Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 51: Entertainment Industry Acting Emp

Chapter 51: Cameo Performance

October 27, 2021kaychandra

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Chapter 51: Cameo Performance

After asking Gongxi Qiao to give him five minutes of his time, the atmosphere fell into an awkward silence. The fat man seemed to be a little nervous and kept rubbing his hands together.

At that moment, the door across the room opened. The reporter from the National Station was going back to his room after interviewing Old Xia, when he saw someone standing in front of Gongxi Qiao’s room and took a look. The important part wasn’t that they looked, it was that their eyes almost fell out after looking.

“Mr. Phillips?” As reporters of the National Station, they naturally knew the famous director, although that person certainly didn’t know them.

Phillips had long been used to reporters’ surprised expressions, but seeing that this time the reporter might be from the same country as Gongxi Qiao, he gave a friendly nod and took the opportunity to explain his purpose. “I would like to discuss a role with Mr. Gongxi, but I’m rather sorry that I seem to have disturbed his rest.” At this point, he also showed an apologetic smile.

It was only then that the National Station reporter figured out the situation. Apparently the rather famous director was shut out by Gongxi Qiao. The poor reporter, he had only seen artists trying to find famous directors to work with and had never seen an artist shutting out a famous director. He didn’t know how to react for a while.

Gongxi Qiao tugged at his bathrobe to make sure it wouldn’t come loose. Then, he pulled the door open and said, “Sorry, I was rude before, Mr. Phillips. Please come in.” Although he didn’t know who this Mr. Phillips was, seeing the reporter from the National Station so surprised, he could see that the other party was definitely not an ordinary person.

“No, no, I was too rude.” Seeing Gongxi Qiao open the door, Phillips’ fat body superbly exercised his agile skills and swished through the door, as if he was worried that Gongxi Qiao would change his mind.

Gongxi Qiao invited the two reporters from the National Station in as well. One of them turned on the camera in his hand. Obviously, Phillips taking the initiative to approach Gongxi Qiao was very newsworthy.

“Mr. Gongxi, I heard that, in addition to your very high level of painting, you’re also a very good actor?” Phillips was a person who was used to getting to the point, so he spoke directly, “I have an Asian role in my movie that fits your appearance very well. I hope you can play it.”

Out of the corner of his eyes, Gongxi Qiao caught the excitement in the eyes of the two reporters. He put his cup of tea down in front of them, then said, “You’re right, I am indeed an actor. I just don’t know when the shooting will start for the role you’re talking about.” It was certainly a good opportunity to enter the international film industry, but right now he wasn’t firmly established. It wouldn’t be a good choice if he delayed the start of “Cultivation” because of this role.

“Please rest assured that although this role is very important, in the movie there are only a few minutes of footage. It will only take a few days to shoot.” Phillips listened to Gongxi Qiao’s tone and felt that this matter was promising. He immediately became energized. “‘Golden Manor 2’ is eager to have you on board.”

Wasn’t ‘Golden Manor’ a very hot magic-themed movie two years ago? At that time, after it was introduced domestically, it hit the top of the box office in Flower Country that year. Was the second part already being filmed now?

Gongxi Qiao pondered a little. “I’ve seen ‘Golden Manor’. It’s a very good film. Many movie fans in our country love it. I would like to be part of such an excellent work for filming, but …… One of my movies at home is about to start shooting, and I can’t break my word.”

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“Of course, of course,” Phillips wasn’t disappointed by Gongxi Qiao’s answer. Instead, it made him admire him more. He admired this kind of reputable young man. “If you want, we can start filming tomorrow. All the scenes can be finished in three days, without affecting your domestic work at all.”

This was indeed a very sincere act to save up his scenes alone to shoot in three days. Gongxi Qiao also needed to give face to the famous director. He immediately said, “Thank you for your invitation, director. I will definitely do my best.”

“You’ve agreed to my invitation,” Phillips smiled and got up and gave Gongxi Qiao a warm hug. Even the two reporters next to him who were wallflowers weren’t spared. All of them were offered a hug by him. “Thank God. I’m sure you won’t regret playing this role.”

‘Golden Manor’ was a film adapted from a magic-themed novel. After the first part was a great success, the second part entered a state of emergency filming. At that time, the author of the novel, in order to fight for the East-Asian market, described a mysterious Eastern Sage with outstanding looks and ability that was almost flawless in all aspects at the end of the second novel. As a result of this character’s appearance, the novel’s sales in the East-Asian market increased significantly, with total sales almost twice as much as the first book.

The author of the novel had that intention, and the film company naturally couldn’t give up the cash cow that was the East-Asian market. However, they went through several eastern countries, but didn’t find the right person.

