Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 43: Entertainment Industry Acting Emp

Chapter 43: New House and Nominations

May 3, 2021kaychandra

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Chapter 43: New House and Nominations
Translated & Edited by KChandra

One week after its release, ‘National Industry’ hit a high of 700 million yuan at the box office, and the online media was full of reports about the movie. Even many extras were interviewed by the media, which showed how much impact the work had.

As one of the highlights of the movie, Gongxi Qiao was hounded by the media. Even the villa where he lived with his parents was exposed. Finally, he decided to move out for a while in order not to affect his parents’ daily life.

After Gongxi Xiong succeeded in his career, he wasn’t interested in antiques, calligraphy, or painting. However, he loved to buy some real estate assets and gold when he had nothing to do. Therefore, Gongxi Qiao had a readily available house to move into.

They selected a high-class community with a strict security system. This community was a neighborhood of prestigious families in the Imperial Capital. The people who lived inside were either rich or powerful. Even if they met Gongxi Qiao, they wouldn’t act too enthusiastically.

Although he didn’t want to let go of his kid, Gongxi Xiong, who went out to earn a living in his teens, felt that when his kid grew up, he should have a chance to grow independently. Therefore, he quickly transferred the house to Gongxi Qiao’s name and then found a good day for Gongxi Qiao to move in.

On moving day, everyone gathered at Gongxi Qiao’s new residence for a lively dinner. After his friends and family left, Gongxi Qiao looked at his new room, which was warmly decorated, and was somewhat touched in his heart.

When his parents bought this villa a few years ago, they said it was for his wedding house, so they spent a lot of energy and money on the renovation. It turned out that he hadn’t found a girlfriend yet, but he was living in the house first.

He lay down in the warm soft bed, listening to the night insects chirping outside the window, and he slept peacefully.

The next morning, he was awakened by Aunt Luo’s knock on the door. After washing up and going downstairs, his favorite breakfast was already on the table, and he smiled at Aunt Luo sitting on the other side and thanked her, “Aunt Luo, thank you for your hard work.”

Originally, the family was going to arrange a new housekeeper for him, but now that Gongxi Qiao was an actor, he didn’t dare to let ordinary people into his personal space. In addition, Aunt Luo had been in the Gongxi household for seven or eight years and had almost watched Gongxi Qiao grow up. She was like half a family member, so she moved in with Gongxi Qiao.

This way, everyone was relieved. Mama Qiao didn’t have to worry about Gongxi Qiao’s life being inconvenient and Gongxi Qiao didn’t have to worry about strangers affecting his life.

After breakfast, Chen Ke arrived. He, He Peng and Xiao Yao were behind him holding big cardboard boxes in their hands.

“What are you guys carrying?” Gongxi Qiao went up and took the box from Xiao Yao’s hands, which seemed to be quite heavy.

“This is a gift sent to the company by fans in recent months. Recently you were busy making movies and promoting movies, so I didn’t bring these over.” Chen Ke put the box in his hand on the table, gasping, “All of these have been scanned with the detector. There are no dangerous items. When you have time, you can open it and see. If you like it, keep it, if you don’t like it, I’ll arrange someone to dispose of it.”

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Gongxi Qiao squatted down and took out an exquisitely packaged gift box from the box. After opening it, he found a pair of beautiful keychains inside with a little chibi person that looked a lot like him.

Gongxi Qiao smiled. He held a bright cartoon of Chen Ke and put it into an empty box, and then said, “I’ll take my time to open it, it seems interesting.”

Chen Ke sighed, “It’s good that you’re happy, but there will be more fans sending you gifts later.” Speaking of this, he looked up and around, “As long as you continue to keep up the way you are now, in less than two years your fan gifts will fill the whole villa.”

“It’s the fans’ heartfelt feelings. I should take a look at them with my own eyes. Those with practical significance can be donated to charity. It’s better than throwing them in the company’s utility room to collect dust and then treating them as trash second-hand goods.” Gongxi Qiao may be a vengeful person, but he didn’t like the act of wantonly consuming other people’s goodwill. These fans gave him gifts because they liked him. If he casually disposed of these things, how would it differ from trampling on their sincerity?

