Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 45: Entertainment Industry Acting Emp

Chapter 45: Getting Along and Thinking

June 5, 2021kaychandra

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Chapter 45: Getting along and thinking
Translated & edited by KChandra

Gongxi Qiao’s public image had always been very positive, so after this news broke, it raised many passersby’s goodwill towards him. Although this society was complicated, people still tended to be kind, so through this incident, Gongxi Qiao’s image became more positive in the eyes of many people.

Even some grandmotherly viewers who didn’t pay attention to the Internet would compliment Gongxi Qiao after seeing his deeds on TV, saying that this young man had a good heart.

Of course, some people suspected that Gongxi Qiao was deliberately creating hype, but when the official surveillance video was exposed, no one could say that it was hype.

The location of the incident was an intersection where many surveillance cameras were installed. When the child appeared in the middle of the road ignorantly, although the vehicles on the road didn’t continue to drive forward, no drivers got out of their cars.

Finally, only Gongxi Qiao reached out from his car window and gestured, then got out and picked up the obviously frightened child. Also, because of concern about the impact on traffic, he deliberately drove the car across the street, before getting out of the car and leaving the surveillance area with the child in his arms. A while later, Gongxi Qiao came back with the child in his arms, and the child had a toy car in his hand.

Watching Gongxi Qiao carefully feed the child water, and then squatting on the sidewalk with the child playing with the car without any shame, even the harshest people couldn’t say harsh words.

The video was released by the transportation department, so there was no question that it would be contrived for hype. When the child’s parents found the child, they were so excited that they almost knelt down to Gongxi Qiao, not like they were faking.

“Watching the male god cover his face, hating that he couldn’t immediately get into his car, suddenly I feel that the male god is so meng.”

“The way the god left in the video makes me suddenly think of an idiom: fall into the wild and flee!”

As a public entertainer, every word and deed could have a different impact on fans, so after Gongxi Qiao did a good deed without leaving his name spread to the ears of the leader of the National Channel’s Culture and Publicity Department, it caused the veteran manager to become a bit curious.

Upon closer inquiry, it turned out that this young man had also played Admiral Zheng in ‘National Industry’, and also won multiple accolades. He was more than satisfied and immediately decided to make him the main character of the next PSA.

Gongxi Qiao didn’t know that his act of kindness had won him the favor of the National Station’s leadership. The award ceremony of the Thousand Flowers Awards two days later, and he was still trying on his suit for the evening.

Of course, as a dutiful spokesperson, his suit was sponsored for free by Ya De. However, because Gongxi Qiao’s performance on the red carpet of ‘National Industry’ was so spectacular last time, the designer was so excited that he had to design a more outstanding suit.

The pure handmade exquisite tailoring, the best suit fabric, bright silver-gray, like a gentleman’s three-piece suit, worn by Gongxi Qiao, was simply perfect.

After the suit was decided, Gongxi Qiao participated in an interview with the ‘National Industry’ crew, and then stayed home quietly to recuperate.

It wasn’t that he liked to stay at home, but because he was more likely to be surrounded by people when he went out, he simply went out less.

After completing a large piece of calligraphy in a calm manner, he put down his brush and turned around to walk in front of the window.

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The sun shone brightly outside the window, brightening the whole world. The reflections on the leaves were like a small lamp, making people dazzled after staring for a long time.

When his phone rang, he was a bit stunned for a moment before reacting. He looked at the name “Da Xi” dancing on the screen, and pressed the talk button.

“Da Xi?” He pulled open the window and let the hot sunlight shine on him. He went to the balcony and leaned over the railing, listening to Xi Qing’s low voice over the phone.

“Nothing much this afternoon, but tomorrow I have to go to the Thousand Flowers Award ceremony and I have to go to makeup early,” hearing the other party invite him to go out, he lifted his watch and looked at the time, “OK, send the location to my phone. I’ll come over later.”

Hanging up the phone, he changed into a casual outfit, put on brown sunglasses, took the car keys and left the door.

“Qiao Shao, are you coming home for dinner tonight?” Aunt Luo saw Gongxi Qiao going out and asked as she stuck her head out of the door.

“I may not come back to eat. Aunt Luo, you don’t have to wait for me tonight,” Gongxi Qiao pulled open the car door, smiled at Aunt Luo, and drove the car out of the garage.

