Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 21: Entertainment Industry Acting Emp

Chapter 21: Weibo Fiasco

March 17, 2021kaychandra

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Chapter 21: Weibo Fiasco
Translated & Edited by KChandra

“Hahahaha, did you guys know that today we have a tycoon here who booked thirty special shows of ‘Lord Brother-in-Law’, and there are several big flower baskets hanging outside the cinema?” A netizen posted in the Cape Forum, in a tone that was practically sighing with emotion, “Gongxi Qiao fans are really tycoons.”
The netizen who posted that then posted a photo taken outside the movie theater.
The movie theater in the photo was very famous, and netizens said that it was too rich to book thirty consecutive shows.

There were twelve large flower baskets lined up in two rows, each with a line of words on it that read, “Wishing Qiao Shao’s first movie a big hit at the box office.”

Netizen A: Hahahaha, it must be Daddy Gongxi who can do this kind of tycoon behavior.

Netizen B: The brother upstairs doesn’t know that Daddy Gongxi has already booked shows, but he only booked 20 shows and was outclassed by this mysterious tycoon fan.

When the netizens were speculating about who this person was, one netizen came out and said, “When Daddy Gongxi finds out that someone is even richer than he is, will he be so angry that he’ll go back and book 20 more shows?”

So a group of “haha party” netizens appeared, and some busybodies went to Xiao Qiao’s Father’s Weibo account to fan the flames, and posted the address of the post.

Sure enough, the next day, the omnipotent netizens got the news that Daddy Gongxi had purchased another venue, and it was a huge amount of thirty-five shows, which greatly surpassed the mysterious fan in terms of quantity.

“In the future, investors no longer have to worry about the box office, with Daddy Gongxi, Search One Hot.”

“Above, what the hell is Search One Hot, hahaha.”[1]

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Given that the mysterious die-hard fan’s and Daddy Gongxi’s behavior was too tycoon-ish, many passerby netizens who weren’t Gongxi Qiao fans also watched the event, leading to a large number of “ha-ha parties”. Of course, there were also some rich-hating netizens who said some sour words, but were scolded back by other netizens.

“People can spend their own money how they want to spend it. Daddy Gongxi is a good man who loves his wife and cares about his son. After getting rich, he doesn’t show off, he doesn’t keep a mistress, and his biggest hobby is to give his son hits at the box office. Is that wrong too? This kind of rich and family-oriented good man is already scarce. Those blind naggers who hate the rich, don’t look so ugly.”

“Saying that people with money spend indiscriminately and don’t donate, as if you’ve donated money. You’re so loving and also on the Internet. Save your Internet fee to donate to poor people, ah. Not to mention, how do you know if someone didn’t donate money?”

“Some people may not know it. Daddy Gongxi is a famous caring entrepreneur and donated money to many places. Keyboard warriors, don’t your faces hurt?”

After some netizens found some photos and evidence of Gongxi Xiong’s company’s donations, those wealth-hating remarks on the Internet immediately disappeared without a trace.

“The male god’s father is so good, I’m about to fall in love with him.”

“Above, don’t leave, if you have the ability, go outside and fight with me, the male god’s daddy is mine.”

Xiao Qiao’s Father V: Thank you for your love, I belong to my family’s wife. [with picture]

The accompanying picture showed a pair of interlocking hands, one bronze and strong, one white and round, with 24K pure gold rings on both of their ring fingers.

Netizen A: single dog suffered a 10,000-point bludgeoning injury.

Netizen B: male god is really blessed, having such a good mother and father.

Netizen C: Mommy Gongxi, Daddy Gongxi is yours, we do not rob, not rob. Wish the two old folks love for life.

The young netizens were usually very lively and rowdy, but they were also kind, so they were never stingy with their blessings when others were happy.

Of course, the next day, when the netizens found out that the Weibo account “Xiao Qiao’s Father” changed its name to “Xiao Qiao’s Parents”, their faces were once again smeared with blood[2] from this public display of affection.