Xiao Yao looked at Gongxi Qiao who opened the gifts seriously and was very touched in her heart. She was glad that she was with such an artist, not someone who was polite to the fans on the surface but treated them like fools.

Chen Ke looked at the time and said with a smile, “It’s still early. Let’s stay with you to open them for a while.” As a manager, he should advise Gongxi Qiao not to be so childish. When he became a superstar in the future, there would be too many gifts from fans to open. However, looking at his serious expression, he didn’t say such mood-spoiling words, and accompanied Gongxi Qiao to open the gifts together and sort the things.

Stationery items like pens and notebooks were put into a big box, some dolls and accessories were put together, and some things that weren’t suitable for donation were put in a pile. The four of them opened them together and it took more than an hour to finally finish opening the gifts.

“It seems my fans are pragmatic,” Gongxi Qiao got up and went to the bathroom to wash his hands and came out, “Let’s go.”

Two hours later, he was going to record a talk show on the National Station’s Channel 8. Although the National Station’s Channel 8 wasn’t as high-profile as Channel 1, Chen Ke still valued this opportunity and deliberately found a lot of videos related to this show for Gongxi Qiao to watch.

Because of Gongxi Qiao’s wonderful performance in ‘National Industry’, he had become the representative of idol strength among the new generation of artists. No one compared his looks with his acting skills anymore. Even reports related to him on the National Station had a complementary attitude.

This was the reason why he was able to participate in Channel 8’s talk show. Any random actor in ‘National Industry’ could be considered a powerhouse actor. Gongxi Qiao, as a newcomer, was able to break through these super powerhouses and get the affirmation of many viewers. This performance undoubtedly became a delicious bun in the eyes of major investors and directors.

In order to prevent the National Station from getting the wrong impression that he was acting like a big shot, Chen Ke didn’t arrange for Gongxi Qiao’s dedicated styling team to follow him over. Instead, the National Station’s make-up artist came to do Gongxi Qiao’s make-up.

Because Gongxi Qiao arrived at the National Station a good half hour in advance, this respectful attitude made the program director so satisfied that more details of the interview were revealed to him before the program started.

No one would hate a polite young man, and no one would hate a person who was respectful to them. In particular, because of the supremacy of the National Station in the media world, they were particularly critical about the new generation of artists.

‘Dialogue Life’ was a talk show with good ratings on the National Station. This program wouldn’t only premiere on Channel 8, but would also be rebroadcast on Channels 3 to 6. The host of this program was Li Ming, who was a skilled host in the country. Li Ming hosted several programs on the National Station, and even hosted several sessions of the Spring Festival Gala, which showed that his status in the hosting world was very superior, and wasn’t comparable to ordinary variety and entertainment hosts.

Gongxi Qiao met Li Ming in the studio when the other party was looking at his notes. He seemed to be a very mature and stable man.

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“Have a seat.” Seeing Gongxi Qiao, Li Ming put down his notes and showed a gentle smile. “Hello Qiao Shao.”

“Brother Li, you’re too polite, just call me Xiao Qiao,” Gongxi Qiao shook hands with Li Ming and then sat down in the chair next to the carved wooden table.

This studio imitated an antique style, decorated with objects with a strong taste of antiquity. A carved round table was placed in the middle of the host and guests, a pot of daffodils was placed on the table, and the tea cups were exquisite fine porcelain celadon cups.

The recording hadn’t yet officially started, so Li Ming and Gongxi Qiao chatted about some topics, trying to eliminate the unfamiliarity between them.

After talking with Li Ming for a while, Gongxi Qiao found out that the other party was a very well-educated person, with a lot of knowledge at his fingertips. No wonder he was still valued by the National Station despite being over forty-five years old.

