If Sun QiMing had asked her to perform on the spot, Jiang Se was really not sure she could pass. However, she had been studying foreign languages since she was a young child and it was one of her required courses ‘before.’ 

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Jiang Se assertively nodded and said, “Since I was little, I have learned a little bit of foreign languages, so simple conversational English is not a problem for me.”

Unprepared for her response, Sun QiMing’s brows rose in surprise.

The other people in the room also tittered and murmured a word or two, and it was plain to see that they did not anticipate this result as well.

Sun QiMing gave the folder in his hand a quick glance before motioning for Jiang Se to continue.

If Jiang Se really could speak English, then the likelihood that she could take on the role of ‘Miss Zhang’ was high.  

Jiang Se cleared her throat and then began with a simple introduction of herself in English. Following that, she then gave a brief description of the movie ‘Operation Rescue’ and some of the things she had seen and done during the filming. 

Sun QiMing nodded thoughtfully, and a small, shallow smile slowly spread across his face.

“Your image and temperament fit well with a character in the script,” Sun Qiming said with a faint look of satisfaction.

Sun QiMing had assumed that Jiang Se’s English was at most rudimentary or conversational just like the other people in the conference room. They thought she had learned the basics in school and maybe taken some extra classes elsewhere.

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But the moment she opened her mouth, Sun QiMing was surprised to find that her performance far exceeded his expectations. Even if it was only a few brief sentences, she managed to speak clearly without sounding awkward or clumsy.

However, it was possible that Jiang Se had prepared for this beforehand. She may have recited everything from memory to sound so ‘fluent.’

Sun QiMing pulled out a page from the folder marked ‘flight attendant Miss Zhang,’ and handed it to a staff member beside him, who then gave it to Jiang Se.

“All right, can you read those lines for me?”

Jiang Se took a hold of the paper and quickly scanned the information written on it. She read the brief summary of the role of ‘Miss Zhang,’ which was outlined in a single paragraph, and she immediately understood what Sun QiMing had said about her fitting the profile and temperament they were seeking. 

The role only had a few lines, and ‘Miss Zhang’ would appear at most twice throughout the movie. For each appearance, she would only speak for a short moment, and her lines would be closely related to the plot.

Sun QiMing’s invitation to ‘read the lines’ was, in reality, where the real audition started. Unlike what happened during the filming of ‘Operation Rescue’ where she was pointed out on a whim and was merely pushed to perform beyond her limits.  

He was testing how she would perform with numerous eyes watching her every move, while at the same time he wanted to know how proficient her English was—the sheet of paper was all written in Chinese, even the lines she had to read.

In this way, it would be easy to work out whether Jiang Se had prepared her words in advance or had bluffed her English skills. No matter her connections to Zhang JingAn or Liu Ye, the crew would then be able to reject her with ease.

This time there was no costume and makeup prepared for her, nor was there someone like Gao Rong who would act opposite her and help her get into the role. She had to do everything herself, and for any rookie, having to perform rather abruptly was more than a challenge. Any newcomer would feel suffocated and panic under pressure; most often, they would get stage fright.

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This was Sun QiMing’s intention—he wanted to assess not just her language skills but also her adaptability to the circumstances.

If she actually played a part in ‘Operation Rescue,’ was able to join the crew with Liu Ye’s assistance, and her claim about Zhang JingAn was true, then she would not be easily intimidated by the atmosphere in the room even if she could not immediately slip into her character.

Jiang Se poured through the designated lines of ‘Miss Zhang’, a brief description of the 20th Arrondissement of Paris, and recited them twice in her head.

Jiang Se hesitated, then looked enquiringly at Sun QiMing: “France? Do you need me to speak it in French as well?”

Sun QiMing exclaimed in surprise, leaning forward in his seat, and examining Jiang Se’s face intently. “Oh? Can you also speak French?”

Jiang Se nodded her head slightly and said, “I know a little. Yes.”

Jiang Se was short on money, and this job might just be what she needs to lighten her burden. She was determined to fight for this role and did not mind revealing all of her skills if that was what it took.

