Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 25: Entertainment Industry Acting Emp

Chapter 25: Seriously Injured in a Fall?

March 24, 2021kaychandra

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Chapter 25: Seriously injured in a fall?
Translated & Edited by KChandra

The magazine’s shoot and interview went well. The main consumer group of this magazine called ‘He Rui’ was college students and young people who had just started working, so the reporter made it a point to ask about some things that had happened in school.

“All your fans know that Qiao Shao is a top student from a famous school. So when you were in school, were there many people chasing you?”

“Actually there weren’t many people chasing me. I’ve said before on other programs that in the eyes of the girls in my class, a male god is less attractive than a piece of literature.”

“Then would a boy as handsome as you be treated as a public enemy by other boys?”

“I wasn’t. Freshman year I had to live on campus for a year. I was the youngest of four people in my dorm room, and my fellow brothers took care of me. Even now we still get together to eat hot pot or something or eat kebabs.”

“You would eat street food like others?” The reporter looked at Gongxi Qiao in surprise, “I thought you were the kind of upper class boy who goes out in luxury cars and eats at fancy restaurants.”

“It’s not that exaggerated,” Gongxi Qiao was amused by the reporter’s unbelieving expression and said into the recorder, “Actually, our family is very ordinary. When I was very young, my family’s condition was also rather hard. Probably because of this, our family still likes to go out together to have a family hot pot or something like that, which I think is quite enjoyable.”

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“The male god is so grounded,” the reporter looked at the young man sitting across from him with a posture so elegant that he could almost be painted. How could he be associated with the kebabs and hot pot? He said with laughter, “I think the whole picture is a bit wrong, so can I ask a personal question?”

Gongxi Qiao smilingly nodded: “Please do.”

“In your heart, what is your ideal love interest?”

“It’s hard to say this kind of thing. Sometimes you think you should like a certain type, but when you meet the right one, you may feel that those previous criteria are completely unimportant,” Gongxi Qiao rubbed his chin and thought about it carefully.

“I think my future partner just needs to be mutually tolerant and respectful of me.”

“So would you mind if it was a “big sister-little brother”[1] romance?”

“Age isn’t a problem. Moreover, I don’t think there is such a thing as “big sister-little brother” romance. We don’t call it “big brother-little sister” romance when the man is older, so we shouldn’t use the phrase “big sister-little brother” romance when the woman is older. As long as the two people love each other and don’t hurt others, it’s fine.”

Gongxi Qiao didn’t know that just a few days ago there was news that the super film queen Dai Ni fell in love with Chen Yi, a popular youngster five years younger than her. Many people were not optimistic about the pair, and some even ridiculed Dai Ni for being an old cow eating young grass, and that Chen Yi would get tired of her later. Because everyone knew that Dai Ni and Gongxi Qiao had worked together in the same film cast in ‘National Industry’, the reporter deliberately brought up this issue.

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After the end of the whole interview, the editor-in-chief of ‘He Rui’ magazine even took a photo with Gongxi Qiao. Shortly after Gongxi Qiao left, he received a phone call from his colleague.

“What? Film Emperor Liang fell down the stairs and was sent to the hospital?”

“Did you get any photos of the scene?” Hearing his colleague say that the hospital had already blocked the news, he was feeling rather sorry for himself and shook his head regretfully when he hung up the phone.

Walking out of the magazine building, Gongxi Qiao donned a black coat. Before he could take a few steps, he saw several reporters surrounding him: “Qiao Shao, Film Emperor Liang and you are close friends. Will you visit him in the hospital since he’s injured now?”

The smile on Gongxi Qiao’s face froze and he looked at the reporter who asked the question with a surprised expression, “Brother Liang was injured?”

Seeing his blank expression, the reporter guessed that he hadn’t received the news yet, so he said, “Yes, around four o’clock this afternoon, Brother Liang fell down the stairs, causing serious injuries. He’s been rushed to the hospital.”

“Since this happened,” the smile on Gongxi Qiao’s face completely disappeared and was replaced with a look of anxiety and concern as he said to several reporters who surrounded him,
“Thank you all, my dear reporters, for informing me. I will visit Brother Liang later, and will also convey your concern for Brother Liang on your behalf.”

