Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 41: Entertainment Industry Acting Emp

Chapter 41: Premiere

April 26, 2021kaychandra

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Chapter 41: Premiere

Translated & Edited by KChandra

It was already summer when Gongxi Qiao’s part in ‘The Greatest Warrior’ was finished. However, before he had a chance to rest, he received an invitation to the premiere of ‘National Industry’.

The significance of the movie ‘National Industry’ was extraordinary, so not only the cast and crew would be present there, but also many invited guests. These guests weren’t only artists and members of the media, but also representatives of certain government departments and upper-crust families.

Gongxi Qiao, who had signed a general endorsement contract with Ya De, had a tailor-made suit made for him by Ya De’s fashion designer as early as half a month ago.

Men’s formal wear wasn’t as varied as women’s formal wear, so very often, in addition to the requirement that the suit fit well and the fabric was upscale, their own physical condition had to be good. Wide shoulders, a narrow waist, and long legs had always been the best body for wearing a suit. When Gongxi Qiao changed into the well-pressed suit, the effect was surprisingly good. Especially those long legs, which were enough to make countless female fans scream.

With a haute couture custom brooch and a low-key luxury limited edition watch, Gongxi Qiao lifted his hand to fasten the inner lining cufflinks and smiled at the designer standing behind him, “This suit fits well, you’ve worked hard.”

“It’s good that Qiao Shao likes it,” said the designer, who had rarely seen anyone wear an indigo blue suit with both sexiness and elegance. In order to be photogenic, most male artists chose black and gray, two colors that weren’t prone to mistakes. Even if they wouldn’t stand out too much, they wouldn’t look timid.

But some people were born to be a clothes hanger, such as Gongxi Qiao. The designer believed that even if he was given a rainbow-colored suit, he could still look handsome.

Gongxi Qiao now had a dedicated image design team, so after he changed into his tuxedo, he was surrounded by several people. After a two-hour-long polishing session, Chen Ke, who was observing from the side, nodded in satisfaction. He believed that Gongxi Qiao would definitely not have his limelight stolen easily today.

This was the era of male sexual consumption, and handsome looking male artists with good bodies were destined to be the darlings of the camera.

“Xiao Qiao, the car is already waiting outside.” Chen Ke saw that Gongxi Qiao had everything ready, so he walked up to Gongxi Qiao and saved him from everyone’s clutches in the process, “Teachers, you’ve worked hard, but Xiao Qiao has to go to the premiere later, so if you want to take a group photo, wait for another time.”

The hair stylist looked at his phone with some regret, but since Chen Ke had spoken, he, as an employee of the Gongxi Qiao image design team, couldn’t be insensitive and had to say, “Go Qiao Shao! Fight to murder all the film.[1]”

“Thanks.” Gongxi Qiao thanked him.

“Don’t you laugh!” The hair stylist covered his eyes and looked at Gongxi Qiao through his fingers, “I’m in love with my girlfriend, I don’t want to become bent.”

“Tch,” Ya De’s costume designer gave a snort of unknown meaning, and put his phone away contentedly. Anyway, he had taken several photos just now and was satisfied.

Gongxi Qiao smiled helplessly and followed Chen Ke out the door helplessly. After seeing the black Bentley limousine parked outside, he smiled and lifted his chin towards Chen Ke. “Brother Chen, this car is nice, ah.”

Chen Ke pulled open the door for him, “There are quite a few big shots coming this time, we can’t be shy in terms of hardware.” After saying that, he glanced at Gongxi Qiao’s brooch and watch. However, the total price of these two luxury items would be enough to buy a designer car.

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Senhe took the opportunity of Gongxi Qiao’s participation in the ‘National Industry’ production to sign several promising newcomers, and their status in the industry had increased a lot. The previous crisis of public opinion due to Cao Zheng’s jumping ship was solved by Gongxi Qiao’s smooth sailing, so Gongxi Qiao understood why Senhe was so generous to him.

Sitting in the spacious car, Gongxi Qiao and the others diverted to pick up Mi Yue. The contract with her previous agency expired a few weeks ago, and when she saw that Gongxi Qiao and Xu Chao were happy at Senhe and that the company was reliable, she also signed up with Senhe, and had now become Senhe’s favorite female star.

Although she didn’t have a role in ‘National Industry’, she was also given an invitation as Gongxi Qiao’s female companion for this red carpet walk.

Mi Yue knew in her heart that it was Gongxi Qiao’s intention to promote her this time, which gave her the opportunity to get an invitation. Otherwise, he could have walked on the red carpet with a more famous female artist, instead of looking for her.

In order to attend this premiere, who knew how many artists were trying desperately to get an invitation.

Before picking a dress, she intentionally inquired about what Gongxi Qiao was going to wear, so she purposely picked a light-colored off-the shoulder waist-hugging evening gown with indigo flowers embroidered on the skirt of the dress, just to match Gongxi Qiao.

Gongxi Qiao stepped out of the car and showed a stunned expression upon seeing Mi Yue, then with one hand behind his back, he extended a hand towards her and bowed slightly, “Your Highness, the beautiful princess, please get in the car.”

