Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 19: Entertainment Industry Acting Emp

Chapter 19: The Cast

March 13, 2021kaychandra

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Chapter 19: The Cast
Translated & Edited by KChandra

“Stop,” Director Li took a puff of his cigarette, then threw the butt on the ground and stomped hard with his dusty shoes, “No, no, you guys find the feeling again.”

This was a conference scene. In order to render the tension in the meeting, the director team decided to shoot this scene in long shots, so it needed the actors’ tacit understanding and control of the scene.

The actors present were all strong actors, and they originally thought it wasn’t difficult, but unfortunately the reality gave them a headache.

These artists performed well in their individual scenes, but when it came to group scenes, there were various problems. So many problems boiled down to the fact that they all felt they were playing the most important role, resulting in no one being willing to listen to anyone, and the whole scene’s feeling was ruined.

Ten minutes later, shooting again, Director Li looked at the performance of the crowd in the monitor with an increasingly gloomy face, and finally spoke directly: “Stop!”

Everyone saw the bad face of Director Li and bowed their heads in silence. No one spoke.

“You’re all strong actors, but look for yourselves. Is this filming a meeting of great people or a group of entertainers competing for the limelight?” Director Li was so angry that he kicked over the chair at his feet and pointed at the nose of a certain film emperor, “You’re playing the teenage years of a national leader, not the overlord[1] of the generation!”

“And you, you’re playing a famous scientist, not beauty who looks down on heroes!”

“What a mess it all is!”

“You acted out a meeting that changed the fate of the country like this. Are you worthy of those forefathers back then?!”

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“Give it a lot of thought. Don’t tarnish the role you’re playing. The souls of the martyrs beneath the ground knew that their descendants interpreted their images this way, I don’t know how disappointed they would be!”

The whole audience was silent. Everyone looked at Director Li, who was angry to the extreme, in different moods.

“Rest for another half hour.” Director Li took a deep breath and touched his jacket pocket, only to pull out an empty cigarette case, which he threw on the ground in annoyance, then turned around and left.

The actors sitting at the conference table looked at each other, and several entertainers who had been criticized by Director Li himself were red in the face, and the atmosphere was very awkward for a while.

Although all the people here were film emperors and film queens and veteran actors, when a director of Director Li’s level scolded them, they could only listen, and even worry that because the performance wasn’t good enough, Director Li would have a bad impression of themselves.

Gongxi Qiao, as Admiral Zheng, was also a participant in this meeting, so he was sitting at the conference table with everyone to be scolded. Sitting on either side of him was a heavyweight film queen, Dai Ni, and a veteran actor, Mr. Nie Qicheng, causing him to feel a lot of pressure when acting.

Dai Ni played the famous female scientist Dr. Yang, who invented the advanced fighter jet and was also involved in the development and research of a certain important missile, a very remarkable character.

Being scolded by Director Li in front of the whole crowd, Dai Ni, although somewhat overwhelmed on the surface, was very clear in her heart that she was in a very bad state today for filming.

“Sister Dai, I see that your countenance today hasn’t been very good, are you unwell?” Gongxi Qiao took the hot tea handed over by Xiao Yao and put it in front of Dai Ni, “Drink a little.”

“Thanks.” Dai Ni began to enter the acting circle at the age of fifteen, and had already been in this circle for nearly twenty years. How could she not hear that Gongxi Qiao’s words were to relieve her embarrassment? She picked up the cup and politely took a sip, and found that the tea had a faint fragrance of brown sugar and red dates, so she took another sip.

She didn’t like to read when she was young, and came to the acting world at a young age to make her way. Having seen a lot of people and events, she really didn’t quite understand Dr. Yang from a spiritual point of view.

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A tough, intelligent and patriotic woman. What should she be like in a meeting where most of the participants were men?

“Xiao Qiao, I heard that there are many talented girls in your school. Were they usually very arrogant?” Dai Ni put down her teacup and said in a joking tone, “It’s just a pity that I read too few books when I was young and have seen too few geniuses.”

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“Ah?” Gongxi Qiao froze, then frowned and thought for a while before shaking his head, “They aren’t arrogant. In their eyes, except for valuable research, everyone else is similar to a wooden stake.”

“For example…” he smiled and looked across the table at the film emperor, “in the eyes of many people, Brother Liang is super handsome and girls have to scream when they see him, but in the eyes of those genius girls, Brother Liang is no different from you. “

Liang Yumeng heard this talk from Gongxi Qiao and smiled, “I’m actually the same as Big Beauty Dai?”

“Yes, in their eyes, you’re just people.” Gongxi Qiao sighed and said with a helpless face, “Just like me, in the eyes of the girls in our class, I’m not as attractive as a piece of historical documentation.”

The crowd was amused by his words, and the original awkward atmosphere began to dissipate. Liang Yumeng, as the film emperor who was scolded the most by Director Li, was still in a good frame of mind, and he smiled at Gongxi Qiao, “It seems that Xiao Qiao didn’t have such a good time in school either.” He lit a cigarette and took a drag, “I didn’t find a good state for this scene today, which delayed everyone’s shooting progress. I’ll be the host tonight and buy ingredients to make hot pot as amends to everyone.”

He was a big shot in the entertainment industry and his emotional intelligence had always been praised by the media. Although this scene today wasn’t his fault alone, he took the blame and gave the veteran actors and actresses present a leg up.

