Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 49: Entertainment Industry Acting Emp

Chapter 49: This Isn’t Scientific

October 26, 2021kaychandra

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Chapter 49: This Isn’t Scientific

“I wonder what kind of masterpiece is causing such a stir,” Bai Zhong looked at Xi Qing, who was standing outside the crowd, with a smile on his face. “President Xi seems to be in low spirits, is it because he isn’t interested in these works?”

This was Flower Country’s showcase, and as one of Flower Country’s top prestigious family leaders, it wouldn’t sound good to say that Xi Qing was indifferent to his own country’s products.

Xi Qing looked at him coldly, without any intention of speaking.

Xue Chong, who was next to him, smiled coldly and said, “President Bai is an elegant person, why don’t you explain it to us? I don’t understand what this painting means. With President Bai here, we will become enlightened immediately.”

Bai Zhong’s recent cooperation with overseas companies went very smoothly. He was praised by the media and people attached to the Bai family repeatedly. It was inevitable that he would act a little high-profile. After being ignored by Xi Qing, and then suddenly rebuked by Xue Chong, he felt a bit unhappy. Looking in the direction of Xue Chong, there was a picture of a woman hanging by the window, but he didn’t know what dynasty it was, only that it was an ancient noblewoman.

He had been studying economic knowledge all these years. He had no time to understand art. It was impossible for him to understand the meaning of this painting.

“This painting is so atmospheric,” seeing that Bai Zhong ignored him, Xue Chong didn’t care. He was already very interested in art, and turned his head to view the nearest painting. The more he looked at it, the more fascinated he became. After a long time he even felt a trace of melancholy, as if he were infected with the melancholy of the woman in the painting. He didn’t come back to his senses until suddenly there was a constant clicking sound around him.

When he looked back, he saw that a dozen meters away, there seemed to be someone surrounded by reporters in a large circle that was so dense that he couldn’t even see their figure.

“The painter has appeared!”

“Quickly go to take a close-up!”

“Hurry up, or we’ll get a bad shooting angle.”

The media who were originally gathered here in the exhibition area ran over in a flurry. In front of the work that was surrounded by a flood of people, there were suddenly about half as many people, and it finally didn’t look so crowded.

Xue Chong was a little curious. What kind of painting was it that had attracted so much attention?

After approaching to see the painting, Xue Chong immediately sucked in a breath of cold air. This painting …… Was too amazing!

“In my lifetime, I can finally see a picture with such flourishing scenery. I have no regrets in this life!” Next to him, an elderly man who was over sixty years old was red-eyed. Facing the reporter who was interviewing him, he choked up and gave an interview, but apparently because he was too excited, he couldn’t even speak clearly.

Xue Chong knew this old man. He was a famous domestic historian, but this painting was making him so emotional?

After carefully viewing it, Xue Chong wasn’t as excited as the old man, but he was also unable to calm his heart. Because the painting was too vivid, too well-documented, it was almost, almost as if the painter was present at the scene.

So it was no wonder that it caused such a stir. A thousand years ago, the Tianjin Dynasty was the most economically and culturally developed country in the world. Not only Flower Country people were interested in the civilization of that time, but many historians abroad also often studied the history of that period.

“Good painting,” Xi Qing walked to the front of the painting, gazed at it for a moment, and even he, who had always been reticent, couldn’t help but praise it. “This picture of the Tianjin Palace Banquet is very much in line with the culture and atmosphere of that time.”

Seeing that Xi Qing was also interested in this painting, Xue Chong immediately became interested and explained to him in detail what was so amazing about this painting, as well as some of the wild history of the early days of the founding of Tianjin.

“The person who made the painting not only had superb painting skills, but also profound knowledge, otherwise he couldn’t have painted such a piece of work that shocks people both at home and abroad.” Xue Chong was very curious about the author of this painting, but unfortunately, the signature on it was the nom de plume “Gong Qiao Ke”, and the real name couldn’t be found.

It seemed that the painting in their country of ‘Lady Grooming’, which was touted by many people, was also a painting by this person?

Xi Qing didn’t care. His attention was focused on the empty space in this picture. With the creator’s rigor, he shouldn’t have forgotten this person, but did so intentionally.

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He looked at the painting again carefully, and finally found a few clues in the corner. Somewhere in the corner of the painting, two female officials carrying palace lamps led a young man in fancy dress to the temple. However, this man’s figure was covered by the palace pillars. Only half of his figure was revealed, so that people couldn’t see his face.

It seemed that this was the person who should be sitting at the second table on the right.