The reporters saw Gongxi Qiao’s face full of gratitude and instantly some of them were speechless. They came to dig news, not to receive thank you cards. However, when Gongxi Qiao heard that the movie star was seriously injured, his face changed greatly and he was very worried. It could barely be enough to put together one news article, but unfortunately there weren’t enough explosive elements.

Chen Ke and He Peng didn’t care what the reporters thought. Three times, they pushed aside a few reporters and escorted Gongxi Qiao to the car. Xiao Yao was even quick to close the car door, shutting a few helpless reporters outside the car door.

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“Brother Chen, help me inquire which hospital Liang Yumeng is in. As his best friend, how can I not visit him when he’s injured?” Gongxi Qiao took out his cell phone to browse Weibo and forums, looking at the overwhelming Weibo prayers for Liang Yumeng. A meaningful smile appeared on his face.

Hearing Gongxi Qiao take the initiative to mention Liang Yumeng, Chen Ke’s face was somewhat complicated and said, “I heard from a friend who works with a water army that the person who told them to create hype about your close relationship with Liang Yumeng might be someone from Liang Yumeng’s side.”

“Why would he want to hype such a thing?” Xiao Yao asked suspiciously, “He’s already won a film award. Qiao Shao is still a newcomer. It should be Qiao Shao hugging his thighs, how come it’s the other way around?”

Chen Ke’s sunken face did not answer Xiao Yao’s question. He looked at Gongxi Qiao who had a strange smile on his face and hesitated for a moment before saying, “Xiao Qiao, the hospital is full of people, you should pay more attention.”

“I understand,” Gongxi Qiao smiled carelessly, “I’m just being kind enough to visit a friend who was seriously injured.”

In the premium ward, Sun Jingxue slowly removed the gloves from her hands. Her white index finger lifted Liang Yumeng’s bruised chin, and the sharp nail of her thumb pinched into his flesh: “You were circling around me like a dog, and now you dare to play me!” She originally thought Gongxi Qiao was just an artist whose family had some small money, but who knew that the family not only had the protection of the Xi family, the family also had significant assets. If she hadn’t withdrawn in time, this time she would certainly have fallen on her face.

Liang Yumeng looked at Sun Jingxue and did not speak.

“Don’t put on this face of being forced by me to be a prostitute. Don’t forget who used all those tricks to attract my attention in the first place. What kind of clean gentleman are you pretending to be now?” Sun Jingxue withdrew her hand and took the handkerchief handed to her by her assistant to wipe the blood on her fingernails. “Since you don’t want to follow me now, I, Sun Jingxue, also don’t like to play the forcing game. You should take care of yourself in the future.”

Liang Yumeng’s eyes showed a trace of panic, but more than that, he was relieved.

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Sun Jingxue noticed this look on his face and said with a smile, “You have been with me for several years. I didn’t think I had ever treated you badly, but today’s lesson is to let you understand one thing: don’t be too greedy, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. I hope you won’t regret your actions in the future.”

“Here is my last compensation for you, just think of it as the medical fee this time,” Sun Jingxue threw down a check in front of Liang Yumeng, hooked her lips and smiled, “From now on, the accounts have been balanced, and we don’t owe each other anything.”

After saying this, the smile on her face disappeared and she put on her coffee-colored glasses and left the ward without looking back. The bodyguards behind her looked mockingly at Liang Yumeng on the bed and followed her out of the ward.

Only after a few minutes, Liang Yumeng’s assistant came in with a white face. Seeing a bloody nail mark on Liang Yumeng’s chin, he didn’t dare to ask more questions and brought the tonic soup to him carefully, “Brother Liang……”

“Get out!” Liang Yumeng raised his hand and knocked over the chicken soup, splashing the assistant all over. He picked up the check on the quilt, crumpling it up. His gloomy eyes stared at the monetary amount for a good half day, and finally didn’t tear it up.

Just then, the agent who had been hiding outside and had not appeared pushed the door open and came in, “Brother Liang, Gongxi Qiao is here to visit you.”

Liang Yumeng wiped his chin a few times with the back of his hand and stuffed the check under the pillow, “Let him in.”


Big sister little brother romance: 姐弟恋 Jie di lian: a relationship where the woman is older than the man. Not romance between siblings

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