Entertainment Circle’s Mascot: Chapter 1

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On a summer night near the Mid-Autumn Festival, under the dim yellow night light, a group of people on the street are walking along the quiet roadside.

The mature girl who walked at the front muttered angrily, “What a bad program! Where can I go to find a vegetarian in the middle of the night? I still need someone to follow me willingly to complete the next task. Is it funny…”

There were a group of people behind the girl, some carrying cameras, some carrying water, and some carrying other objects. One of the boys was worried and said, “Sister Sha, please stop talking. We are still recording the program, and Mai is also on…”

The girl who was called Sister Sha glared back at him angrily: “I can’t say that? Before the program was recorded, she didn’t say that she wanted me to look for people in the street at night. Whom did we meet when we walked all the way? Either they were drunkards or people thought we were liars, or they were in a hurry and didn’t have time to talk to us!”

The boy smiled bitterly and dared not speak again. At present, this is a star. She is also famous for her straightforwardness and courage, dares to say, dares to do.  He didn’t know whether it was luck or something else. Such a temperamental person unexpectedly attracted so many fans, she must be a clear stream in the entertainment industry.

The task assigned by the program group this time was really a bit too much. He’d better not talk to stop this sister from bringing up more words to complain.

He thought to himself that if he couldn’t find anyone in twenty minutes, he would contact the director and let them find someone behind the scenes. Otherwise, he was afraid that Sister Sha would quit.

Nearly ten minutes later, Sister Sha was obviously upset. Just when she was about to say something angry, she saw a young man sitting with Uncle Mai’s puppet on the bench downstairs not far from them.

He was obviously not alone, sitting side by side with the Uncle Mai doll. At this moment, however, with the grinning clown, his figure seemed even more lonely.

Sister Sha doesn’t care whether he was lonely or not. She only knows that he was a young man who seemed to have nothing to do!

She trotted over excitedly and stood in front of the young man. She took off her cap, put on a gentle face as much as possible, and looked forward: “Hello, are you free now?”

When the young man heard the words, he raised his head and showed a face that was too beautiful. The best thing on his face was a pair of beautiful, clean, and clear almond eyes. She saw him blinking his beautiful big eyes, his long eyelashes sweeping, his voice was flat and slightly soft, as he asked, “Hello, what’s the matter?”

Sister Sha was breathless. It seemed that she was unlucky. The good-looking brother she met was not her fan. And look, although the little brother’s voice was a little sticky, he seemed a little cold.

She gave a friendly smile and said amiably: “Well, we are recording a program. According to the program requirements, I need to find someone to be my partner in the street to complete some tasks assigned by the program group. I want to ask; do you have time now?”

The young man’s eyes swept over the group of people behind her with a little fear and precaution in his eyes. He did not know what it meant to record the program, but he knew that the things held by those people could be used as weapons.

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Sister Sha immediately said, “We mean no harm, really! And if we finish the task, the program team will give me a reward, and then I will give you half! I can ask the program team for two boxes of milk provided by the sponsor for you!”

The young man hesitated for a moment and gently stroked his hungry belly. After a moment’s reflection, he nodded.

So, Sister Sha acted very familiarly and tried to pull him up. She smiled and said, “They all call me Sister Sha. How do they call you, little brother?”

The young man paused, stood up by himself, avoiding Sister Sha’s hand, and threw his large backpack onto his back. He replied coldly, “Lian Qing.”

Sister Sha didn’t care about his indifferent attitude, so she naturally took back her hand and asked the staff she brought: “How much time is left before the time set by the program team?”

One of them answered, “Thirty-five minutes.”

Sister Sha nodded in disappointment. When she couldn’t find her partner, she felt that time was too slow. When she found her partner, she felt that there was still so much time left

Their next task cannot be started until the time is up.

She turned her head to look at the young man and asked softly, “Little brother, are you hungry?”

Lian Qing answered quickly this time: “Hungry.”

“Then can I buy you something to eat?”


Sister Sha’s smile faltered and thought the young man was strange. Could it be said that the cold attitude just now was her illusion?

She looked at his face again, which was cold and showed no emotion. After a quick survey, she finally found that the boy’s beautiful eyes were full of caution and expectation.

She felt funny. The boy was too cute! On the surface, it looks like a Gaoling(high mountain range) flower. He didn’t realize that those little eyes betrayed him.

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Sister Sha smiled and asked, “What would you like to eat?”

Without even hesitating, Qing said, “I want to eat meat.”

After saying that, he regretted it and added, “Otherwise, you can buy me a ham sausage…”

The first day he came to the mountain, he didn’t eat meat, but he felt that it should be very expensive. It’s not good for strangers to treat him to meat. Ham is a little better. He heard from his classmates that the big ones were only two yuan a piece, and if eaten in his own dry food, he would have eaten meat.

“No, let’s eat meat!” Sister Sha quickly pointed at a sign behind her, “I have to let you eat enough to help me finish the task later. How about eating here?”

Help her finish the task… Lian Qing thought about it, this way, he wouldn’t have eaten for free. So, he nodded heavily, and a fleeting smile appeared on his tightly pursed lips.