“Gong Qiao Ke …… ” Xi Qing whispered this name. Inexplicably he actually thought of Gongxi Qiao, and couldn’t help but laugh a little. He actually even managed to think of that person based on such a name. He’d gone off the rails.

At this time on the domestic Weibo, a netizen who was lucky enough to attend the show sent a post.

Jin Tianzhu: Our country really made a big splash at this exchange, the whole Flower Country exhibition area is packed with visitors and media. Unfortunately I entered a little late and couldn’t squeeze in. I didn’t have time to see what the work is, but I’ll post a picture to show you what is called a sea of people.

The blogger posted three pictures, one of which was a crowd of media, one of which was a crowd of viewers in the Flower Country exhibition, and one of which was the works hanging in the Flower Country exhibition hall.

The netizens who saw this Weibo first envied the blogger for being able to go to such a high-class venue, then expressed their appreciation for their own artists who were fighting for the glory of their country, and finally hoped that the blogger would make an effort to take a picture of the work that was crowded with people.

Jin Tianzhu: I’m not sure if I can get a shot of it, but the painting is now surrounded by representatives of all the prestigious families. Even Master Xi, who has a good relationship with Qiao Shao, is also there. Unfortunately, Qiao Shao isn’t present, otherwise I could still take a picture with my idol.

The anti-fans immediately jumped out and laughed: Qiao fans shouldn’t be so bold, your Qiao Shao is just a small artist who isn’t upscale, he couldn’t even enter the door on this occasion, so don’t hug the thigh of Master Xi to create hype.

When the Qiao fans saw these remarks, they had anger in their hearts, because the significance of this exchange was different. They didn’t want to recruit any more anti-fans for Gongxi Qiao, so they were sullenly forced to have a careful debate with the opposite side, and didn’t dare get into an argument

It was also because of their actions that the passers-by were led to have a very good impression of the Qiao fans.

However, this blogger named Jin Tianzhu was probably watching the exhibition, and disappeared after posting two posts.

After half an hour, the blogger reappeared, only to send a Weibo message that people couldn’t understand.

Jin Tianzhu: Aaaahhhhh!! I’m dying! I’m dying! I’m going to watch the exhibition on my knees!

The five exclamation points fully expressed the blogger’s abundant excitement, so the onlookers were full of confusion. What was happening? Did Flower Country do something to slap other countries in the face again?

In the exhibition hall, Gongxi Qiao, under the kind invitation of the organizer and the cautious consideration of the Flower Country party, agreed to paint on site.

In fact, traditional Chinese painting was always about spirit and harmony. With so many people watching, it was very easy to affect the mood of the artist. However, the organizer sent a generous invitation, and the Flower Country party wanted to take this opportunity to promote their culture, so they had to let Gongxi Qiao, who was in the limelight, take the stage under pressure.

Fortunately, the Flower Country party always prepared thoroughly for its work, so even if they were going to paint on the spot, they used the painting tools prepared by their own country. Chinese painting had a high requirement for its utensils. Even the paper couldn’t be shoddy. Things provided by foreign countries weren’t as professional as the ones prepared by themselves.

On-site painting, besides testing the painter’s painting skills and psychological quality, was also about strength of character. No matter how good you were at painting, you would be standing there in a very strange posture. How unattractive was that picture on camera?

Knowing that the scene was already crowded with journalists from various countries, a good impression would definitely bring better results.

Laying out the scroll, Gongxi Qiao smiled towards the crowded cameras, didn’t speak, and began to paint with a brush.

Although the reporter on the scene didn’t know anything about the traditional painting of Flower Country, he thought the handsome young man looked great when he painted, just like …… Like a blooming magnolia. Elegant and clean, making people feel refreshed.

Within twenty minutes, Gongxi Qiao dropped his brush, then looked up and smiled at the crowd and said, “Watch this, everyone.”

After saying that, he dipped his white jade-like hand in the water in the fine porcelain bowl next to him, reached out, and brushed it over the paper. They saw that the painted peach blossom buds were blooming on the paper, like the flowers were suddenly blossoming on the paper. It was wonderful.

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In fact, this trick was just something he learned from a colleague in his previous life. It wasn’t a profound skill. As long as one paid attention to the weight of the brush and ink when painting, and then matched the angle when sprinkling the water, as well as the degree to which the ink stained the paper, one could create this “miracle”.

There were a lot of limitations to on-site painting. To really paint a good picture, there was no telling how much time it would take. It was better to use this almost lost craft to bring better results.

