
Chapter 149: 149

Age 1991

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The City Of Dandelion...

A few hours after the fight...

Shelly took a small intake of breath when she felt the hand on the back of her throat. It gripped down lightly as a burning sensation flowed through her body from the touch. 

She heard his almost silent breathing, and could feel his eyes on the back of her head as he seemed to stare into her.

It creeped her out... This was one of the reasons she didn't really like Enforcers.

Her pink eyes stared ahead of her with dull and cold eyes. She numbly tried to ignore the creeping sensation that slowly went through her.

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In front of her rested a massive black ocean. She stood on the shoreline staring into the Black Depths. Even from being a few feet away from it, she could feel the intense heat that flowed out of the ocean. Its black water bubbled as a hail of steam raised off of it.

Most people were too scared to even get near it. Made sense though. It was hot enough to burn through a persons flesh in mere minutes. Over a thousand degrees Celsius. It was pretty hot.

"Shelly," Eins said in a low tone as he gave off a heavy frown. His voice practically seemed to shift into a low growl. His hand around her neck began to glow a low golden color as he tightened his grip and golden particles began to rise up off of his hands. "You've disappointed me..." He said in a very harsh tone. He reached into his pocket staring at the Crystal pocket watch he always had on him.

"I'm sorry sir Licht," Shelly said slowly. She let out a small wince as his hands began to burn.

"I told you." His grip got tighter, and his voice got harsher. "You should call me father."

"Sorry... Dad..." Shelly felt a small shiver go through her as she said those words. She began to feel slightly sick. 'Maybe those two other boys weren't so bad...' She thought slowly as she remembered Cloud, and Kitsune for a moment. Compared to Eins, they were unbelievably weak, but they were still pretty cool.

Eins seemed to gaze at her for a few moments before turning back to the black water. "Do you know why I had you made?" Eins asked slowly. A smile seemed to form onto his face. "Well. You and your two siblings. But you're the newest model. Better than those two other siblings. I made you Shelly. Or at least had that damn scientist make you. Bioengineering at its finest. You're my weapon. The King-Slayer. I'll use you. Use you to do something no Enforcer has ever done! I will slay the Kings!"

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Shelly stayed silent. He had gone over this several times before. This wasn't the first, and it likely wouldn't be the last. 

Eins finally removed his hand from her neck as he gripped his hand. "I'll slay them! Then I'll be known as a hero! The man who saved the entire human race! The first Non-Noble to become the Emperor!" He gave another loud laugh as he waved his hand out. "All of this. It'll be mine!" He announced.

'Who in their right minds would want the Black Ocean?' Shelly thought with a small frown. 

There was a loud crack that echoed through the air. Slowly the water began to bubble up as the water began to suddenly move. Then slowly something began to rise from the water. Whatever it was it was absolutely massive.

Both Shelly and Eins took a few steps back as the water poured out dripping onto the floor below them. It burned and hissed as the ground burning a hole into the floor before them.

They didn't seem to be surprised by the thing as it got higher and higher. 

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In the background, a few people could be heard screaming in panic as the thing rose out of the water. 

The thing got higher and higher piercing up to the sky.

Finally, it stopped.

A massive warship. Nearly two miles big, and three miles tall. Made out of a thick white metal that was stained black. Steam rose off of it as the ship rested on the surface. 

There was a loud mechanical sound as a massive metal door unfolded falling forward and creating a massive metal bridge connecting it to the land. It hit the ground with a loud bang as it stabbed into the dirt. 

Eins reached his hand out again placing it on Shelly's back. "Well. Let's head home." He said as he began to lightly tug on her. "I'm sure you want to see your siblings? Plus I would like to run a few more experiments on you. I'm sure the Doctor wouldn't mind cutting you open again. He seems to like doing that."

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"Right... Father..." She responded feeling another shiver go through her spine. She frowned at the thought of having to be on the cramped boat once again. But part of Eins had been right. She did want to see her siblings once again. Unlike her, they weren't allowed off of the large boat.

The two slowly walked forward heading towards the massive ship. "Oh. And don't think you'll get off scotfree for what you did. I let you roam around in the world so you can grow and socialize. Not so you can fight and show off your power. If Master Storm saw how much progress I've made without informing him I'd be- Err... I mean 'we'd' be screwed. And those Kings. No one would be able to stop them... You don't want to be known as the person who let the world get destroyed do you, Shelly."

"No father." She said slowly. 

"You'll do what I require of you right?" He asked. "You'll be a good girl."

"Yes, father..."

"I'm going to kill them! My loyal weapon! We'll take over this world. We will save it. You. Are the King Slayer!"

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