Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 87: Entertainment Industry Acting Emp

Chapter 87: Decided

November 1, 2022kaychandra

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Chapter 87: Decided

The hospital under the Xi Group was a famous private hospital in the Imperial Capital, specializing in ophthalmology and orthopedics. For cases like Lin Kang’s, specialists were transferred from other hospitals.

With Gongxi Qiao and Xi Qing, in the hospital, Lin Kang received VIP treatment. Not only were his medical and nursing fees waived, but he was also given daily rounds by doctors until they determined that his after-effects were getting better. The doctors then changed from checking on him once an hour to once every three hours.

As soon as Gongxi Qiao appeared in the hospital, many doctors and nurses greeted him in a friendly manner. Gongxi Qiao greeted each of them politely before coming to the door of Lin Kang’s room.

He hadn’t seen Lin Kang since he woke up. At first, he was worried that he might be stimulated just after waking up, but later he was busy shooting movies or attending some important announcements. Even if there was something he wanted to send to the hospital, he had his assistant send it over and then let the nurses take it to the room.

He reached out and knocked on the door of the room. The person who opened the door was Lin Kang’s agent Xie Ji. Lin Kang’s parents were not inside the room.

“You’re here?” Lin Kang’s pale face showed a smile as he greeted Gongxi Qiao and sat down.

Gongxi Qiao saw that although he had lost a lot of weight, his eyes were clear. He smiled and put the fruit in his hand on the bedside table, then sat down on the chair on the side. “How are you feeling now?”

“The doctor said there are no more problems. I just need to recuperate slowly for a while.” Lin Kang looked at the fruits on the bedside table. None of them were the kinds of fruits that were harmful to the stomach and intestines.

Xie Ji looked at the two of them and said, “I’m going out for a cigarette.” He walked out of the room, glanced at the two people in the room, then sighed and closed the door of the room.

After Xie Ji went out, the room fell into silence. A few moments later Lin Kang said, “The matter this time ……”

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“Don’t talk about the past. It’s important to live a good life afterwards.” Gongxi Qiao didn’t want Lin Kang to recall the past, and he didn’t intend to ask Lin Kang about those few text messages.

Lin Kang smiled and seemed to guess what Gongxi Qiao was worried about. “I know that you helped me a lot in this incident. Thank you very much.”

Gongxi Qiao looked at him and didn’t say anything. He didn’t have much of a friendship with Lin Kang originally. He didn’t even know exactly what kind of personality Lin Kang had, so at times like this, it was better to talk less.

“I’m going to go abroad for two years to further my studies.” Lin Kang had a relieved smile on his face. “Maybe I should go out and explore. When I come back, I’ll open a store and live a good life in peace and be filial to my parents.”

Seeing the smile on his face, Gongxi Qiao was silent for a long time. “That’s good.”

“Yeah.” Lin Kang quietly looked at the dazzling young man in front of him. He took a serious look at him from head to toe and seemed ready to memorize his appearance in his heart. “The plane ticket has been booked. I can’t repay the kindness of you and President Xi for the time being, but I will remember this kindness.”

He would return the money, but he couldn’t return the favor.

“You don’t have to say that, I just happened to stumble upon this situation.” Gongxi Qiao didn’t expect that Lin Kang had already made up his mind to leave. “When are you going to leave?”

“In two days,” Lin Kang said. “There are rumors going around. After I leave, my parents are going to move out of the Imperial Capital and live abroad for a while.”

Gossip was a fearful thing. Although Lin Kang was a victim, it was still inevitable that people would gossip behind their backs. It was good for the Lin parents to leave this place for a while.

People were forgetful. After a while, who would care who Bai Qi was and what had happened in the first place.

“Let’s take a picture together.” Lin Kang looked at Gongxi Qiao and said, “We’re in the same company, and we haven’t taken a picture together.”

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Gongxi Qiao didn’t refuse. He walked to the bedside and sat down, allowing Lin Kang to take out his phone and take a few selfies with him.

He didn’t sit in the room for long. Half an hour later, he left Lin Kang’s room and saw Xie Ji standing in the hallway.

“Qiao Shao,” Xie Ji said. He saw that Gongxi Qiao had a very respectful attitude, with a kind of cautious ingratiation.

“The company gave you a new recruit?” Gongxi Qiao saw that he looked tired as well. He must have been running back and forth between the hospital and the company to look like this.

“I’m taking on a few fresh recruits,” Xie Ji said with a bitter smile. “Xiao Lin is leaving, so I can only take on others.” In the past, he carried the pressure of not taking on any others, running back and forth just for Xiao Lin. Now the company was willing to terminate Xiao Lin’s contract, and didn’t ask for his breach of contract fee, which was very generous, so he couldn’t just walk away with him.

Moreover, in this situation, it would be useless for him to follow him out. He had a clear conscience, and Xiao Lin had chosen the best path for the moment. In the future, it would be good for each of them to talk on the phone and get together in their spare time.

Gongxi Qiao nodded and left silently. Why Lin Kang said those words before trying to commit suicide was no longer important. The important thing was that Lin Kang was able to get out of the gloom and live a good life, and the bad guys got the punishment they deserved. That was the best result.