The place where Xi Qing made the appointment was called “Golden House”, a famous high-class luxury place in the capital. He heard that the VIP gold card was difficult to obtain. Gongxi Qiao only had a VIP silver card in his hand, but he seldom came to this place to have fun.

When he arrived at the golden building, he handed over the car keys to the parking attendant. He nodded to the bowing doorman when he entered, before walking upstairs with his long legs.

There were only five floors in total in the golden building. The whole building was designed according to Flower Country’s ancient style of decoration. Even the appearance was very similar to ancient mansions.

The first to third floors were places where people with money could enter, but the fourth and fifth floors weren’t accessible to everyone. Gongxi Qiao was guided by the waiter and finally reached the fifth floor. When he saw Xi Qing standing in the corridor, he smiled. “You didn’t wait for me here specially, did you?”

When the waiter saw Master Xi come out personally, he bowed to Gongxi Qiao and then turned around and retreated. However, in his heart he was secretly surprised that such a cold-hearted big shot like Master Xi would come out personally to pick up someone. Who would believe it?

“There are some friends going crazy inside. I was afraid you wouldn’t be able to find the room,” Xi Qing walked up to Gongxi Qiao’s side and walked in with him side by side, “It’s rare to see you without notice, so I wanted to ask you to meet some friends.”

Gongxi Qiao knew in his heart that people who were worthy of being called friends by Xi Qing must be the most famous people in the capital. Throughout the capital city, nobody knew how many people had made great efforts to enter this circle, but their status predetermined everything. These noble people, who had the highest rank, wouldn’t easily let outsiders step into their circle.

Removing his sunglasses, Gongxi Qiao looked at Xi Qing with a smile, and saw that the other person looked very serious. His heart was slightly moved. “Good.”

Inside the floating light and beaded curtain hall, several gentlemen who would have countless people nodding and bowing to them when they walked outside were singing karaoke. When they saw Xi Qing enter with a stranger behind him, they were curious in their hearts but very warm and polite on the surface. A curly-haired baby-faced man in a flowery shirt smiled and said, “This is the friend that Brother Xi wants to introduce to us? He’s too handsome, we’ve been outclassed.”

“With this face you still have the nerve to compare looks with people.” The young man sitting next to him in a white T-shirt stood up and gave way to the two people who wanted to sit, “Come and sit.”

Finally, after some introductions, Gongxi Qiao knew that the baby-faced man was called Xue Chong. The young man in the white T-shirt was called Xu Shaoxuan. There were several other people who seemed to have a good relationship with Xi Qing, but obviously not as good as these two people.

“You played Admiral Zheng very well. Our family’s old man saw it and said you performed a good bit of the admiral’s spirit.” Xue Chong winked at Gongxi Qiao, “Our family’s old man rarely compliments people.”

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Gongxi Qiao smiled and said, “Then I would like to thank Master Xue for the compliment.”

Seeing his lack of false self-effacement, Xue Chong had a few genuinely agreeable feelings towards Gongxi Qiao. He reached out and wrapped his hand around Gongxi Qiao’s shoulder and said, “Is there a song you like to sing? I’ll give you something.”

Xi Qing’s line of sight fell on Xue Chong’s hand on Gongxi Qiao’s shoulder. The pupils of his dark-colored eyes seemed to have undercurrents surging.

Gongxi Qiao only knew a few songs. When Xue Chong asked, he tried to remember for half a day. “Just ‘Back to Heaven’.”

This was the only song he could sing, because his mother loved this song and usually hummed it at home when she had nothing to do.

“‘Back to Heaven’?” Xue Chong was a bit stunned. Which singer sang this, how come he had no memory of it?

Xi Qing expressionlessly stood up, walked to the song jukebox, quickly tapped on the screen a few times, then everyone saw the next song ‘Back to Heaven’ displayed on the big screen.

Xue Chong was speechless and silent. Brother Xi, who usually didn’t sing, was still very skilled when it came to setting the top song.

Compared to the extroverted Xue Chong, Xu Shaoxuan seemed much more elegant. Although he didn’t coldly dismiss Gongxi Qiao in words and deeds, he still carried a bit of detachment.
Now that Xi Qing actually helped Gongxi Qiao to order a song, he looked a little incredulous. Looking at Gongxi Qiao with a decent smile, the detachment under his eyes was a little less.