“Boss, I have contacted the F City cinema side. They said that they could even book thirty shows, but the price…”

“No need,” Xi Qing looked down at his phone screen, which showed a Weibo page, “this will do.”

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“Okay.” The assistant froze slightly, then closed the door and left.

After the assistant left, Xi Qing sighed. He felt that if he went to buy thirty more shows, Gongxi Xiong would probably jump at the chance to buy fifty more.

There was an inexplicable intuition that told him it was better not to provoke Gongxi Xiong, although he himself was skeptical of this intuition.

Originally, it wasn’t a big deal that ‘Lord Brother-in-Law’ sold well at the box office. At most, the media would cover it, make a few artists famous, and then let the investors make a big profit. Who knew that within a few days, the director of ‘The Moaning Wind’ would suddenly say publicly that ‘The Moaning Wind’ was a film with substance and wouldn’t compete with ‘Lord Brother-in-Law’ at the box office. The director also asked ‘Lord Brother-in-Law’ to stop the hype. He even said that the behavior of some rich people booking the theaters was an insult to art.

The so-called stone stirring a thousand waves was just like that. ‘The Moaning Wind’s director’s attitude of clearly looking down on ‘Lord Brother-in-Law’ caused a lot of discontent among fans.

Some people even directly said: It’s not the movies you can’t make sense of that are good movies, it’s the movies that bring joy and touch the audience that are true works of art.  

The famous film critic Third Brother said: Some directors love to take the audience as fools. If the box office isn’t good, the ratings aren’t high, they say that the audience can’t appreciate it, as if everyone is drunk and only I am sober. So in the whole world you alone have class and substance, others are philistines? If people with substance are like this, I’d rather be a philistine myself.

When ‘The Moaning Wind’ director Ma Rong saw Third Brother come out to speak, he remembered that his own film was criticized by this person as worthless, so the new and old grudge flooded his heart, and the two launched a Weibo scolding, amusing many onlookers.

Third Brother offended many fans of artists because of his poisonous tongue, and ‘The Moaning Wind’ Director Ma Rong’s comments also caused a lot of discontent, so everyone was happy watching the fun.

That was until Ma Rong brought Gongxi Qiao into the picture.

“Our crew is full of actors who can bear hardship and have strength. Certain works that earn popularity by relying on rich second-generation little pretty boys are not destined to go far.”

Rich second generation little pretty boy?

The crowd of onlookers revealed a groaning face. Qiao Shao was really shot while lying down. When he was properly filming in the ‘National Industry’ crew, he was pulled into the war zone from so far away?

Gongxi Qiao’s fans blew up, but fortunately the leader of the fan group was sensible and persuaded the other fans so that they didn’t run to Ma Rong’s microblog to make a fuss and cause discontent among the passerby fans against Gongxi Qiao.

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The public relations team behind Gongxi Qiao also chose to be silent. Right now, it was clear that Director Ma Rong had made a bad move, and it would be bad for them to be aggressive and cause other directors to have antipathy towards Gongxi Qiao. Sometimes it was more useful to take a step back than to fight hard.

Xiao Qiao’s Parents V: Little pretty boy interpretation: refers to men who rely on men or women to provide financial support (derogatory). Or, refers to men with good looks (no derogatory meaning). Our family’s Xiao Qiao can make money on his own, and doesn’t rely on others to eat, so certainly doesn’t belong to the first category. It seems that the Great Director Ma is referring to the second category. His looks are natural, and the boy’s father and I thank Director Ma for his compliments on the looks of our beloved son.

Once Mama Qiao released this microblog, many netizens instantly liked it, and others said that Mommy Gongxi was so cool, no wonder she educated such a male god son.

When Ma Rong saw Mama Qiao’s microblog, he also choked on his own breath, so he resentfully replied: Good men don’t fight with women.