Mi Yue pulled her skirt to the sides and curtsied with a smile on her face, “Thank you, Your Royal Highness.”

Chen Ke, who opened the door for the two of them, was a bit speechless. They were both in their twenties and still played the game of prince and princess, how childish were they?

“I’m so nervous,” nearing the premiere site, Mi Yue listened to the screams coming from there, tightly holding the pearl clutch in her hand. “I heard that many big shots are coming today, what if I do something wrong?”

“Don’t worry, the big shots don’t know us anyway,” Gongxi Qiao reassured with a smile, “I’ll be waiting for you to wow the audience later.”

Mi Yue raised her eyebrows and said, “With you walking together, I wonder who will be the one to wow the audience.” She would never say that when Gongxi Qiao extended his hand towards her, she almost thought he was a prince and she was Cinderella waiting for rescue.

The venue of the premiere had a lot of security guards to maintain order, and the order in which the artists entered the venue was also arranged. Those at the front of the line were the prestigious artists, followed by the current film stars and popular artists. Although Gongxi Qiao played a role in ‘National Industry’ and was a popular artist, he couldn’t hide his embarrassing status of not having won an award yet, so his entry order should be arranged in the middle section, when the audience was a bit tired. With his popularity, it shouldn’t make the atmosphere too awkward.

But to Chen Ke’s surprise, Gongxi Qiao’s order of entry was the early part of the middle section. The one in front of Gongxi Qiao was a martial arts actor famous for his fight scenes, and the one behind him was a talented first-tier actor.

“It seems that the organizers are taking care of you. The two artists before and after won’t steal your thunder,” in the entertainment industry, this arrangement of admissions was tricky. If the front and back were popular artists, walking in the middle would be more embarrassing.”Your grooming is very good. Although you haven’t walked the red carpet before, you don’t need to be nervous, just walk forward generously and stop occasionally to cooperate with the media to take pictures.”

“I know, Brother Chen, don’t worry,” Gongxi Qiao laughed when he saw that Chen Ke was more nervous than himself, “not to mention that there’s also Yue Yue who has walked the red carpet before.”

Mi Yue, who debuted a few years earlier than Gongxi Qiao: ……

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Obviously she was the most nervous at the beginning, how come she became the role model now?

Luxury cars entered the scene one after another in order, with screams rising and falling in succession. The lively atmosphere wasn’t like a movie premiere, but like the award scene of a film festival.

When Gongxi Qiao’s car was parked at the corner, he heard loud shouts from the scene. Even though the car was very well insulated, it did not stop the screams.

It seemed that some superstar was walking down the red carpet.

After about ten minutes or so, it was finally Gongxi Qiao’s turn to enter. Smiling at the valet who opened the door for him, he lifted and stretched one foot out of the car door.


“Qiao Shao, I love you!”

“Qiao Shao! Qiao Shao!”

Why is there such a handsome man in the world, why?!

Fans watching the man in the indigo suit walk out of the car were silently shouting inside, it’s a crime to be so handsome!

Gongxi Qiao got out of the car and didn’t leave right away, but helped Mi Yue out of the car with one hand, and even bent down very carefully to straighten out Mi Yue’s skirt.

A handsome man and a beautiful woman were always the best tools for murdering film, and before the two of them took a few steps out, the “click” sound at the scene kept ringing out, and from time to time there were media greeting and shouting at them.

“Qiao Shao, Yue Yue, look over here.”

“Qiao Shao, look over here.”

When the two walked to the venue, because the hem of Mi Yue’s gown was too long, her high heels accidentally stepped on the corner of her skirt and she almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Gongxi Qiao was quick to hold her waist, and after Mi Yue stood firm, he politely withdrew his hand and bent his arm to wait for her to hold it before smiling at the media taking pictures, “Everyone’s enthusiasm is almost making Yue Yue fall over.”

At the moment when Gongxi Qiao wrapped his arm around Mi Yue’s waist, the audience’s screams almost pierced their eardrums and the flashing lights kept flashing. Gongxi Qiao gestured to the place where the shrieks were the loudest, and whispered to M Yue, who laughed awkwardly, “it’s OK, let’s go.”

Mi Yue smiled gratefully at Gongxi Qiao. Fortunately Xiao Qiao had held her back, otherwise she would have lost face today.

After the host waited for the two to sign, he went up and said, “Qiao Shao’s action just now was so gentle, the audience was so enthusiastic, do you have anything to say to everyone?”

Gongxi Qiao bowed with his hands together and said, “Thank you all for your support, there are many people at the scene today, please pay attention to safety, don’t fall down and get injured.”

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The host smiled and said, “Okay, I believe the audience has heard it already.”

Another wave of screams rang out.

Gongxi Qiao bowed again and entered the venue with Mi Yue.

Gu Nan listened to the sky-shattering screams outside and the smile on his face didn’t diminish, but in his heart he was a bit puzzled as to which artist was entering the venue whose reaction from the audience was even better than when he entered the venue just now.