Hearing gasps of amazement, he knew this was the right method to use. He showed an extremely pure smile toward the camera, and then the scene was constantly ringing with “clicking” shutter sounds. If he hadn’t been accustomed to the limelight, in this state, he would have been blinded.

“This is ……” Old Xia and several other Flower Country painters looked at this scene in amazement. It was only after a long time that Old Xia said, “Is this the long-lost Miraculous Hands Growing Flowers technique?”

It was recorded in ancient books that Lu Heng, a famous politician, painter and thinker in the early years of the Tianjin Dynasty, had a miraculous technique that could make flowers bloom on paper, which was called “Miraculous Hands Growing Flowers” by later generations. However, this painting technique was almost lost. Now, it was suddenly used by a young man in his twenties. They were no less surprised than the foreigners.

“It’s a pity, ah, it’s a pity, ah!” an old painter lamented bitterly. How could such a genius become contaminated by fame and fortune and become an actor?

The officials of the Flower Country party were overjoyed at this time. They looked at Gongxi Qiao with the emotion in their eyes of seeing a “national treasure”. This time, their country really had a lot of honor, a really big honor.

He must be on the list of the top ten young people who inspired Flower Country this year, ah!

Foreigners were already stunned by Gongxi Qiao’s skills. They didn’t understand how the flower buds on the paper could bloom. It was too unscientific.

Oh, the mysterious Flower Country people, the magical Flower Country people. Flower Country culture was really interesting.

Xue Chong, who was squeezed in the crowd watching, was already confused. He rubbed his eyes with some disbelief. Only after a long time did he turn his head to look at Xi Qing beside him and stammered, “I, I didn’t see it wrong, did I?”

Can somebody tell me why this painter who shocked foreigners so much that they dropped their jaws is Gongxi Qiao?

No, isn’t Gongxi Qiao a second-generation nouveau riche actor? Why does he look so cool here? He must have gotten off the plane in the wrong position today. Otherwise, how could such a fantastical thing happen?

Xi Qing looked at the young man surrounded by domestic and foreign people. He watched him handle the media interviews with ease, and looked at the painting on the table that made everyone marvel. His heart was both tingly and tender with mixed feelings, indescribable.

On the other side of the crowd, Gongxi Xiong and Qiao Lanfen were looking at Gongxi Qiao with pride on their faces, and they wanted to shout to everyone, “That’s my son, my family’s son!!” Their Gongxi family and Qiao family’s blood!

At 19:00, Flower Country’s capital time, the most watched ‘news broadcast’ in all of Flower Country aired on time. Many people were doing other things while turning on the TV.

At 19:20, the anchorwoman reported the news of the International Art Exchange in a beautiful standard voice.

“Our country’s young painter, Gongxi Qiao, painted on-scene and his Miraculous Hands Growing Flowers technique shocked the whole audience. It was well received by foreign artists as well as the media ……”

What? Young painter Gongxi Qiao?

Some young people looked at the TV in confusion, just in time to see the image of flower buds blooming on the drawing paper.

The viewers in front of the TV were a little dumbfounded. This was a news broadcast, not a fantasy drama or magic scene, right?

When the camera moved up and aimed at the face of the person who made the painting, many young people’s minds went blank.

WTF, who was on camera just now? Were their eyes out of order?

Online, a Qiao fan weakly sent a Weibo.

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Slippery Patch of Heaven: So, what, did you guys watch the news broadcast tonight? I think there’s something wrong with the way I turned on the TV today.

Giant Panda: me too ……

Green Family Ten Birds: me too ……

It wasn’t that they were timid, it was just that tonight’s news was so amazing that as Qiao fans they were also a bit incredulous.

After 19:30, the front page of Weibo fell into a magical and bizarre atmosphere, with many people posting words like “Did you watch the news broadcast?”

At 20:05 pm, the National Art Association sent out an official Weibo post.

National Art Association V: Today, our artists’ representatives participated in the international art exchange, which was a great success. The young painter Gongxi Qiao’s three works were all well received, among which ‘Palace Banquet’ was particularly stunning. Moreover, he made a shocking live painting with the long-lost “Miraculous Hands Growing Flowers” technique, which contributed greatly to the promotion of our traditional painting culture.

After this Weibo was sent out, some netizens soon replied below.

Netizen A: After looking up “Miraculous Hands Growing Flowers” on Qiandu you will definitely come back and kneel down to this Weibo, wow.

Netizen B: already kneeling.

Netizen C: the same, already kneeling.

After a series of replies, finally a netizen asked the question of concern.

Netizen N: This Gongxi Qiao, is it the Gongxi Qiao we know?

