Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 73: Entertainment Industry Acting Emp

Chapter 73: His Man Loves Him Dearly

October 28, 2022kaychandra

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Chapter 73: His Man Loves Him Dearly

“Let’s be together.”

Xi Qing raised his head and looked at the young man standing by the handrail upstairs, his expression a little wooden.

“You don’t want to?” The young man tilted his head and looked at him with a smile.

He opened his mouth, only to feel like there was a rumbling in his head. He couldn’t think of anything, but he felt his heart was going “thump thump” extra loudly, as if the whole estate could hear it.

It seemed like his legs were out of control and he unconsciously stepped upstairs. The moment he hugged the youth, his rumbling brain quieted down. His nose smelled the faint scent of Gongxi Qiao’s hair, which floated into the tip of his nose and finally took root in his heart.

His heart was so hot that he wanted to hug him tightly, but he was afraid of crushing him. In the end, he just hugged him carefully and said in a trembling tone, “Thank you, thank you.”

He didn’t know whether he was thanking the person in his arms or thanking fate, but at that moment, in his head he could only think of those two words.

He met the person he loved and got the person he loved. They were of the same gender. The person he loved was capable of greatness, but he was able to make his dream come true and held the love of his life.

Gently wrapping his arms around Xi Qing’s waist, Gongxi Qiao laughed softly. Xi Qing’s clumsy response pleased him.

The usual Xi Qing was perfect, but in front of his love, he was just a beginner with no experience in love. Who wouldn’t like the person they like to show their special side in front of them?

The two embraced for a while.

 Xi Qing blushed a bit and let go of Gongxi Qiao. “You……” He wanted to ask Gongxi Qiao why he suddenly felt like being with him, but didn’t dare to ask. It wasn’t easy to pursue the man. He couldn’t make him unhappy because he started talking nonsense.

A hand grabbed Xi Qing’s hand. Gongxi Qiao led him downstairs. After the two were seated at the table and breakfast was set, Gongxi Qiao looked at Xi Qing’s cautious expression and said, “The road of love is too difficult. I don’t want to see you walk the whole road alone.”

To put it plainly, Xi Qing was a man who was both considerate and agreeable, and could tolerate everything about himself. He wasn’t hard-hearted and would naturally be moved, and would love each other dearly.

Since it had been determined, why should he leave him hanging and let him feel insecure? A person could toy with schemes, but not with feelings.

Watching this silly man circle around himself carefully all day, not daring to say anything even if he was jealous, he would also be heartbroken, right?

“Xiao Qiao……” Xi Qing’s heart warmed up, gently holding Gongxi Qiao’s hand. A smile that looked a little silly appeared on his face.

So the meal ended with Xi Qing eating one bite of rice and looking at Gongxi Qiao. This new boyfriend also diligently sent Gongxi Qiao to the set, and incidentally secretly rubbed and fondled his hands and so on in the car, smiling contentedly.

The car stopped outside the set. Gongxi Qiao hooked a finger towards Xi Qing, who dutifully lowered his head.

“Chu.” There was an extra warm touch at the corner of his mouth. Xi Qing looked at Gongxi Qiao’s lips and his entire ears turned red.

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“See you tonight.” Gongxi Qiao saw that Xi Qing almost turned into a statue and smiled as he walked away from the car. His mood was so good that even the garbage cans on the roadside were agreeable to him.

Five minutes later, the bodyguard who was driving whispered, “Boss, you have a meeting at nine.” You’ve been in one position for a long time, isn’t your neck sore?

“Mm,” Xi Qing sat up straight and said with no expression, “Let’s go.”

After some time of bonding, coupled with the good culture of the ‘Cultivation’ crew, the relationship between the whole cast and crew was still relatively harmonious.

However, many people found that Gongxi Qiao seemed to be in a particularly good mood today. During the filming, a bit-player was dragging his feet, causing Gongxi Qiao to hang on the wires for nearly an extra hour. The bit-player felt guilty beyond words and apologized to him, but he gently comforted the other person.

When Gongxi Qiao finished filming and sat down next to him, Chen Yi said with a teasing face, “What good thing happened?”

“Won first prize.” Gongxi Qiao threw him a bottled drink, as if he didn’t see the teasing look on Chen Yi’s face. “Of course it’s a good thing.”