Sun QiMing snapped his fingers and pointed at Jiang Se, saying, “In that case, I’ll give you some time to prepare, and once you’re ready, you can immediately begin.”

With these words, Sun QiMing adjusted his sitting posture, then leaned comfortably back in his chair. Hands on the arms of his chair, he looked expectantly at the focused Jiang Se. 

The conference room descended into silence, and only the faint sounds of the cold air blowing through the vents from the overhead air-conditioner could be heard in the room.

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Jiang Se read the lines on the paper one more time, then closed her eyes to organize her words. She was to play an airline employee, one working in the service industry. She tried to remember what the flight attendant had looked like and sounded like when she had spoken to her on her previous flight, as well as how the woman had moved deftly through the aircraft while chatting with passengers as she moved from aisle to aisle.  

Soon, Jiang Se’s brows and cheeks gradually relaxed, and the corners of her mouth slowly curled upward. When she opened her eyes again, her smile was that of a young woman with a sweet disposition, and her expression had softened and become gentle, radiating a calm attitude. A pair of clear and intelligent eyes gazed at the people behind the table.

Jiang Se was very aware she was just ‘performing’, pretending to be a flight attendant, but that did not stop her from beaming radiantly at the crowd, her smile sincere and reaching her eyes.

A strand of long hair by her cheeks was gently hooked behind her ears, revealing the beautiful curve of her ear and a long, graceful neck. Unhurriedly, she opened her mouth to speak the lines written on the paper, but this time she did so in French.

Just like earlier, when she spoke English, there was no hint of awkwardness on her face or in her voice. Her words flowed naturally, surprisingly, as did her performance.

Her every gesture appeared exquisite and refined to everyone’s eyes, almost as if Gu JiaEr himself had edited and polished this scene.  

Even the simple action of Jiang Se looking down on the paper appeared effortless and natural to the beholder.

The inflection of her voice was gentle, and her accent was noticeably French. The short and simple overview of the 20th Arrondissement now had an added touch of romance, as well as the unique arrogance of a French woman.

That kind of feeling, that impression was definitely not something easily expressed by someone who just ‘studied a bit of foreign language.’

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For a moment, the people in the room had the strangest feeling that they were not in the confines of a conference room in the capital city but instead were somewhere in France, listening to the local history of the place as it was narrated in a leisurely tone.

Even though the majority of the people in the room did not understand a word Jiang Se was saying, it did not stop them from being successfully drawn into the scene. Her outstanding appearance, like icing on the cake, only enhanced the illusion.  

Once again, Sun QiMing’s impression of her changed—Jiang Se was definitely no longer just a pretty face. He now sincerely believed that Zhang JingAn had indeed given her a role to play, and all the other things she claimed must have some modicum of truth.

Her performance was not flawless; there were several mistakes, the biggest of which was that her demeanor did not appear like that of someone working in the service industry but instead was the opposite—as if she were a little miss being served. But the pros outweigh the cons. Jiang Se was able to transition into her role without any difficulty, and her facial expression was natural. Additionally, when called upon to perform, she showed no signs of stage fright or timidity.

But most importantly, her French was really good, at least to a layman, and that was enough to satisfy Gu JiaEr and the ambience that he wanted to convey in his film.

Perhaps her excellent demeanor did not resemble that of a flight attendant, and while this was typically a flaw, it might work to her advantage in this movie.

Gu JiaEr wanted to create a visually stunning romantic film with an intellectually appealing plot. He asked for an actress, not a flight attendant. Jiang Se’s looks and manners were quite good, which would only enrich the movie.

Now, Sun QiMing’s only concern was that this rookie stood out for all the wrong reasons—she was too attractive, and her bearing stood out too much. Both of the scenes in which she would appear would also feature the lead actor and actress. He was worried that Zhao RuoYun would be overwhelmed just by her looks alone.

In spite of this, Sun QiMing was still determined to employ Jiang Se. He had a hunch that he had uncovered an unpolished gem.

Once Jiang Se finished reciting her lines, Sun QiMing immediately stood up and clapped his hands once, saying, “Very good. In a little while, someone will talk to you about the particulars of this role as well as other details of the filming. It’s good to have you on board! I look forward to seeing you on the set.”

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