Li Ming was also impressed with Gongxi Qiao. Because of his work, he had dealings with many artists, many of whom looked well-mannered on the surface, but didn’t have much substance on the inside. Many times, he tried to avoid a lot of content in order to avoid embarrassing the other person. However, Gongxi Qiao, a young artist, knew more than he did. No matter what he said, the other party could understand and converse normally. However, perhaps the other party didn’t mean to show off deliberately, so the content of the conversation was very restrained. This attitude made Li Ming have a higher regard for Gongxi Qiao. Young people who had substance and didn’t show off were rare and valuable.

Regrettably, the recording was about to start, and he couldn’t continue talking with him, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to stop talking.

The recording officially began. Li Ming greeted the audience as usual, introduced the guests, and finally gradually introduced the topic.

“Before ‘National Industry’ was released, many people doubted your acting skills, and there were even some overly aggressive comments. What were your feelings in the face of those comments at that time?”

Gongxi Qiao gave a relieved smile. “I think it’s human nature. If I were just an ordinary viewer and knew that an unknown actor was playing my idol, I would also wonder if this person would ruin the image of my idol. It’s not that people hate me, they just worship Admiral Zheng so much, so I understand their feelings very well.”

“You were able to think that way because you were confident that you could play the role well, right?” Li Ming looked at Gongxi Qiao and applauded him in his heart for his answer. “Was there pressure at that time?”

“Of course there was pressure. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to act like Admiral Zheng and affect his image,” Gongxi Qiao said with a shy smile. “After I learned that I could play the role myself, I was so happy that I couldn’t sleep for several nights. Then, I asked my agent and assistant to find a lot of information about Admiral Zheng. I also asked Qian Lao a lot of questions about Admiral Zheng’s life. But even so, I still felt that the role I performed wasn’t as good as Admiral Zheng’s character.”

Chen Ke sitting on the stage twitched his eyebrows. After Gongxi Qiao got the role of Admiral Zheng, he was so happy that he couldn’t sleep? How come he, as the agent, didn’t know anything about it?

“You are too modest. Everyone says you are the best actor to perform Admiral Zheng. Even Qian Lao has praised you. I believe the eyes of the masses are the most impartial. Their willingness to praise you is already proof of your success.” After Li Ming talked quite a lot about ‘National Industry’, he talked about Gongxi Qiao’s life. How else could he have fit into the theme of ‘Dialogue Life’?

When Li Ming mentioned with emotion the difficult conditions of his family when he was young, Gongxi Qiao shook his head with certainty. “Although the economic conditions of my family were average at that time, I didn’t live through any hard times. My parents are probably the representatives of spoiling children in this era. They can’t let me suffer even a little bit, so I couldn’t experience what it’s like to be poor.”

Li Ming, who wanted to use this topic to be sensational, was a bit speechless. This life of growing up in a honeypot, how could he sensationalize it?

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“Faced with such overwhelming love from your parents, are you filled with gratitude in your heart?”

“For me, their love isn’t overwhelming. It’s a pleasure,” Gongxi Qiao inclined his head to think, and also nodded with certainty, “I’m not full of gratitude to my parents, but the same love. What I need to be grateful for is God, thanking him for letting me have such good parents.”

Determining that he couldn’t go on sensationalizing, Li Ming simply changed his approach and went along with Gongxi Qiao’s words. “Your family is very happy. I probably understand somewhat why you’re so good, because this happiness is your motivation.”

Gongxi Qiao smiled shyly.

The National Station’s programs had always been focused on highbrow matters, so the content of the conversation was also very serious. After the entire dialogue program was finished, Li Ming took the initiative to extend his hand towards Gongxi Qiao, “It was a pleasure talking to you, and I hope to continue to cooperate with you next time.”

“Thank you. I look forward to such an opportunity,” Gongxi Qiao shook his hand and bowed slightly to Li Ming as a sign of respect.

Li Ming reached out and patted Gongxi Qiao’s back, and the two took another photo together before they parted ways.

“It seems that Li Ming is quite satisfied with you,” Chen Ke said with a smile on his face after he got into the car. “I heard that Li Ming has always been about business and rarely takes pictures with people. This time he took the initiative to take a picture with you, which shows that you gave him a very good impression.”

Leaning against the back seat of the car lazily sipping a drink, Gongxi Qiao replied with an “oh”.

