getting closer and talked about her relationship and family that easily.

We kept silent and head to the direction indicated by the goddess with a difficult atmosphere.
That is, to the back of a large library that is much more quiet on an empty campus.

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We spotted a man in a calm atmosphere who is wearing big black-rimmed glasses and dressed loosely.
There was also a small white cat at his feet who’s eating food in a small plate which the man probably brought with him.
“Hey, as expected, she’s really attached to me so can I bring this one back home?”
The man said such words while keeping his eyes on the white cat. I instinctively looked at Kobayashi-san after trying to talk to him.
“They said white is not good, you see. Pink is good? Like I can find that kind of cat.
I mean, her paws are pink, and her stomach is a little pink too, that’s okay, right…?”
I took a step forward while racking my brain at the words that he just said as if he was talking to someone.

“You’re really annoying. What-… huh?”
The man lifted up his face while vomiting such nasty words.
A sloppy look, unkempt hair, and a house wear that makes him look like a neet.
This man doesn’t look like a celebrity at all. However, when I stared at him up-close, he looks very well-organized, including his glasses, which would likely be judged ugly for others to wear except him, that is, Kuon Kirisato.

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