Two days later, Lin Kang quietly left Flower Country by plane. No one knew about his departure, and no one even knew how he actually was. For the media, the lively drama had broken up and they had nothing more to write about.

As for the victim Lin Kang, they were too embarrassed to write much about it, so it was better to leave it like that, good for you and good for me.

Since the release of “The Greatest Warrior”, Gongxi Qiao had never shown his face except for his confrontation with the Bai family. Although some media wanted to know what he was doing, the Xi family’s bodyguards were so strong that they couldn’t follow them, so they had to dig for news.

Maybe it was the fans’ illusion, but Gu Nan didn’t make any appearances since he returned to China. Recently, even his news rarely appeared. The major media, as if by arrangement, lost interest in Gu Nan at the same time. It was completely different from the picture of Gu Nan when he first returned to China, when many media were scrambling to praise him.

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The Nan fans were curious about what their own male god was doing, and some even speculated that maybe the male god had participated in a big production like “Cultivation” and couldn’t reveal the news.

The circle of people who knew the story saw this speculation and secretly laughed at the bottom of their hearts. What big production? Now this Heavenly King Gu, not to mention big productions, couldn’t even receive endorsements, okay?

To say how bad Gu Nan was doing, it wasn’t clear how many people he offended, but who told him to be so popular in the first place, blocking the way of many people. How many people were envious and jealous? Now they were happy to see him offend a big shot, and they were happy to watch the fun.

The hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry never stopped, and everyone soon ushered in the winter. December in the Imperial Capital was particularly cold, and people could freeze into icicles when they went out. Meanwhile, Gongxi Qiao was still at home choosing scripts.

With his current status, only he chose the crew, rather than the crew choosing him. The scripts sent by Chen Ke weren’t bad, but the subjects were mostly ancient genres. He didn’t really want to take them.

Among the more than ten scripts, he only valued two of them. One was a police film, and the other was a suspense film that seemed paranormal, but was actually man-made.

Flower Country’s paranormal films were often mocked by fans as brain-dead films, because the logic of the plot wasn’t good, the cost was low, the pacing of the film wasn’t strong, and the editing was messy. Either the audience could guess the ending after watching the first ten minutes, or it was a mess that didn’t make sense, and the ending was simply nonsensical, just to force an ending on the audience.

The main thing was that such films had a hard time winning awards, so generally big directors and famous actors weren’t too keen on making such films. Who wanted to be involved in a movie that was neither good nor popular?

However, Gongxi Qiao found the suspense script quite interesting. The pace was tense and exciting, the plot was logical. He only found out what the suspicious points were after reading it, but they were all traceable, not a result of the creator forcing a muddled explanation.

He called Chen Ke, only to learn that the director of this work called “Dream Corridor” was an up-and-coming director. He was best at shooting psychological scenes and was a talented director. He heard that he had some relationship with Xiang Hong, otherwise the script wouldn’t have been sent to him.

However, although Xiang Hong was Senhe’s boss, in front of Gongxi Qiao, he never put on airs. Let alone making Gongxi Qiao act in this movie, stuffing the script into here was already considered “using power for personal gain”. Therefore, he made a special effort to have Chen Ke explain on the phone that he definitely didn’t mean to force the issue. He just wanted Gongxi Qiao to take a look at it, and if suitable, it would be best to make a cameo appearance or investment or something. If not, it didn’t matter.

Xiang Hong was very polite, so Gongxi Qiao also gave him face. After reading it, he found that the script was really very good. When he called, he found out that the script was written by Xiang Hong’s second cousin and friend, and after seeing it, Xiang Hong thought it was good and wanted to shoot it.

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“Mr. Xiang, are there any investors for this movie yet?”

“Not yet?” Gongxi Qiao wasn’t short of money now. “The Greatest Warrior” grossed more than one billion after it was released. There was also a large amount of online broadcasting. Apart from various fees and taxes, he had a lot of money in hand, so investing in this kind of suspense film wasn’t a big deal to him at all.

“In that case, the film will be invested by me personally,” Gongxi Qiao said into the phone. “The main character is also quite interesting. I’m going to talk to the director and screenwriter. If it’s suitable, I can consider starring in it.”

After hearing this from Gongxi Qiao, Xiang Hong happily told his second cousin the news. However, when Chen Ke heard about it, he discouraged him instead.

“It’s okay. I’m bored anyway, so I’m making a movie for fun.” Gongxi Qiao was in a good frame of mind. He wasn’t short of movies to make anyway. “This kind of role is also quite interesting.”

Chen Ke was speechless, but Gongxi Qiao had a point. With his financial strength, he really didn’t have to think too much when shooting a movie.

After Mi Yue and others heard that Gongxi Qiao was planning to make a suspense drama, they were all very interested and ready to join in the fun. The young director and scriptwriter were flattered. They were so lucky. They originally didn’t have any hope, but not only did they find an investor, even the artists involved were so good.

Gongxi Qiao was just flipping through the script in silence. He had new thoughts about the role of the president in the movie, who had few scenes, but was very mysterious.

That night, he flipped through the script, looked up at Xi Qing, and scratched his chin. In the plot, the protagonist fell on the mysterious president because of an accident, and there was an unexpected kiss.

That kind of thing must be performed by “best buddies”, out of friendship.

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