Xue Chong and Xu Shaoxuan had no opinion about Gongxi Qiao. The other few were more cautious to ingratiate themselves. Seeing that the next song was to be sung by Gongxi Qiao, one of them even offered the microphone with both hands.

‘Back to Heaven’ was a TV drama series a few years ago. The ancient style with a little Chinese opera singing in it wasn’t liked by young people nowadays, and were rarely ordered karaoke songs.

Everyone was accustomed to singing lively rock songs, and suddenly a lilting flute sounded. It was a little uncomfortable.

Gongxi Qiao’s voice was beautiful, belonging to the kind of voice very popular with girls, but when he sang this song, there was more of the vicissitudes of life.

“I look at the sky, but I am powerless to return to the sky. You look at the earth, but you are adrift and helpless.”

“Someone sing for me again, quietly listen to the tinkling of camel bells.”

“The sky and the earth, just like me and you ……”

After the song, Xue Chong took the lead in applauding, “This song is really great. This is singing, ah. It’s almost like he just sang the cries of ghosts and wolves. How about I make a record for you sometime?”

Gongxi Qiao took a sip of Xi Qing’s drink, and then laughed bitterly. “I’m just having a good time. If I really wanted to make a record, it would be too overwhelming.”

“Your acting is as superior as your singing. You’re so good at acting and singing well, it would be a waste not to make a record.” Xue Chong had a record company under his name, but these years the record industry wasn’t very prosperous. Xue Chong also took it as a mere toy, but now when he heard Gongxi Qiao singing, he had a few thoughts.

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Xu Shaoxuan looked at the drink in Gongxi Qiao’s hand, and looked at Xi Qing, who hadn’t spoken much since entering the door, and showed a thoughtful smile. Turning his head to see Xue Chong still clinging to Gongxi Qiao, trying to persuade Gongxi Qiao to make a record, he smiled and said, “If Xiao Qiao wanted to make a record, his family would have given it to him a long time ago. Why would he wait until now?”

Xue Chong heard Xu Shaoxuan say this and scratched his head resentfully, “Then Xiao Qiao you must find me if you are interested in the future.”

“Okay,” Gongxi Qiao smiled. He finished the drink in his cup, turned his head and whispered to Xi Qing, “Why don’t you sing?” He really wanted to see how Xi Qing sang.

Xi Qing gently shook his head. “No.”

“School songs always work, right?” Gongxi Qiao smiled and said, “Kindergarten has to teach songs.”

Xi Qing’s good-looking eyes stared at Gongxi Qiao and he said seriously, “I didn’t go to kindergarten.” He was educated at home by a professional teacher until he was 5 years old, and after he turned 5, he entered an education class for gifted children, and had no idea what ‘school songs’ were.

“Okay,” Gongxi Qiao gave up on the idea of having his facially paralyzed fan sing, “how boring it is for you to sit so dully.”

“He’s like this every time he comes out, just get used to it,” Xue Chong patted Gongxi Qiao, “You don’t have to pay attention to him, what more songs do you want to sing?”

Xi Qing glanced at Xue Chong expressionlessly, the hand holding his glass moved unconsciously.

Finally Gongxi Qiao saw Xi Qing was bored sitting alone and simply dragged him to play games with him.

Xu Shaoxuan looked at the two people in the corner in a harmonious atmosphere, and when he saw Gongxi Qiao playing around with Xi Qing’s personal phone, he sighed in his heart. He originally thought his friend for many years was a straightforward young man, but this year he realized that he was still very young.

With their status, they actually didn’t think much of entertainers. They usually played around, but no one would take them seriously. Anyway, they were clear with each other that it was an exchange of interests. But Gongxi Qiao was different. He wasn’t only an entertainer, but also a rich second generation. Although this second-generation status, in their eyes, didn’t count for much, in any case there were some differences from ordinary entertainers.

At first when Gongxi Qiao came in, he felt that this person was too dazzling looking, both in looks and temperament, not like a child educated by a nouveau riche family. Because a person’s words and actions couldn’t be disguised, the other person’s aura wasn’t feigned, but formed naturally from the inside out.

People with an aura, even if sitting cross-legged, would look like yuppies[1], but people without an aura would look obscene if they did that.

Although slightly disbelieving, Xu Shaoxuan had to admit that Gongxi Qiao’s spirit did carry an aristocratic aura in his bones. Moreover, this man was also a person who was very particular about enjoying himself. It could be seen from his dress and sitting posture that this man was definitely someone who would sit and not feel like standing and suffering.

