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Yo Lost Writer here, not going to lie it feels kind of weird writing on inkstone again, this past month whenever I tried to write it was always on google drive so this format fell so new to me again. But anyway I'm writing this to say to everyone that I'm still alive and I still plan to write this fan-fic (and many more in the future).

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Just wanted to point out though that I'm a college student now and while I really wish I could have time to write like I used to in high school but sadly I just don't have the time, The reason is that I'm an engineering major and that comes with a **** ton of homework, classwork, and lab work so much so that I cry just remembering what I had to go through this past week (TT_TT).

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But anyway forget all that stuff and let me get back to what I was going to say in this update. So I originally was going to release a chapter today but my professors just gave me and my class a sudden change in schedule so rather than writing I had to spend my day preparing for something I have to do in a few days (and it sucks). So the originally writing session I was working on this morning had to be cut short and I only have around 600 words written down so far.

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Now since I've been gone for a month and I think some of you guys are waiting for a chapter, I'll leave the choice up to you guys, should I release what I have now and finish it later this weekend when I have time or wait for this weekend to complete it (then release it). The choice is up to you guys I'm fine with whatever choice you got I'll see the result when I wake up tomorrow and make my choice then. Now if you'll excuse me I got this 2-hour physics lecture I need to watch for class, later~.

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- The Lost Writer @@

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