
Chapter 135: 135

Age 1991

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Up in the air up above the shaking, and firey city, a metal shape shot through the air at a fast speed leaving a trail of wind behind it.

The robot flew through the air carrying the two people, in the net, towards his destination. Reaper and Ren were currently stuck. The girl was doing her best to not let the man lay a hand on her which was easier said than done in their tight spot.

\"My orders were to bring you back alive so you will come with me to-\"

\"Ha ha ha ha ha!\" Reaper laughed loudly as he raised one of his arms up cutting through the net. \"Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!\" The skeleton let out a loud laugh as he got to work.

\"Reaper! What are you doing? You will obey and-\" The robot began only to have its head ripped off. The head flew through the air smashing into a brick house and was instantly flattened from the force.

His bone sword stabbed up impaling through the head of the robot, and firing out a wave of sparks and oil. He pulled up as it was ripped off and him and the girl began to fall. The skeleton made a grab for her as the ground got closer and closer. As they fell Reaper slapped at the robot's body launching it across the air, where it also smashed into the same brick house as its head.

It hit the wall with a loud 'smack' and slowly plummeted to the floor.

Ren let out a loud gasp as they fell through the air spinning out of control. Both of their bodies collide as the skeletal man wrapped a hand around the girl's throat as hard as he could. His jaws seemed to twist into a smirk.

His laugh grew as they smashed through the roof of the building below them using the girl he held onto as a shield as she was forced through the roof and down into the rough stone floor below.

Ren's body smashed against the some floor painfully as Reaper raised his arm up and brought it down holding onto her head still, as he smashed her head first into the ground as hard as he could not holding anything back. And he did this... Again. And again.

Again, and again.

Again, and again..

Again, and again...

And again...

And again..

And again.

His arm went down then up, down then up, down then up. Several cracks started to cover the floor as each smash shook the room.

Reaper's laughter came out in a loud burst as his body grew and he regrew his lost limb. His body became massive as he rentered his battle mode. His hand tightened on the girl's face as he raised her up and slammed her down.


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The floor under them exploded as it crashed down. The floor was caved in as Ren once again smashed into the floor below.

\"Ah... Ow... How...\" Ren coughed up spitting up blood and vile as her vision went in and out. \"Stop...\" More blood started to pour out of her as the girl made a gasp. \"Stop... Stop... Stop...\" She weakily begged.






Reaper slammed down once again breaking through the floor and causing them to smash down into the floor below still using the girls body as his makeshift shield. She was once again roughly shoved into the ground.

Their force shook the room and startled the unconscious man who had been in there.

\"Reaper!\" Sirius yelled in a panic as when the two came crashing down from above. The skeleton was massive now somehow pulling in the bone fragments of every dead human in this city. The girl he was holding... Well, she no longer looked human... If not for the fact that a raspy gasp was coming from her, it'd be impossible to tell she was even alive... \"What are you doing here...\" The last thing the man had expected when he woke up was to see them come crashing down. \"Wait! You actually got one of them? Hurry up and kill her-\"

\"Sorry boss!\" Reaper yelled giving the man a crazed look as his smile grew even larger. \"Oh... And I'd suggest not telling me what to do! Ha ha ha ha!\" His laughter came out crazed as he got back to work doing his best to turn the girl he held onto, into a fine red paste on the ground.\"

The Noble actually stepped back a wave of fear washing through him for a split second. Something was wrong... Reaper was in a pure murderous state. He had lost all reason and thought... He was like a wild beast now, taking joy in the awful squishing sound that echoed out everytime the poor girls head smashed against the stone floor.

\"Reaper?\" The man asked slowly after letting out a small intake of air he had been holding in.

\"I can't talk right now!\" The man announced. \"I need to get down to the basement floor! And I have a hell of a lot of floors to get through!\"


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The floor crashed below as Sirius and the girl let out a yell. Reaper let out a yell as he slammed the girl into the floor.

\"You... You won't... Get away...\"

Reapers smile faded as he stared down at the girl. \"What?\" He questioned. Disappointment could be seen across his face as he made a face.

\"He... He'll save me...\"

\"That Red Demon? You think He'll save you!\"


The floor broke.

\"You think he'll make it in time!\"


The floor broke..

\"You think he will actually be anle to save you!\"


The floor broke...



The floor broke....

\"It's so pathetic! All of you thinking some knight will save you!\"


The floor shattered as they smashed down into the basement floor below.

Ren collided with the metal floor below as the Skelton wrapped his hands around her throat.

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She felt her head fall into a thick liquid... All around them was a pool of red.

\"Like it! This is where I have my fun! This is where I rip them apart! And afterwards...\" The skeleton wave one of his hands over to a metal machine. An incinerator... \"We put them in there! And the black smoke fills the sky. What do you think of your new home?\"

\"He'll make it-\"

\"I'll kill you!\"

His fist slammed into her face. He reached out grabbing a large sharp rock raising it above his head.

\"He said he would-\"






The sounds of the shard stabbing into her body echoed out louder and louder as he brought it down again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

\"So he'll save me...\"






\"Die! Die! Die! Die die die die die!!!\"

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\"He'll come...\"


Kick their ass!\" Nick screamed.

\"As you wish.\" One said getting back to the fight...

Sif gave a slight smirk as she got back to her feet. \"Well, it would seem we lucked out. The cavalry has arrived!\"

\"Yeah!\" Nick yelled out as he slammed his sword down as hard as he could.

\"Dawson!\" Sif yelled. \"This is your chance! Nick and I will hold them off here! Go get Ren!\"

Dawson stumbled to his feet as he entered his Red Demon mode. He made sure not to go past it into the new form since he couldn't control that yet.

\"Right!\" Dawson announced shooting forward. \"I'll save her!\"

\"No need to tell me...\"

Dawson ran forward as fast as he could heading in the direction of where he thought she was. \"...Stay safe Ren... I'll make it... I have to make it... I need to make it... I will make it!\"

As he ran he thought back to everything she had said to him. Every comment. When they first met. Everything.

Back over with Sif, she slapped her hand through the air, as it shot out a wave of darkness slicing through the wave of robots.

Nick ran forward as well also slicing through them all as he danced around. Iron began to cover his body and stab out hitting the sides of the buildings and collapsed on top of the robots.

Over with the one's made of junk they tore through the horde ripping them apart and piecing themselves apart as they ripped their opponents to pieces.

All of them fought as hard as they could...

All of them fought to hold the horde off...

Hold it off so Dawson could make it...

The Red Demon tore himself up through the air ad he spun around firing out red tendrils and using them like a rope to pulling himself from building to building moving as fast as he could heading towards the direction of the Noble building.

\"I will save her!\"

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