“You, Great Young Master Qiao, still care about a little money?” Chen Yi poked fun at him with a few more words, but was mindful of proportion, so he quickly changed the subject. “Tonight the Xue family is holding a cocktail party. I heard that eldest young master Xue is a fan of yours. Will you be joining in the fun there?”

Although entertainers couldn’t enter the prestigious families’ elite circle, in order not to offend the elites, they more or less knew some news about that circle. The Xue family had always been a follower of the Xi family. The current head of the Xi family had a close relationship with Gongxi Qiao, so the relationship between the Xue family and Gongxi Qiao must not be too bad either.

Speaking of which, Chen Yi still greatly admired Gongxi Qiao. Although the Xue family and Xu family were Xi family supporters, the prestigious families had the pride of the prestigious families. If they saw Gongxi Qiao unfavorably, even if Xi Qing intended to elevate him, they would only be facetious, definitely not to the point of calling Gongxi Qiao their brother.

So that was where Gongxi Qiao’s personal charm came in. Even if his status as an entertainer and a second-generation nouveau riche dragged him down, he was still able to mingle in the circle of prestigious family elites. It was something that ordinary people envied, but was pointless to envy.

“Of course I have to give face to the Xue family,” Gongxi Qiao smiled. “What fan? It’s just a joke between friends.”

Chen Yi smiled, unscrewed the cap of the drink and took a sip. When he turned his head and saw Dai Ni looking at him, he got up and walked towards his girlfriend’s side. In front of his lover, his friend was put aside for the time being.

Seeing Chen Yi following Dai Ni around like a lackey, Gongxi Qiao laughed and suddenly remembered Xi Qing.

He took out his phone and sent a text message to Xi Qing.

In the conference room of the Xi Group headquarters, a branch manager was trying hard to introduce the advantages of their new product to the top management of the headquarters, in order to put it into production. However, when she noticed that Xi Qing was expressionless from the beginning to the end, her heart was a little weak. She wondered, does the BOSS’s expression mean that he’s satisfied or dissatisfied?

In Xi Qing’s opinion, the design wasn’t particularly impressive. It might attract consumers’ attention temporarily, but not in the long run. He was about to interrupt the manager’s presentation when a text message alert suddenly came from his private cell phone.

Clicking on the text message page, his expressionless face turned gentle when he saw who the sender was.

“I forgot to prepare a tuxedo for the cocktail party tonight. Can you help me prepare it? Do you need me to give you my size? Sender: Lover”

The tone of this text message was less formal and more casual than those sent by Gongxi Qiao in the past. Xi Qing had the feeling that Gongxi Qiao had already accepted him as “his own family”.

The branch manager noticed that since the big BOSS looked at his phone, his expression suddenly became gentle. She wondered, could it be that the BOSS’s lover had sent a message?

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So the BOSS already has a lover? I wonder, what kind of goddess could take down a man like the boss?

In fact, the way the boss bowed his head to return the message was also quite gentle. The goddess was really mighty.

“I know your size. Be careful filming. I’ll come and pick you up this afternoon. Sender: Da Xi”

Gongxi Qiao saw Xi Qing’s reply and smiled. He knew Xi Qing must have secretly inquired about his personal information. After thinking about it, he changed “Da Xi” to “my family” in the contact list.

Although the personalities of the two were very different, they had shared a common interest in changing each other’s contact names.

During lunch, Gongxi Qiao heard Director Jiao complaining to the director’s assistant about something, and his expression looked a bit ugly.

“What’s going on?” Mi Yue asked curiously. “It’s rare to see Director Jiao lose his temper like this, ah.”

The last two days they shot outdoor scenes. Because the crew was rich and powerful, they were shot directly at the Imperial Capital Studios. The fees were higher than several other studios, but it made the lives of the artists more convenient. Some people privately speculated that Master Xi was acting like such a tycoon because Gongxi Qiao was in the cast.

“A new crew came next door and occupied the venue we were going to film in this afternoon.” Ji Yuming said in a tone of voice that was a bit ambiguous, “The other side isn’t following the rules, no wonder Director Jiao is angry.”

As a rule, the use of venues between crews should be a matter of first-come first-serve, or negotiation. Directly grabbing places like the crew next door was a bit aggressive.