This time, Phillips was invited by a friend to come to the exhibition, and after seeing Gongxi Qiao’s “Miraculous Hands Growing Flowers” technique, seeing his face, he was immediately amazed. Originally, he planned to contact the Flower Country party tomorrow, but he heard that the Flower Country art delegation would be returning to their home country early tomorrow morning, so he had to rush over and disturb Gongxi Qiao’s rest as a result.

This was why he was so happy that Gongxi Qiao had agreed to his invitation. Only this Flower Country man with such a mysterious aura would be attractive enough playing the Eastern Sage.

After sending Phillips away, Gongxi Qiao thanked the two reporters, “Thanks for alerting me just now. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have recognized Director Phillips.”

The two reporters said repeatedly that it was no problem and instructed Gongxi Qiao to take a good rest before they left. They treated Gongxi Qiao with a polite attitude that bordered on respect.

“What do you mean you can’t come back tomorrow!?” Chen Ke almost smashed the cup in his hand. Tomorrow, who knew how many journalists and fans would be crowded at the airport to pick up the plane. Now the main person actually said that he wouldn’t come back. It would be strange if those journalists didn’t get angry and start cursing.

“Whose invitation are you talking about?” The cup in Chen Ke’s hand didn’t escape the fate of falling to the ground. However, at this moment its owner obviously didn’t have the heart to pick it up.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ke booked a flight to Midi Country[1] as fast as he could. Then, he calculated the time and thought he would arrive in Midi Country at about the same time as Gongxi Qiao.

With this kind of artist, as a manager, he sometimes felt like his existence was pointless. However, he didn’t mind at all and couldn’t wait to give himself a few more of these artists!

When other artists were self-destructing and self-promoting to increase their exposure, his own artist had already won glory for the country. When other artists were struggling for their roles, his artist had already received invitations from famous directors. The difference was so huge that it was like other people rode old cars while his artist rode a rocket. Just too cool.

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After gathering all kinds of documents, Chen Ke hurriedly exited the door. He didn’t forget to send a text message to his boss before boarding the plane, so that this amazing news would also excite his boss.

In the dressing room of the ‘Golden Manor’ crew, a bunch of makeup artists surrounded Gongxi Qiao, taking group photos, taking other photos, and asking for autographs. Simply too enthusiastic.

Because Gongxi Qiao became so famous in the last two days, his painting ‘Palace Banquet’ was highly respected abroad. Even though no one knew he was an actor before he entered the set, it didn’t affect everyone’s interest in him.

He put on a flowing, loose white robe, a long, silky black wig, and a silver crown in the shape of branches and leaves on his head. Gongxi Qiao felt that this shape wasn’t really in line with the legendary eastern immortals. However, seeing all the people around him look at him in awe, he thought he had better not say anything.

“Perfect, too perfect.” Phillips walked into the dressing room. After seeing Gongxi Qiao’s look, he was amazed. He circled around Gongxi Qiao several times and frowned…… What seemed to be missing?

After a long time, he spoke hesitantly, “Dear Qiao, do you eastern immortals need a staff?”

Gongxi Qiao smiled and shook his head. “We eastern immortals have many magic weapons. Legend has it that different immortals use different weapons. Flowers, trees, musical instruments and even household items could be their magic weapons.”

“Oh, the eastern immortals are really powerful.” Obviously, Phillips didn’t understand the complex system of eastern mythology. “I think your character, if you took a magnificent staff, would be very beautiful.”

“If you don’t mind, I think a jade flute would also be very good.” Gongxi Qiao took the time last night to read the original novel ‘Golden Manor 2’ regarding the depiction of the Eastern Sage. It didn’t say what weapon he used, only that the character was mysterious and powerful, good at swordplay, the bow and arrow, and high in magical power.

“Jade flute?” Phillips was a little surprised, “A flute made of jade?” He knew that Flower Country people were very fond of all kinds of jade, but couldn’t imagine what a jade flute was. However, he still believed in Gongxi Qiao’s suggestion and asked someone to find a jade flute. Now, he would take a close-up of Gongxi Qiao’s face first.

‘Golden Manor 2’ included a mysterious island in a lake, which no one could enter. The protagonist team inadvertently met this mysterious Eastern Sage by the lake.

Because the jade flute hadn’t been delivered yet, the whole day was spent shooting close-ups of his eyes and face. Gongxi Qiao didn’t even have the chance to act with other artists at all.

The jade flute was delivered early the next morning. Gongxi Qiao took the flute out of the box and found that it was the real thing, not an imitation. It seemed that ‘Golden Manor’ really valued the role he played.

“You’re going to participate in the shooting with a few main actors later. Just keep your level from yesterday. Don’t be nervous.” Chen Ke took two drinks of water from his cup. “Your performance yesterday was great.”

Seeing that Chen Ke drank most of the water in two gulps, Gongxi Qiao smiled and wondered who was nervous.