Once this microblog came out, his Weibo was instantly besieged by a surge of female netizens. Some of the mistakes he had made in the past were also turned up by netizens, even including the fact that he cheated on his wife with a female escort behind her back. So, his Weibo once again received round after round of relentless criticism.

As for how those cheating photos came to be…

Gongxi Qiao’s behind the scenes public relations team members showed a profound smile.

No one expected that a verbal dispute would lead to such a big impact. Male artists in the circle took a breath of cold air and once again realized one profound thing: Don’t easily provoke female netizens. They were too scary when they got angry.

The ‘National Industry’ crew had heard of the outside scolding, and they were worried that Gongxi Qiao wouldn’t be able to hold his temper with Ma Rong, but to their surprise, Gongxi Qiao wasn’t affected at all. He was enjoying life[3], and his filming performance was getting better and better. As a result, the director team’s goodwill towards him was rising.

After Gongxi Qiao shot several consecutive running scenes to meet the director’s satisfaction, Liang Yumeng and an assistant helped Gongxi Qiao to sit down on a chair and stuffed a cup of hot milk tea into Gongxi Qiao’s hand. He said, “Xiao Qiao’s physical strength is good. If I were to shoot this scene, I wouldn’t be able to breathe.”

“Brother Liang wouldn’t have run so many times if he had shot this scene,” Gongxi Qiao gasped and took a sip of milk tea, “Thank you, Brother Liang.”

“No need to be so polite,” Liang Yumeng smiled and patted his shoulder, then whispered, “Don’t pay too much attention to the outside world’s comments. In our line of work, if you don’t have a diamond heart, this road will be very hard to walk.”

Gongxi Qiao nodded, “I know.”

“But fortunately your fans are very supportive,” Liang Yumeng’s tone changed. “We have a scene between the two of us this afternoon. When you’re well rested we’ll pair up again for the scene. You sit and rest for a while. I’m going to the bathroom.”  

After Liang Yumeng left, Xiao Yao came to Gongxi Qiao’s side and whispered, “When film emperor Liang just debuted, he was slandered by his opponents, and people smashed his car when he went out. It caused the driver to be injured and have a car accident, and in the end he went to court.”

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Gongxi Qiao wasn’t interested in showbiz gossip, so he didn’t know such a thing had happened. He glanced in the direction where Liang Yumeng left, “How did he turn himself around afterwards?”

Xiao Yao looked around to make sure no one was close before she cautiously said, “I heard that in order to get ahead, he filmed until he vomited blood[4], and later found a rich woman as a big backer to get to this position today.”

After saying this, Xiao Yao saw Gongxi Qiao’s stunned look, so she said, “But the backer thing is just a rumor, not necessarily true.”

“I know. Don’t mention this matter in the crew in the future,” he looked at the milk tea in his hand, raised his eyebrows and continued to take a big sip.

He never cared about the gossip of losers. No matter how much they said, they couldn’t hide the dark jealousy in their hearts, and he would only enjoy the road to success.

At this time, He Peng, who was sitting next to him quietly browsing Weibo, gave Gongxi Qiao an odd look, “Boss, the head of the Xi family has opened a Weibo account.”

“Hmm?” Gongxi Qiao, no matter what, couldn’t associate that serious man in a suit with the image of browsing Weibo.

“He tweeted that ‘Lord Brother-in-Law’ was an excellent movie and liked the character you played.”

Gongxi Qiao: “……”

Could it be that the head of this big family was really a fan of his?

A highly intelligent family head who enjoyed watching dog blood romance dramas as well as urban romance dramas being his fan…

It was quite a novelty.


Search one hot: Like this netizen, I also have no idea what the hell this means hahaSmeared with blood: I assume from the bludgeoning injury their PDA is giving to the single dogsEnjoying life: 该吃吃该喝喝 Literally, “should eat and eat, should drink and drink”, idiom that means taking it easy/enjoying life.Vomited blood: Not literal. Doing something “until you vomit blood” means doing something to the point of complete exhaustion, kind of like “work yourself to death”

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