Dai Ni, the movie queen who entered with him, also heard the screams from outside and couldn’t help but look back at the entrance. When she recognized who it was, the smile on her face became a little more genuine. When she was on the set of ‘National Industry’, Gongxi Qiao gave her a very good impression, and later, because of his remarks about “big sister-little brother relationships” in the interview with ‘He Rui’ magazine, her favorable impression of Gongxi Qiao was enhanced.

Although she was a few years older than Chen Yi, the two had a good relationship, but the media were discussing all kinds of things. Not only was she ridiculed as an old cow eating tender grass, but Chen Yi was also described as wanting to be with her to hold her big thigh, which made them both a little unhappy.

Later on, after inadvertently seeing the content of the interview with Gongxi Qiao in ‘He Rui’ magazine, her good feelings towards Gongxi Qiao reached a new height. No one liked to be told what to do in their relationship, even if she was a movie queen who was used to having all kinds of privacy exposed to the camera.

Sometimes she felt a little resigned to the fact that the media and the audience were always extra harsh on female artists. The movies she acted in had good reputations and box office, but they were less topical than finding a boyfriend who was a few years younger than she was.

If a male artist found a girlfriend more than ten years younger than himself, no one came out and said it was inappropriate. Why should she find a man a few years younger than herself and get a lot of bad press?

To put it bluntly, even if Chen Yi was really with her only because of her status, what did it have to do with others? She also didn’t need these people ridiculing her under the guise of concern.

Noticing Dai Ni’s expression, Gu Nan whispered, “Sister Dai, you have a good relationship with this newcomer?”

“I’ve come in contact with him on the set, he’s a very nice young man.” Dai Ni and Gu Nan were artists from the same company. This time Gu Nan returned strongly and the company was ready to make a big fuss. All she needed to do was to be a green leaf setting off the flowers.

“His appearance is really good,” Gu Nan smiled and looked at the young man sitting down in the middle of the second row, “I think his name is Gongxi Qiao?”

Although Dai Ni and Gu Nan were from the same agency, they didn’t have many opportunities to cooperate with each other, so their relationship wasn’t close. Seeing that Gu Nan seemed to pay special attention to Gongxi Qiao, she kept an extra eye on it in her heart, “Right.”

“No wonder I thought this name sounded familiar. I heard from my agent that he was quite hot on Weibo,” Gu Nan smiled. The seemingly complimentary words implied sarcasm.

Hot on Weibo?

Dai Ni heard something wrong with this statement. To say that an entertainer was hot on Weibo wasn’t a compliment because Gongxi Qiao was an actor, not a netizen.

“His popularity is quite high,” Dai Ni said, and then smiled apologetically at Gu Nan, “The premiere is about to start, I have to go backstage to get ready, excuse me.”

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As a gentleman, Gu Nan got up and helped her out of the seating area before releasing his hand, “Be careful.”

“Thank you.” Dai Ni nodded elegantly, then walked backstage without looking back.

As a cast member of ‘National Industry’, Gongxi Qiao had to go backstage early to prepare for the premiere promotion, so he accompanied Mi Yue to find a seat, and after sitting for two minutes, he left his seat to go backstage. The blind corner of the seating area wasn’t very well lit, and he saw someone accidentally step on something and stumble a step, and politely reached out to help.


The other person’s voice was magnetic and very sexy.

Even though the other party might not be able to see, Gongxi Qiao still smiled very politely, “You’re welcome.”

Soon after Gongxi Qiao walked into the backstage area, a staff member noticed that the light in the blind corner wasn’t turned on, and hurriedly ran to the operation room and turned on the light before he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately no one fell, or else the trouble caused by this work error would have been great.

Looking up at the bright lights overhead, Gu Nan hooked up the corners of his mouth, patted the place where he had just been helped by Gongxi Qiao, and walked gracefully toward his seat.

“Xiao Qiao, ah, come here,” Director Li saw that Gongxi Qiao walked in, beckoned him to his side, and then shoved an A4 paper to him, “this is the order of appearance, take a good look. Don’t be too nervous. “

“Thank you, Director Li.” Gongxi Qiao took the paper, glanced around, and finally sat down next to the veteran artist, Mr. Nie Qicheng. After greeting him, he carefully read the contents of the paper.

The order of appearance given to him by Director Li wasn’t much different from the content given to him by the crew’s email before, only the interview length of a few people was slightly changed.

The total length of the interview with Liang Yumeng was less than two minutes, and Gongxi Qiao had a vague suspicion in his heart that someone in the circle had already started to step on Liang Yumeng, the film emperor.

Thinking of this, his eyebrows moved slightly. His eyes met the sight of Liang Yumeng in the corner, and then to Liang Yumeng’s complicated gaze, he showed a gentle smile.

When this smile fell in the eyes of others, it was the respect and closeness of the junior to his senior. A few people who knew that Liang Yumeng had pitted Gongxi Qiao saw this and sighed in their hearts – that young person is still too innocent.

Liang Yumeng froze for a moment and returned an equally friendly smile, only his hand squeezed the A4 paper slightly harder.


Fight to murder all the film: Try to make the reporters use up all their film taking photos

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