
Chapter 35

He was enraptured by the fluid movements of his parents practicing their fighting abilities, his fingers twitching as he traced their movements, itching to get up and move around, just like them.

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His mother, a beautiful raven-haired woman and his father, a dashing light-brown haired man, just laughed as they practiced together. Yoan had a mixture of their looks, except that his bright, emerald eyes were from his mother.

"Honey, look at Yoan, he's twitching, he clearly wants to join us."

His mother said those words to his father, a smile on her lips.

"No, that kiddo ain't joining us! He'll get hurt!"

"We can just practice it slowly if you carry him on your shoulders!"

"You wanna join us, kiddo?"

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His father questioned him and Yoan nodded his head excitedly, jumping off the wooden platform and sprinting to his father. His father couldn't resist Yoan's adorable pouty look, carrying him up on the shoulders.

"Careful not to--"


Yoan hollered out as he pointed his finger into the air, pushing himself forward in an eager manner. That caused him to almost fall from his father's shoulders as he yelped in alarm and his father panicked, stabilising him quickly. His mother gasped, jogging to them and she realised Yoan was fine, making her giggle.

"I told you we shouldn't let him join us."

"Oh hush, honey. You are too overprotective of Yoan, we should be teaching him how to fight and defend himself."

"No, no way!"

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His mother sighed, shaking her head and she leaned in, kissing Yoan on his cheek.

"One day, you'll grow up to be a great warrior and you'll do us proud. Isn't that right, honey?"

"Hmph, yeah. Isn't that obvious? He's our son."

His father reached his hand up, ruffling his son's hair and Yoan grinned, nodding happily, snuggling closer to his father.

The memory dissipated and Yoan smiled fondly, opening his eyes once again and finding himself back in the tent. Siraye, May and June, had similar expressions on their faces, just like Yoan. Hilia observed them in their trance, gratified and she stumbled her way towards Yoan, sitting back down on the couch. Without warning, she laid her head on his shoulder, her eyes fluttering close and she kept her staff.

Yoan snapped out from his daze, gazing at Hilia who was tired out by using her powers without proper rest for the entire day. His gaze became more gentle and he patted her head once, as if commending her.

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"You didn't need to waste your energy for that."

"It's fine, at least, you got to see your parents again, didn't you? I haven't been able to do this for a while, I'm glad an opportunity was presented to me once again."

Alas, there was an unfortunate thing to that spell, while those who were within the vicinity experiences the effects of the blessing from Ceana, the priestess themselves were not able to experience those effects. It was a fond memory of their past which gave them a sense of peace and hope, and soothed their souls.

Siraye stood up slowly and she took a few steps forward, bowing slightly as she greeted Hilia in a polite manner.

"I, Siraye, princess of Lathia greets you, honourable priestess. I sincerely apologise for the brash behaviour beforehand, and I hope you are able to understand the reasons behind my actions as my kingdom is in a dire state right now."

Hilia's eyes widened at Siraye's words, that were obviously too polite for her liking. She knew that her grandmother told her that priestesses were regarded as a person of importance wherever they went, but she didn't know it was until this extent. She raised her head up, shaking her head and her hands at Siraye, embarrassed.

"Your Highness, please, I do not blame you. I--I understand the reasons behind your actions, this, erm, this isn't…" Hilia trailed off, flustered at how a princess was treating her like an honoured guest.

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Siraye lifted her head up, smiling gratefully at Hilia, May and June finally relaxed, finally serving them the tea that was thankfully still warm. Hilia thanked them with a smile, while Yoan muttered out a small "thanks", sipping on the tea in a rather ungraceful manner.

"But, pardon me, there's still something I do not fully understand."

"What is it, Your Highness?"

"You aren't a common townsfolk, and the two of you can clearly handle yourselves in a battle, how did you end up here?"

"Mino sent us here, to look for you." Yoan answered, reaching forward and May poured him another cup of tea, when she stiffened at his words. June and the princess had the same reaction, making him pause as he glanced up.

"Wh-what's wrong?" Hilia questioned, growing nervous.

"Mino...sent you here? To look...to look for me?" Siraye repeated those words, her voice soft and unsteady.

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