After hearing the reason, everyone’s expressions were a bit weird. When the crew next door stole the space, didn’t they inquire about who they were stealing from?

Well, who told Director Jiao to have such powerful information blocking methods? This new crew might really not know what their crew’s background was.

“Director, do you want me to talk to the crew next door?” The coordinator was also cursing in his heart thinking, the crew next door has holes in their brains, right? Their own crew was backed by the Xi family, but they didn’t do things like taking over a site without asking. Unless the crew next door was on the same level as the ‘National Industry’ crew, who would dare to steal their site?

At this time, Director Jiao’s anger had already subsided by half. He was such a big shot that he felt it was beneath his dignity to do such a degrading thing, so he said, “No, you don’t need to discuss it with them. Just go and find out what kind of crew it is.”

Soon, the person who went out to inquire came back, so everyone knew the big name of the crew next door.

“The ‘Dream Come True’ crew?” Mi Yue wrinkled her nose, “Isn’t that Lin Kang’s crew?”

Since the ‘Dream Come True’ crew terminated their contract with Liang Yumeng, they ended up having funding problems and finally dragged on and on. The film not only changed its director and lead actor, but even the investor changed to the Bai Group.

“No wonder they dare to be so arrogant. It turns out that they have the Bai family as their backstage support,” Zhao Yikun snorted, with some disdain in his tone. “Even people from the Xi family aren’t so arrogant.”

Although Zhao Yikun was a second-generation dandy, Laozi wasn’t the number 1 greatest person in heaven and earth, nor the number 2 most moronic. At least he knew that Xi Qing wasn’t a person he could afford to mess with. Even if this Master Xi treated everyone courteously and personally went to the mountains to visit the set, this friendly behavior didn’t lessen everyone’s awe of this master.

Everyone could hear that Zhao Yikun was mocking the Bai family for being a defeated general under the Xi family. However, they all held back their laughter. This was something that Zhao Yikun dared to say, but they didn’t dare. If word got out to the Bai family’s ears, they wouldn’t be able to stay in the circle.

So, everyone turned their heads together to look at Gongxi Qiao, who was also in a position to say something.

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“What are you guys looking at me for?” Gongxi Qiao blinked and smiled innocently, “I won’t compare Bai family members with Xi Qing.”

Everyone was confused, why not compare them?

“What’s the point of comparing people who aren’t on the same level? Wouldn’t that be degrading my Xi Qing?” Gongxi Qiao slowly said, “They can rob things if they want to. Anyway, the only thing they can do is rob things.”


His mouth is more poisonous than Zhao Yikun’s!

The director of the ‘Dream Come True’ crew was a young up-and-coming director. Last year, he made an indie film and won a big award and thought he was full of talent. In addition, he was a cousin of the Bai family, so he became the director of ‘Dream Come True’.

Relying on the support of the Bai family, this young master of the Bai family robbed the pre-booked venue as soon as he arrived. The producer wanted to discourage him but didn’t dare to. He could only hope that the crew next door wouldn’t have a strong background. However, a crew that could afford to spend money on filming in the Imperial Capital Studios wouldn’t be poor, even if they had no one backing them.

Since the rent for one day here could match the cost of four or five days for several other film and television studios, what poor crew would spend this money? A crew would only do such a thing if there was an ignorant rich tycoon footing the bill, or a rich young master who didn’t want to suffer.

Seeing the producer’s worried look, Liu Bai sat behind the monitor with his legs crossed and said discontentedly, “If something happens I’ll take the blame. What are you afraid of?”

“But the rules of our business……” The producer saw Liu Bai’s expression turning ugly and simply closed his mouth. The money spent was the Bai family’s money anyway. If someone was offended, it would be on the Bai family’s head, so what was he so worried about?

But in the bottom of his heart, he thought, With such a way of dealing with people, no wonder the Bai family can’t beat the Xi family in this generation.

Liu Bai was also unhappy because he wasn’t satisfied with the lead actor this time. It wasn’t that his acting skills were bad, but he always felt that the lead actor’s performance was lacking an aura. However, this was the male lead actor designated by Bai Qi. He, a young master who relied on the Bai family to flaunt his power, could only hold his displeasure in his heart.

Therefore, his displeasure was ostentatiously vented in other ways to cover up his irritation.