At the ordering counter, Sister Sha neatly said to the waiter: “Three fried chicken nuggets, three fried chicken wings, two fried chicken burgers, one cup of Dake.”

The waiter immediately ordered the meal and politely asked, “Do you need anything else?”

Sister Sha glanced at Lian Qing, skipped his solemn and serious face, and only looked at his eyes. Seeing his small eyes confused, she directly said: “Not for the time being.”

After saying that, she pointed to the staff behind her. “They’ll give money.”

The staff took out their wallets to pay while Sister Sha pulled Lian Qing to find a place to sit down. During this period, Lian Qing looked back at the man who paid the money and was envious. He also hoped that someone would help him pay when he ate because he was very poor.

A staff member came forward, took a mini radio microphone, and explained a few words to Lian Qing. With his consent, he pinned the small thing on his collar.

While waiting for the meal, Sister Sha chatted with Lianqing warmly.

“Little brother, why did you promise to go with me just now? Aren’t you afraid I might deceive you? Or do you think I’m a good person?”

Lian Qing shook his head and said honestly, “Because there are so many of you, there are so many people.”

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Sister Sha smiled stiffly and said helplessly: “Do you think we are so many that you will be beaten if you refuse?”

Lian Qing nodded and shook his head again: “I am not afraid of fighting, but I can run away. But in a society ruled by law, it is illegal to gather people to fight.”

“Poof!” Sister Sha can’t help laughing. This child is so funny! She couldn’t help asking, “Little brother, you are about 20 years old. Are you a college student?”

“No, I didn’t go to college.”

“Oh… So, have you already worked?”

Work? Lian Qing thought about it carefully and said, “That’s right.”

Sister Sha said, “What do you do?” She was really curious about what kind of work such a cute person does.

“I used to be a monk in the Sanlian Temple on the mountain.” Speaking of the word “monk”, Lian’s cold face showed a smile, and his eyes were shining, which showed that he was very proud of his career.

Sister Sha’s smile froze: “And… Monk?!”

She suspected that the young man was fooling her. She had never seen such a beautiful little monk with fresh short hair, a simple T-shirt, jeans, and white shoes.

“Well, it’s a pity that I have returned to the secular world.” Lian Qing said, and his face gradually became lonely. “The master said that I was still young and shouldn’t be confined to one side of the world and be a frog in a well. So, he asked me to return to the secular world and come out to see the outside world.”

Sister Sha is dubious. She has never heard of the Sanlian Temple. She wanted to ask again but was interrupted by the waiter who delivered the meal. She had no choice but to say to Lian Qing, “Eat. It’s all for you. If it’s not enough you can order more.”

The aroma of fried chicken filled his nostrils. He swallowed his saliva with restraint and asked politely: “Aren’t you and your companions going to eat?”

“I want to lose weight and can’t eat. They are the staff of the program team and can’t appear on the screen.”

Lian Qing couldn’t understand, she was clearly thinner than many women on the road. Why did she still want to lose weight? He didn’t know much about not appearing on the show, but he didn’t ask again for fear that Sister Sha might find him annoying. After saying thank you, he picked up a hamburger and gobbled it.

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He ate politely, but his speed was definitely not slow. The mouth was like a little hamster, it never stops.

Sister Sha couldn’t help swallowing saliva. She remembered that these things tasted just like that, but how could this person eat so deliciously?

She couldn’t help asking, “Is it delicious?”

Lian Qing nodded hard, his eyes wide open and shining. He swallowed the food in his mouth and said, “It’s delicious. It’s my first time eating meat. It’s so delicious! No wonder the first thing Shifu asked me to do after going down the mountain was to buy some meat to eat… Shifu also said that I would not want to go back to the mountain after eating it!”

He paused and said, “But I still want to go back. That’s my home.”

Sister Sha suddenly felt a little sad. Looking at Lian Qing’s earnest expression, she changed the subject abruptly and said jokingly, “I now believe you are a real monk. Otherwise, I won’t call you little brother in the future, but I will call you little monk.”

Lian Qing nodded indifferently, “Once upon a time, there were occasional pilgrims in the temple. They all called me a little monk. But now there are few pilgrims in the temple…”

He thought for a while and then said, “Sister Sha, I always wanted to say that you shouldn’t have called me younger brother. You are older than me.”

Sister Sha’s smiling face became stiff, and six characters were playing in her mind: You are older than me.

The author has something to say:

The second “Heard that the whole network is waiting for me to make my debut” has opened a hole, which can be seen in the author’s column

Natural Stupid/Black Little Monk is Online

One of the sore spots of women – Don’t say she is old!

Roll to receive five characters and praise. No? Lie down, I can’t get up.

TN: I haven’t read this book, so I am translating as I go. I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but I guess we’ll find out together. I was pulled in by the synopsis and it was a recommendation in one of the translation sites I read on. I was very interested in it, but no one had translated it yet and the MTL gave me a headache. That’s why I decided to try translating it myself. Disclaimer: I am using apps to do this, so the translations may not be the most accurate, but I’ll do my best editing it, so it doesn’t look like it’s been written by a three-year-old.

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