But no matter how brilliant this person was, it couldn’t hide the fact that he and Brother Xi had different personalities and preferences. Yet, Brother Xi looked at this person differently, and also looked like they were on the same page.

Hehe, who would believe it ah. Master Xi of the upper class circle was playing around with a rich second generation nouveau riche.

The group played in the private room for two or three hours. Probably taking into account the presence of Xi Qing, no one called for a princess or young master[2], not to mention playing other games. After seeing a bit of boredom on “Uncle Xi’s” face, the few gentlemen who weren’t too close had the sense to get up and say goodbye and, by the way, they even settled the bill.

When these people were gone, the four talented young people including Gongxi Qiao found a place to eat. Without outsiders around, Xue Chong and Xu Shaoxuan spoke a lot more casually.

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“The Bai family is really money-driven. They can do anything, and they don’t even want their dignity and morals,” said Xue Chong in a disdainful tone at the table. “If they go on like this, the domestic market will definitely be chaotic. The Bai family’s century-old reputation will sooner or later be ruined in the hands of this generation.”

“Why do you worry about them?” Xu Shaoxuan sneered, “Their family made their own death. It’s strange that the authorities can tolerate them.”

Although Gongxi Qiao didn’t care about the business circle, he vaguely understood what they were talking about. There were several major families in Flower Country: Xu, Xue, Bai and Xi were all part of these families, of which the Xi and Bai families were the most prominent ones. But the Bai family’s next-generation family leader came to power last year and the business methods they used caused the discontent of several families.

These prestigious families had their own groups, and the Xi and Bai families had never been very close to each other, so many people were expecting Xi Qing to fight with Bai Zhong.

Regrettably, Xi Qing was more calm than they thought. Those upper class families didn’t succeed in their intentions, but were discontented by Bai Zhong’s methods.

The two families of Xu and Xue had always been firmly in the Xi family faction, so Xu Shaoxuan and Xue Chong were so close to Xi Qing.

The twists and turns of the upper class circle weren’t much different from the officialdom of his previous life, so Gongxi Qiao wasn’t much interested and simply concentrated on the delicious food on the table.

Xi Qing saw Gongxi Qiao eating heartily and showed a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

He deliberately brought Gongxi Qiao out today because the entertainment industry was too chaotic and there was no guarantee that someone more powerful than the Gongxi family would come out and look for trouble. So he simply introduced Gongxi Qiao to the people of his faction, and also let others understand that Gongxi Qiao was his good friend, and touching Gongxi Qiao was tantamount to having a problem with him.

Just ……

Xi Qing carefully looked at Gongxi Qiao’s side face. Perhaps his heart already didn’t treat Gongxi Qiao as a good friend. Once some thoughts began, they were like a demon that couldn’t be suppressed.

At the end of the day, Gongxi Qiao also had a few drinks with Xue Chong and Xu Shaoxuan. As a good law-abiding citizen, he called a chauffeur to take his car back, but he was invited by Xi Qing to his car.

Xue Chong was a bit puzzled thinking, since there was a chauffeur, Xiao Qiao could have been sent back directly by the chauffeur, why did Brother Xi have to accompany him on this extra trip?

“You got nominated for the Thousand Flowers Award tomorrow?” Looking out the car window, Xi Qing looked back at Gongxi Qiao sitting next to him, “Unfortunately, I have to go on a business trip tomorrow, otherwise I would be able to go to the ceremony to see you get the award.”

“If you have time in the evening, you can watch the live broadcast,” Gongxi Qiao extended two fingers and curved them, “I took two nominations. If I’m lucky, maybe I can really get an award.”

Before Gongxi Qiao returned home and fell asleep, his mind dazedly echoed Xi Qing’s words when he got out of the car.

“If it’s you, you’ll definitely win the award.”

Turning over, Gongxi Qiao unconsciously smiled. He wasn’t a perfect all-rounder, who could say that he could win the prize, and then win the prize.

However…… His heart settled down a lot.


Look like yuppies: Literally the loan word 雅痞 yǎ pǐ, meaning “young urban professional”. In English the word has taken on a somewhat negative meaning, but in Chinese it still just literally means a wealthy young urban professional and isn’t negative.Princess or young master: Hostesses/hosts that work for KTV venues

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