With the status of the Bai family, if they wanted to steal a certain venue, even if the other crew was upset, they could only suffer in silence and had to smile and say they were putting it to good use. However, this time they weren’t bullying other crews, but the one that the Xi Group exclusively invested in, ‘Cultivation’. If it weren’t for Director Jiao, both sides would probably have started trouble with each other by now.

But what kind of person was Director Jiao? He was a smiling tiger with a grin on his face and a grudge in his heart. Liu Bai was currently feeling good and acting cool, but perhaps in a few days it would turn into two lines of tears.

Because the venue was stolen, the ‘Cultivation’ crew had to disrupt their plans, shoot other scenes, and then finish the day’s shooting early.

After Gongxi Qiao finished removing his makeup, Xi Qing brought him his tuxedo. After he changed into it, he saw that it fit perfectly.

While he was changing, there was a whole row of bodyguards standing outside the dressing room, which made people who wanted to watch not dare to lean forward.

Mi Yue glanced at the dressing room from afar and whispered to Chen Wen. “Actually, Master Xi looks particularly attractive in his suit, but his aura is so strong that I don’t dare to look at him.”

“You just told me last time that Xiao Qiao looks sexy in a suit.” Chen Wen raised her eyebrows, condemning Mi Yue for this kind of fickle behavior.

“Both look good, but they’re not the same type.” Mi Yue coughed dryly. “If the two of them stand together, they would definitely be more eye-catching.”

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No sooner had she said this than she saw the door to the dressing room open and Gongxi Qiao and Xi Qing walking out of it. She froze for a few seconds, covered her nose and said in a jarring voice, “Male beauty is harmful, ah!”

Chen Wen dazedly looked at Gongxi Qiao. It was only when he and Xi Qing walked away side by side that she withdrew her eyes in a trance.

What could be more bitter than falling for a man for the first time, only to find that the man was too perfect and not in the same class as yourself?

At the thought of someone appearing in the future to pick this delicious fruit that she had coveted, Chen Wen let out a low sigh.

“What’s wrong with you?” Mi Yue asked curiously.

Chen Wen smiled and shook her head. “Nothing, I just feel that the words ‘self-knowledge’ are too cruel.”

Mi Yue was taken aback. Looking at the gentle smile on Chen Wen’s face, she also smiled and stopped asking questions.

“Is there a big shot visiting the set of the crew next door?” Although Xie Yingying lost out on the Best Newcomer award at the Thousand Flowers Awards, she became the female lead in ‘Dream Come True’ this time because of her spirited acting skills and her sweet looks.

When she noticed several cars parked outside the next set and bodyguards standing by the cars, she stopped curiously when she was about to get in the car to go home.

The producer, who also saw this situation, laughed bitterly. What is this all about? The crew next door is calm, but it doesn’t cover up the fact that his crew wasn’t acting in an ethical manner. If it got out, it might cause resentment among the fans before their movie was released.

Lin Kang, who was following them, was silent. His expression was calm as he looked at the luxury cars neatly lined up not far away, as if he was looking at something unrelated to himself.

It wasn’t until someone walked out of the next set’s entrance that his originally calm expression showed more than a hint of emotion.

“That’s……” Xie Yingying covered her mouth and whispered, “Master Xi and Qiao Shao?”

The two men walking at the front in suits looked like they were about to attend some important occasion. They were followed by several black-clad bodyguards. It made people feel intimidated when they saw them from afar.

The previous Thousand Flowers Award for Best Newcomer was won by Gongxi Qiao. Although she was a little disappointed, she was more convinced that Gongxi Qiao’s acting skills were indeed better than hers. She was convinced that she had lost.

She was a young girl, and she was attracted to men like Gongxi Qiao. Although they weren’t in the same agency, it didn’t affect her appreciation of him.

Now when she saw Gongxi Qiao surrounded by bodyguards, it even gave her a feeling like, my male god is so cool.

Well, this popular female artist, who was called a goddess by many male fans, was actually a hidden Qiao fan.

She covered her face to hide her inner excitement and turned her head to look at Lin Kang, who was in the same company as Gongxi Qiao. Now that they ran into each other, weren’t they going to say hello? In any case, Gongxi Qiao was also the top star of Senhe.

Maybe it was a coincidence that when Xie Yingying was thinking that, Gongxi Qiao suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned his head towards them.

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