
Chapter 121: 121

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Age 1991

"Coin, Kaen. Were you two successful?" A powerful voice asked.

Both Four, and Kaen landed on the roof of a building with a soft thud. The two of them looked up as they gave a small bow to the two men who were in front of them.

The first man who had spoken, was dressed up in head to two, in a jesters outfit... He wore a wooden mask that had a smile on it. His globes had several large metal claws coming off of it. On the front of his outfit was as a small 'one' etched it. He floated off of the ground by a few inches. He was in a seated position but was just floating off of the ground. At the tip of his head was several small bells. As in the kind that jiggled not the kind that was used for money. Strangely though they didn't seem to make any sounds, despite moving. His entire outfit was a dark purple, pink, and blue. He had an aura about him. An aura that would tell most to not mess with him.

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The second man was wearing a robe similar to Kaen, and Four, who was apparently named Coin? This man had a large two on his robes. He wore a metal mask that only covered the first upper half of his face. His lower face could be seen. It was twisted into a smirk as the man folded his arms.

Behind the two men on the roof, was a large metal machine... It was like a metallic cylinder. A large stone chair poked out of the metal rod. Small levels and buttons could be seen sticking out of the chair. A thin thread with a needle was attached to it. A black gem, poked out of it at the top. A white aura slowly rolled off of it... Inside a loud bang echoed out. Like someone was in there.


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A loud animalistic yell came out of it. It didn't like like a human. But it didn't sound like a Bestia Macht either...

It had taken them nearly a week to set the machine up. However they did have it set up now.

Now it would be the time. Now would be when they would start there plan.

"Jester, Bunt." Coin said softly still bowing to the two men. "We were unfortunately unable to slay the Noble. He had an army of those robot bastards and stopped us."

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"I see," Jester said.

"So you both failed..." The man with the two on his robes said. His name was Bunt apparently?

Kaen, and Coin both shifted nervously as they glanced at the Jester clearly afraid of what the man might do.

"It matters not." Jester finally said causing them to let out sighs of relief. "This whole city will he wiped off the face of the Earth in only a few hours..." Jester let out a small laugh. His mask changed suddenly as the smile seemed to twist around. It was only for a second though as it changed back to a normal smile.

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"Yes, sir..." Both Coin, and Kaen said giving a bow.

"We'll be leaving," Bunt announced as him and Jester turned away from the machine. "Kaen. We're trusting you to operate the machine. You'll be able to burn half of the city down. On the other side of the city Diana, and Gunther, will be operating the other machine." Bunt said simply. "With both the flames, and the earthquake combined you two should be able to total this city. Oh... And don't screw this up."

"...Yes, sir..." Both men said giving a nod.

"Good." Bunt gave a small smirk as he turned away. "Well, Jester? Should we go?" He asked.

Jester was silent for a moment before he finally nodded. "Yes... Start the machine..." He said finally. "It's time this city falls. It's time we show them, the wrath of God. It's time that the Organization goes public..."

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