“Neither Special nor Absolute”

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“You forgetting someone…?”
A deep and low pitched voice went straight to our ears who were still gazing at each other in a happy mood.
Crap. We forgot.
Looking back at Kuon in an awkward mood, the rejected god who was shown the birth of a couple right in front of him, was staring at us with clouded eyes.

“In the end, both of you too, have mutual feelings? What’s up with humans. Go explode.”

I reflexively tried to protect Kobayashi-san on my back against the grudge-filled god, but the invincible maiden in love provocatively raised her chest and vividly mocked him.
“I haven’t done any evil deeds like you who had killed or harmed others including your loved ones just for your own desires, you see? After all, I properly did my best, like eating enough to not gain weight, as well as doing routine exercises, taking care of my skin and hair carefully, and make up… Well, I’m still working on that part, but it’s a given that I need to do my best by performing these small tasks hoping that my crush will at least think that I’m cute!
I kept doing my best every day, thinking about it even when we were having conversations, and after a year and a half of hardship, we finally managed to close our distance little by little and have mutual feelings!
You were only thinking about yourself, but I and Rize-tan are always trying to think about what other people would think as well!
That’s why, even if we get jealous and nothing works out, we still don’t forget to think about our partner!”
Kuon, who was slowly reprimanded by Kobayashi-san, regretfully stared at the ground.
His expression looks childish and his immaturity seems to appear as it is.

“Kuon, you’re just evil and atrocious with no sincerety, innocence, nor sweetness at all.
Hence, no matter how good your face or ability is, no one would like you because of how scary you are. Rather, It’s not good to cheat on someone in the first place.”

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I added a follow-up to make Kuon angrier, but Kuon laughed and casted it all away.
“Lilena is my body half. It’s obvious for her to love me, so it’s natural for me that it’s not enough, right?”
Kobayashi-san looked down on him with cold eyes.

“Despicable. Hey Lilena, it’s fine to just dump Kuon here and find someone else to love.”
Kobayashi-san looked up at the sky and said so. Even when he heard that, Kuon’s leeway smile didn’t collapse.
“Hah! Lilena is a god, you know? There’s no one who can comfort her other than me who can be loved by her and equal with her.”
“Uwah, we got a boomer here. I’ll let you know that there is currently a new age of gods in that world. Lilena is not the only god.”
Kobayashi-san’s words finally broke Kuon’s composure.

The voice of his body half, Lilena was then heard by him who was tilting his head.

“No well, we fought with all our might at that time, didn’t we?
Both Kuon and I lost our power, and that power was scattered all over the world. It was then taken in by some people…… If not for that, why do you think humans can use magic now?”

They are the ones who made Majikoi, so Kuon must have seen the world over there and the possibilities in it. Hence, of course, Lilena thought that Kuon should have already known about the magic and the new age of gods that she just said. However, all of it went against the goddess’ expectation as he was blatantly perplexed.

“No…somehow…, I thought that they have interestingly evolved before I knew it…”

“Nonono, no matter how you look at it, only our power that can operate this world as we wish. When there’s a soul that could collect a lot of that power, it would become the same as us, God…, right?

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Although I was able to regain a lot of power, I’m still wondering if I could really win against them.”

Lilena proudly said so from somewhere. As a mother of that world, I think she felt proud of her own children.

Kobayashi-san grinned and opened her mouth to the pale and silent Kuon.
“Like I said, there are gods other than you. Lilena, is there any nice god among them?”

“N-no, well…
There is, a child who was pleased with my resurrection.
The child said, “The reason I became a god was that I wanted to comfort you by coming in contact with your suffering and sadness when you were an ancient witch.”, and my heart throbbed a little.
But still, as expected, for me, Kuon is-…”

“It’s time to stop, you cheater~”
Kobayashi-san abruptly stopped Lilena’s muttering.

“Rather, if I recall, aren’t there couple of humans who have been blessed by the gods like Arthur’s ancestry? To begin with, Kuon seems to also plan to love…? Well, adore Eeva anyway, I don’t think Lilena has any choices.”
I doubt that Kuon’s vicious and distorted feelings were even called love, but I also mentioned the possibility of love between God and humankind.

Kuon, who was stunned by my remarks, seems to have let loose of his soul.
“…Hey, shouldn’t you be able to capture him now?”

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I secretly whispered to Lilena.

In an instant.

“…! I. CAUGHT. YOU!!!”

The happy voice of the clumsy goddess echoed. Almost at the same time, Kuon Kirise’s body went limp, and both of us rushed to support his body.
“…! ……puha!”
He let out a breath.
Kuon Kirise’s soul instantly went inside his own body, but he managed to get up while staggering.

“…o-ohh…Kuon finally came out…?
Farewell Kuon. Be scolded by your wife. Thank you for everything!”
Kirise-san said so while immediately shaking his hands high in the sky.
While sighing relief at the unexpectedly energetic appearance, I suddenly wondered.
“…Thank you?”
His body was used 6 times a week as he pleases, why would he be grateful for?

“Ah, that guy more or less helped my life. When I was in elementary school, I was a sickly and unlucky pretty boy with days are numbered, you see.”
He’s speaking for himself?

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I reflexively wanted to retort, but I can’t not think that he was indeed a pretty boy seeing that he has this kind of face now.
“Did Kuon cure you? But that’s not a reason to do whatever he wants with someone else’s body. Lilena, please discipline him properly.”

“Yes! Of course!!”

Goddess Lilena responded to Kobayashi-san’s words with energetic voice.

“I’m a klutz, so I’d like to ask everyone in this world and my proud children to help me. I’m neither special nor absolute anymore after all!”

The words she followed-up seems to be joyous and it made me feel that this is the happy ending.
The distorted relationship between Kuon and Lilena in a world where there were only both of them will surely become a better shape from now on.
For me, it would be best for them to break up. Whether they decide to part or reconcile, it’s impossible for Kuon to do troublesome things like killing or destroying anymore, and Lilena also understood that there is someone else other than Kuon for her.
The current story is different from before.

“Good luck, Lilena…. Goodbye!”
I gently hugged Kobayashi-san who managed to squeeze out words and waved her small hand while holding back her tears.
I softly caressed her back as she began to pressed her face against my chest and sobbed convulsively.
“I see, our role is over.……Goodbye.”

Our strange and marvelous game that started in the summer has finally closed its curtains.

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