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Foreign friends always had a fixed impression of eastern immortals, which was, they could fly around. Gongxi Qiao’s first shot today was to fly from the lake to the protagonists.

The angle should be beautiful, the clothes should be flowing, and the posture should be elegant. It took Gongxi Qiao a full hour to meet Phillips’ requirements.

“Who are you?” Garcia gripped the accessories around his waist and looked at the person who suddenly appeared at the lake with a tense expression.

The man standing quietly at the edge of the lake slowly turned around. The perfect side of his face was so good-looking that it was frightening. He looked coldly at the human who had intruded into his territory, and his pure black eyes were like the most beautiful black stones in the world, charming enough to make people offer their souls.

The protagonist took a slight step back. Perhaps it was the other man’s perfect face profile that took away some of his tension. “Are you …… One of those who live on the island in the lake?”

“Mortals,” the mysterious dark-haired man turned around, revealing a face that was perfect to the extreme, “you are not welcome here.”

“But we’re just ……”

Garcia’s words were swallowed under the man’s icy gaze. He looked at the man’s exquisite crown, and the snow-colored robes representing holiness, and actually had the feeling that he would be killed if he continued.

Seemingly very satisfied with his behavior of shutting up, the mysterious black-haired man’s mouth showed a little imperceptible smile. He raised his chin slightly and said, “Very good.”

After saying this, he suddenly rose up in the air and flew towards the lake. His wide sleeved robe and black hair fluttered in the cold wind, both dangerous and mysterious.

“Wait.” Garcia ran forward two steps when suddenly a thick fog rose in front of him. When he opened his eyes again, he and his partners had appeared outside the forest, and he had a piece of blue gem in his hand.

When Gongxi Qiao finished his scenes and left the country, Phillips warmly took him to the airport. He said that he would definitely continue to play the role of the Eastern Sage if a third film was filmed, and they exchanged friendly contact information.

The two warmly hugged goodbye at the airport before Gongxi Qiao and Chen Ke entered the security checkpoint. Chen Ke looked back at Phillips, who was still standing in place, and said happily, “This opportunity was a complete surprise, ah.”

Gongxi Qiao raised his eyebrows. “I thought that you would be happier with what happened five days ago.”

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“Five days ago I was surprised and happy. Today, I’m only happy and not surprised. It’s different,” Chen Ke looked at Gongxi Qiao who was disguised with glasses and a cap, “There aren’t many artists who can be hounded by the media over here.” He had experienced the enthusiasm of foreign friends in the past two days. Flower Country fans were too subtle compared to these people.

He received news yesterday that the works that participated in the international art exchange would be exhibited at home. Unfortunately he had pursued Gongxi Qiao to Midi Country in the past two days and didn’t have the chance to see the ‘Palace Banquet’ which was praised by many people.

“After the shooting of ‘Cultivation’ is over, I’ve decided to take on a movie with other themes. The subjects I’ve been shooting lately are all related to immortal fantasy and I’m getting a little tired of them.” Gongxi Qiao pulled on the brim of his hat, “I don’t want to become a professional in immortal dramas.”

“Okay, ah. Wait for Phillips’ ‘Golden Manor 2’ to be released and you can shoot anything you want.” What Chen Ke said was true, the Flower Country film and television industry, compared with other countries, wasn’t particularly developed. There were often artists going abroad to play some kind of background role for gold plating[2], and publicized that they had worked with some international superstars. Whether or not they acted together, at least they got exposure.

Gongxi Qiao played a role that existed in the original novel and was an important element foreshadowing events in the third novel. It was completely different from those artists who hired themselves out to play walk-on roles. Even if they didn’t brag about it themselves, the fans and the filmmakers would automatically help them.

The most important thing was that Gongxi Qiao’s look in ‘Golden Manor 2’ was truly beautiful. Chen Ke dared to swear upon his own head that when the movie was released, there would be a bunch of face fans who prostrated themselves to Gongxi Qiao.

Because, he had long seen through this world that judges people by their appearance!

When the plane landed at the airport in the Imperial Capital, Gongxi Qiao asked with some uneasiness, “The news of our return to the country today hasn’t been leaked, right?”

Chen Ke shook his head. “No one in the country knows yet that you made a cameo appearance in ‘Golden Manor 2’, so it’s unlikely that anyone will know that you’re returning to the country today. As long as your disguise isn’t ripped off, you shouldn’t be hounded by the media or your fans.”

As a result, as soon as they walked out, they were greeted by a tidal wave of screams.

Gongxi Qiao turned his head to look at Chen Ke: What about the promise not to be hounded?

Chen Ke: ……

My face hurts.


Midi Country: 迷蒂 Literally this would be something like “Fan Stem” country… so I’m just translating this as the pronunciation of the characters. I assume it’s a stand-in for America?Gold plating: To do something just to get some fame without real substance.

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