“Don’t underestimate this matter. If he gets involved, there will be more opportunities to cooperate with the National Station, and your status will go up,” Chen Ke saw Gongxi Qiao’s lazy appearance and helplessly said, “I really should let the Qiao fans see their male god now.”

“Brother Chen, for Qiao fans, even if the male god was squatting on the ground, he would still be the male god,” Xiao Yao looked back at Gongxi Qiao from the passenger seat, cupping her face, “not to mention Qiao Shao sitting like this looks so sexy. “

Chen Ke: ……

“In future, reduce your visits to the official Xiao Qiao posts pretending to be a fan!”

Xiao Yao shrank her neck. Who said she pretended to be a fan, she was obviously a true fan. Who stipulated that a celebrity assistant couldn’t be a fan of the celebrity?

“Just now I forgot to tell you that ‘Lord Brother-in-Law’ and ‘National Industry’ were nominated for the Thousand Flowers Award. The organizers sent word that you’ve been nominated for Best Supporting Actor and Best Newcomer for the Thousand Flowers Award.” Chen Ke sighed. “This year, the nominees for the Thousand Flowers Award are all very strong. The other nominee for Best Newcomer is the second female actress of ‘The Moaning Wind’, Xie Yingying. Although ‘The Moaning Wind’ didn’t have a good performance in terms of box office and word of mouth, her performance was outstanding. The recent idol drama in which she played the first female lead was also very popular. So this time, the best newcomer is likely to be selected between you two.”

Unlike the best supporting actor, which he could get next time if he didn’t get it this time, if this year’s Thousand Flowers Award for Best Newcomer didn’t belong to Gongxi Qiao, he wouldn’t have a chance to get this award again.

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Chen Ke still wanted Gongxi Qiao to get an award. Now, Gongxi Qiao had a good reputation and popularity, but didn’t have a prestigious award. The Thousand Flowers Award was different from other awards that had no status. It was the most prestigious domestic award, and the judging was very strict, avoiding a lot of shady operations. It was very credible in the circle, and the gold content was very high.

“Best Newcomer Award?” Gongxi Qiao froze for a moment, “Which movie did I get shortlisted for?”

“‘National Industry’,” Chen Ke saw that he was finally a little more serious and was finally a little relieved, “‘Lord Brother-in-Law’ was shortlisted for Best Supporting Actor.”

Gongxi Qiao thought for a moment and nodded, “I see.”

He took out his personal cell phone and looked at it, frowning in confusion. Xi Qing usually would send him a couple of text messages if he had nothing to do. How come he suddenly had no news in the last two days?

The family doctor registered Xi Qing with a drip bag and looked helplessly at the young man who was holding a folder in one hand. “President Xi, it’s best not to work too hard when you’re sick. Don’t delay, or it will only get worse.”

“I know.” Xi Qing put down the file, rubbing his temples and nodding gently towards the doctor.

As a doctor, he said everything he needed to say, but because of Xi Qing’s position, he didn’t dare to say more, so he had to instruct the housekeeper who was guarding the door about the precautions for food and medicine.

After talking to the housekeeper, he turned his head and saw Xi Qing picking up the file again. With a silent sigh, he said, “Mr. Xi, I’m downstairs, call me if you need anything.”

“Mm.” Xi Qing nodded slightly, but didn’t take his eyes off the documents.

The family doctor turned around and headed for the door, when suddenly soft music rang out. Was it a guqin song?

He stopped in his tracks and looked back towards Xi Qing, who was still expressionless, and put down the file and took out a cell phone with a soft expression.

When he pressed the answer button, he seemed to be unable to resist the urge to cough and used his other hand to cover the corner of his mouth.

The family doctor couldn’t resist the urge to press his hand down. That hand still had an IV needle in it, but you were trying so hard to cover the corner of your mouth. Weren’t you afraid of pain or anything?

But when he saw that the man began to speak in a gentle tone, he had no choice but to walk out of the room.

Interrupting people in love could cause lightning to strike. Although he was older, he still understood this truth.

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