
Chapter 44

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Age 0000
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In the beginning, at age zero, the world was turned into a mad world. Mankind found themselves in this new and strange world, not knowing the events that lead up to them arriving...

War broke out amongst them as they all fought for what they believed was the correct path. Then one day God had seemingly appeared and gave an answer to the mortal crisis that had affected them, with their evolved state of being.

By God's demand, the world was split into six separate pieces...

The first was the Garden of Eden, or as it is often referred to as, the Tower of God, the second was the Red Garden, or as it is often referred to as, the Country of Red, the third was the Blue Garden, or as it is often referred to as, the Country of Blue, the fourth was the Green Garden, or as it is often referred to as the Country of Green, and the final was the White Garden, or as it is often referred to as the Country of White... The four countries were all separated from each other, and placed at a different corner of the world by God, who placed his mighty tower directly in the center. And the sixth piece was Nightshade the prison country...

And so the first age was born making Age 1... The Age God created the world.

Things were calm until age 91 when the first-ever Bestia Macht appeared... During age 101 each country made its own group. Of those different groups, two stood out. The first was the Country of Red's line of defense. A group known as the Enforcers! The second was the Country of White's line of defense. A group known as the Samurai!

At age 201 the Country of Red, and the Country of White, went into war. A war that lasted 500 years. The Enforcers, and Samurai fought viscously against each other... Neither side let up, until...

At age 501 Master Storm, leader of the Enforcers, destroyed the bridge between the two countries separating them from each other. The bridge has yet to be repaired. Over 1000 Samurai were left in the Country of Red...

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The Samurai were forced into hiding and began plotting their revenge over the ages slowly trying to rebuild their order. This all ended at age 1985... In a single large battle that lasted an entire week. A battle so big Master Storm was once again forced to get involved. When the battle ended less than 100 Samurai remained... These Samurai were set free into the Country of Red, stripped of their army, and pride...

The bad blood between an Enforcer, and a Samurai has yet to dissolve...

Age 1990

Jackson's electric blue eyes stared at the man in front of him... No... Not the man. The Samurai. Jackson reached slowly for the greatsword on his back.

"Uh oh..." Anga said quietly as he stepped back. "I don't want those two to fight... They'll bring down the whole mountain..."

The Samurai simply let out a laugh. "Relax, foolish Enforcer... I have no intention to fight you here..." The man said simply as he let go of the handle of his own blade. He gave a simple shrug as he sat back down.

"Why the hell is there a Samurai with you!" Jackson said hissing.

"Why the hell is there an Enforcer here?" The Samurai shot back.

"We're on a mission because of you guys!" Jackson yelled out pointing at the man. "Now your turn! Why are you here!"

"We hired him!" Anga stated as he gave off a shrug. "In today's age, it is actually pretty cheap to hire a Freelancer Samurai, since they are doing whatever they can to make money..." The man said simply. "We hired him to help out against the Nest..."

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Jackson let out a mutter as he crossed his arms.

"I don't get why you are so against that guy?" Hero said. "Also? What's a Samurai?"

"Are you an idiot boy?" The Samurai asked casually as he raised an eyebrow.

"He is," Jackson stated stepping in front of Hero. "But only I can call him out on it!"

"I'm lost..." Hero muttered out.

Jackson let out a sigh as his eyes never left the man in front of him. "A Samurai... Warriors from the County of White. Or at least they used to be... Now they are nothing more than hired dogs. A Samurai is someone skilled with multiple different fighting styles... You know Ken's sword right... Imagine a person using that but actually skilled with it..."

"Oh... That sounds cool..." Hero said nodding his head slightly.

"I hope us having a Samurai here doesn't offend you..." Yang said waving his hands. "We have only told you the truth. He is just here to help us get into that Nest." He said nodding his head slightly.

Jackson let out a heavy sigh. "I guess... I guess it doesn't matter." Jackson. said shrugging. "But. What is under the Nest?"

"It is as we said. We hope to find the research of a previous pair of scientists..." Anga stated.

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"What do you think?" Hero questioned the man.

"Well... We did come to destroy the nest..." Jackson admitted. "I suppose it doesn't matter as long as that guy doesn't do anything to seriously piss me off!"

"As if I would do anything." The man said shrugging.

"You said your name was Zero right..." Hero said crossing his legs as he sat down. "Where have I heard it before."

"Probably from around..." The man said simply. "There are many tales about us Samurai... As such it is only natural that some of our lore would slip through. Such as how we Samurai get our names..."

"Where do you get your names from then?" Hero questioned curiously.

"We are named after the number of times we lose." The Samurai stated.

"And your name is Zero..." Hero said slowly. "Oh... That's not good..." He said blinking slightly.

"Relax," Jackson said patting his recruit on the back. "I'm sure this guy is simply called Zero cause he's a weak-ass-coward, who never got into, any fights-" Jackson ducked suddenly as the blade sliced through the air.

"Wanna test that claim Enforcer!" Zero announced pointing his sword at the man.

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Jackson smirked as he reached up grabbing his greatsword.

"No!" Anga yelled out raising his arm up. "You guys are not fighting in here!" He stated.

The Samurai and the Enforcer both stopped as they stared at the man. Jackson gave a muttered sigh as he sheathed his large blade, Zero simply shrugged as he placed his blade back at his hilt.

"Oh good..." Hero said sighing out. "They aren't going to battle..." He said letting out a breath of relief.

"Look," Anga said holding his hands up. "Now isn't the time for either of you to hold this grudge. We need to get into that Nest. Now you can either help us, or leave... You have our word that we won't let a single Bestia Macht leave now that we know about the village."

"No, no..." Jackson said letting out a sigh. "I won't leave until I make sure that Nest is destroyed... Plus... If there really is something under there... I'd like to find it too..."

Zero let out a sigh. "So then. I guess, for now, this means we will regrettably be allies."

"Like hell we are!" Jackson announced as he aggressive crossed his arms.

"So... So what now?" Hero questioned curiously.

"Well," Jackson said slowly. "I guess it's time we destroy that Nest."

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