These veteran actors and actresses weren’t as famous as him, but they had status and would be respected entertainers when they went out. He, the film emperor, wasn’t necessarily qualified to be honored that way until he was old.

“This scene today isn’t the problem of any one person,” Nie Qicheng, who had not spoken, sighed and looked at the audience, “you young people did a good job. It’s us old guys who are too presumptuous. It’s no wonder that Director Li is so angry. Director Li is right, if we don’t perform properly, it would indeed be sorry for those who sacrificed their heads and spilled their blood for the country, ah.”

After Nie Qicheng opened his mouth, all the people were scrambling for self-examination and looking for their own shortcomings.

Several of the most heavyweight artists in the room said they were bad. The others certainly didn’t think they would be better. Whether they were sincere or not, they at least had to take the right standpoint.

Dai Ni had long seen this kind of thing in the circle, so she was a bit unimpressed by what these people said. What she recalled just now was what Gongxi Qiao had said.

In the eyes of a research-obsessed scientist, perhaps there really was no distinction between the sexes regarding beauty and ugliness. What they were after were the results of scientific research, and the benefits that research would bring to the people.

Great people simply didn’t distinguish between men and women.

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Director Li stood outside the door. Listening to the conversation inside, his expression eased a lot.

Pushing open the door he walked behind the monitor and sat down: “We have also been shooting this movie for two months. I believe that everyone is also capable of shooting this scene well. Take your places and try again.”

The ‘National Industry’ crew had been filming in a closed location for two months. The actors not only had to shoot the scenes, but also had to learn about the history of the era. Food, clothing, housing and transportation were all set by the crew. In order to improve the food, they could only have their assistants buy ingredients and send them in. Although there were no restrictions on the use of communication equipment, everyone signed a confidentiality agreement before coming to the set. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, these celebrities were smart enough to keep their work phones off. If anyone wanted something, they all went to contact their agents or assistants, they didn’t care.

In order to shoot the scene well, there were special teachers to teach them sitting posture and accent, in order to achieve the best shooting effect.

This time the shooting was really smooth. Everyone’s emotions were in place. The artists and staff present were relieved, and Director Li waved his hand to end the shooting for the day.

Then the main actors got together to find a large room with an induction stove to cook hot pot. The taste wasn’t so delicious, but since food that was looted tasted especially good, everyone was happy to eat. Even a few old actors put down their airs and grabbed ham to eat with everyone.

After eating the hot pot, everyone’s feelings deepened twofold, and many people left the room gently rubbing their slightly rumbling stomachs.

“Xiao Qiao,” Dai Ni called out to Gongxi Qiao who was ready to go upstairs, smiling gently, “Thank you for today.”

Gongxi Qiao’s face showed a bewildered expression, “Sister Dai… You’re welcome.”

Seeing him show such an expression, the smile on Dai Ni’s face relaxed a few points: “It’s okay. It’s late, go to rest early.”

Gongxi Qiao nodded and waited for Dai Ni to turn around and leave before continuing to walk upstairs.

Some good intentions were better if you didn’t let people think you did it on purpose. Sometimes unintentional help could make people feel better.

The filming of ‘National Industry’ was very hard. However, it was impossible for the outside world to know. The doubts about Gongxi Qiao hadn’t disappeared, but had a tendency to get stronger and stronger. As New Year’s Day was approaching and the date of the centennial of the founding of the country was getting closer and closer, the gossip media’s originally rational criticism became increasingly biased.

Some even said, what else made Gongxi Qiao shine besides his identity as an Imperial Capital University student?

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Good-looking? A little money in the family? The third actor in a drama that brain-dead fans liked?

“How much money did his father spend to put him into this movie? I heard that the coal mining industry has been in the doldrums recently, is their family under a lot of pressure?”

When such remarks came out, there were actually many netizens online who expressed their approval. In the eyes of a group of rich-haters, Gongxi Qiao basically became the sort of rich second generation who proved that “a benevolent man can’t be rich” and committed atrocious acts.

Xiao Qiao’s father V: If money could be spent to get into the ‘National Industry’ crew, I would have spent it already. The “stuffed in with money theory” of some netizens, do they think too highly of our family, or look down on the National Station?

When Gongxi Xiong made this statement, there were countless netizens who said that Papa Gongxi had a good point and they were speechless.

If you could get into a movie like ‘National Industry’ by paying money, it would be too contemptuous.

So the question was, how did Gongxi Qiao get into the show?

One night, a blogger with a V but not many followers spoke up.

Qian Boyu V: Gongxi Qiao is a very good young man, he was recommended by me, and then after the whole director team’s examination, he joined the ‘National Industry’ crew filming.

At first not many netizens noticed this tweet until some bored netizen looked up the blogger’s biography.

Green Family Ten Birds: Took a look at the blogger’s profile on Qiandu[2], almost peed myself in fear, the blogger is great, please allow me to kneel!

Smoky River North: Peed in fear after seeing the blogger’s information on Qiandu +1, I feel like some people are going to get face slapped. Inexplicably even feel some small anticipation.

Flying Big Dumpling: the grandson of Admiral Zheng personally recommended Qiao Shao to play the role of Admiral Zheng. Does the face of some hopping haters hurt?


Overlord: 霸主 Historically the title of powerful rulers in ancient China, but is used in modern speech to refer to somebody with a very high status in a some aspect.Qiandu: 千度 Literally “A thousand degrees”. I’m pretty sure this is a stand-in for Baidu (百度), which is basically China’s Google and Wikipedia

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