The National Art Association replied to netizen N: Gongxi Qiao is a very talented calligrapher and painter, and his film and TV works, too, are equally amazing.

After seeing this reply, all the netizens were immediately in a dream-like state.

A genius artist entering show business? Why is this picture so strange?

Not only the ordinary netizens were confused. Qiao fans weren’t far behind. They had long known that the male god was perfect, but suddenly they learned that their male god could be even more of a male god, and they couldn’t stand it for a while.

People say that artists like to cross boundaries, but isn’t the boundary-crossing of the male god a little too big?

When the domestic crowd reacted, the public and the media went crazy. Winning glory for the country is good, ah! Surprised foreigners dropping their jaws is good, ah! Such great deeds must be praised and reported on.

What? The young man who made the painting can even act?

Wow, really a capable young man. He’s not only good at painting, he has good looks and good acting skills. He acted in those shows, everyone has to watch them.

What? This child is the top scholar of the Imperial Capital University, and won first place prizes in many competitions?

That’s great! If their own children could like this kind of idol, they wouldn’t have to worry about them learning the wrong things!

Netizens also went crazy with joy. Some even edited the video of Gongxi Qiao making paper peach blossoms bloom with his Miraculous Hands Growing Flowers technique and posted it online, reaching more than 100,000 re-posts in just a few hours.

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“If it wasn’t being shown on the National Station news, I really would have thought it was a post-production video.”

“Don’t be so ignorant above, the Miraculous Hands Growing Flowers technique has been around since ancient times. I heard that it was one of the best techniques of Lu Heng of the Tianjin dynasty. This is our traditional culture, not something post-production.”

“I’m so worried that after a few days, Strawberry Country will jump out and say that this painting technique is their traditional culture.”

“If they have the face to say it, they have the ability to have someone draw one in public ah. Aaahhhh, when my family’s male god brushed his hand across the paper, so handsome, male god, I want to give you a monkey.”

“I used to read novels where the protagonists are often the winner of life and the son of heaven. I also scoffed at these plots, but after seeing Qiao Shao, I realized that I wronged those authors.”

And under Jin Tianzhu’s microblog, the faces of the people who originally took advantage of Xi Qing to mock Gongxi Qiao were already swollen by the netizens and they didn’t even dare to say a word. Not that they weren’t eloquent, but Gongxi Qiao was too strong.

No matter how big the brain hole, wasn’t it impossible to think that Gongxi Qiao would appear at the exchange conference in that way and also win glory for the country, ah?! The most dog blooded TV series wouldn’t dare to act like that, okay?

Just when the country was buzzing, Jin Tianzhu tweeted again.

Jin Tianzhu: friends who like to collect paintings, do you still remember that ‘Lady Grooming’ picture praised by many people? The author of that painting was also our own Qiao Shao ah! Ah! Qiao Shao, marry me!

The netizens who didn’t understand the world of collecting also knew what was going on after other people’s scientific education.

The ‘Lady Grooming’ picture was worth seven figures and was revered by many collectors?

Many people didn’t understand art, but they understood money, ah. A painting that could be worth such a high price must not be an ordinary work!

After everyone was blindsided by Gongxi Qiao’s loftiness, a Qiao fan exclaimed: I don’t know why, as a fan of the male god, I feel like I’m getting taller.

Not only this Qiao fan, many Qiao fans felt honored. After all, fanning such an excellent person was proof of their good vision.

It was very lively in the country, and also very lively at the exchange that hadn’t yet ended. However, Gongxi Qiao, who was followed by many journalists, had no time to view other artwork, since he was dealing with media interviews from beginning to end. When the museum was closed, if not for the strong security of the Longboot party, he was afraid that he wouldn’t even be able to squeeze into the car.

After returning to the hotel and having another interview with the National Station, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After a phone call with his parents to make sure they had returned to the hotel to rest, Gongxi Qiao hung up the phone and then saw an additional text message in his phone.

Clicking on it, he laughed silently.

Da Xi: The painting is beautiful, but there are too many people around you. I can’t squeeze through to say congratulations to you. I’m a little regretful.

“Ding dong”

Xi Qing, who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, opened his cell phone and looked at the reply on his phone. His heart, which was a bit restless, gradually settled down.

Xiao Qiao: You like it? I’ll send you a few for free. If you want to congratulate me, when you return to the country, invite me to dinner!

Xi Qing’s hand holding the phone was hot. He was so good, so good that people couldn’t move their eyes away.

But with some feelings, if you didn’t work hard, they would only become regrets. He didn’t ask for much love in his life. Only this one. He was reluctant to let it drift away with the tide.

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