Chapter 95: Back View of Handsome Men

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November 6, 2022kaychandra

Chapter 95: Back View of Handsome Men

The next day, after Liang Dong heard that the crew had terminated Cao Zheng’s contract, he started to feel anxious. He was worried that he would be the next one whose contract was terminated.

When he thought of the bad luck that had happened to him since he entered the entertainment industry, he felt that his life was a bit gloomy. Three years ago he shot the second male lead in a web drama and became a hit. Then he got lucky and signed a new contract with Ringstar. Then he played the fourth male lead in a big production drama and was named one of the most handsome men in ancient costumes because of his outstanding looks.

Because of this title, his agent helped him to get the important supporting actor in “Princess of the Closed Moon”, because everyone knew that the most important point of that original character of the novel was being good-looking.

He was so happy to get this role so soon after his debut that he went out for a drink with some friends in his circle. However, he was framed and the next day news about his drug use was all over the place and he lost the role that he had easily won.

Cao Zheng said that Gongxi Qiao stole his chance to become a big star, but he didn’t think so. With Gongxi Qiao’s connections, he was bound to catch fire sooner or later. “Princess of the Closed Moon” only happened to be a stepping stone for him to enter the entertainment industry. He never felt that Gongxi Qiao stole his opportunity, but only hated himself for not being careful enough and hated that his so-called “friends” were no good.

Now that he finally had a chance to get up, he was dragged down again by Cao Zheng’s bad mouth.

Thinking of this, he sighed sullenly. Hearing a sound from the corridor, he pulled open the door to see Cao Zheng dragging his suitcase and preparing to leave. What surprised him most was that his face was pale, as if he hadn’t slept all night.

When he heard the door open, Cao Zheng looked up and saw Liang Dong standing at the door. He gave a light snort of unwillingness and scolded in a low voice, “Don’t be smug!”

Liang Dong looked blankly at Cao Zheng’s departing back. What did that mean?

Soon he knew why he was scolded, because the director decided to let him play Cao Zheng’s role, and his previous role was to be played by a newcomer.

Cao Zheng’s role was much more important than his current role, so Liang Dong was a bit confused when he heard his agent say that. He wasn’t swept away along with Cao Zheng?

“When did you get on Qiao Shao’s bandwagon? Why didn’t you tell me?” His agent came up to him, full of curiosity.

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Liang Dong shook his head. “How can I have anything to do with Qiao Shao?” Looking at the agent in front of him, who was a lot more enthusiastic than usual, Liang Dong was confused.

“Come on, don’t pretend.” The agent poured a glass of water for him, and then said with emotion, “If Qiao Shao hadn’t recommended you to Director Liu, how could this important male supporting role be yours?”

No wonder when Cao Zheng saw him just now, his eyes were so ugly. This turned out to be the case. Liang Dong suddenly understood. Turning his head to see his agent still chattering, he sighed and said, “I can’t climb Qiao Shao’s thigh.”

He heard that even the president of his company, Mr. Huang, was very polite and courteous when facing Qiao Shao. Therefore, it was better for him, an artist with a scandalous history, not to create trouble for Qiao Shao by hugging his thighs.

Seeing that Liang Dong’s expression didn’t look like he was faking, the agent was also confused. Was Qiao Shao just doing one good deed every day?

Because of Gongxi Qiao’s tight schedule, Director Liu deliberately took a few days to finish shooting all the scenes including him. Before Gongxi Qiao left, the main creators of the crew also had a meal with him.

Winter in the Imperial Capital was exceptionally cold, so Gongxi Qiao put on his coat and scarf after getting off the plane. With glasses and a scarf, no one recognized him yet, although he had long legs and a good figure, which attracted some head-turning.

The first thing he saw when he walked out of the entrance was Xi Qing, who was standing not far away. Seeing him come out, a smile appeared on Xi Qing’s face, and he couldn’t help but take two steps forward.

“The plane was late today, how long have you been waiting here?” Gongxi Qiao took a big step to Xi Qing’s side, then stretched out his paw and touched the back of his hand. Then he turned his head and looked around, withdrew his hand without a trace, and said with a smile, “Come on, let’s go home.”

“I didn’t wait long.” Xi Qing looked at the assistants behind Gongxi Qiao and saw that they all had their heads down, as if they didn’t see Gongxi Qiao’s actions just now, so he said, “Uncle and Auntie just called and asked us to go over there for dinner tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow is the day to worship Zao Shen, the god of the kitchen.” Gongxi Qiao and Xi Qing walked out side by side, then he said, “My parents believe in it, so every year at this time, they want the whole family to be together to offer incense to Zao Shen.”

“Okay.” Xi Qing looked sideways at Gongxi Qiao’s eyebrows and raised his lips and smiled.

After the two men left with their assistants and bodyguards, a certain passerby who was secretly watching in the airport said to her young companion, “That long-legged handsome man just now, his whole feeling is so Sue, I love it!”

“Wearing glasses, covered with a scarf, you can’t even see his face. How dare you say he’s handsome?” The young companion glanced contemptuously. “Maybe it’s just a good-looking body and outstanding temperament.”

“Can’t you see that the elite man in a suit walking with him is also very handsome?” The passerby touched her phone. Looking at the sneak photos on her phone screen, she was satisfied and said, “If you can be friends with a handsome man, how can you be ugly?”

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After saying that, she snapped a photo with only the backs of the two people and posted it. Although she was happy that she had found two handsome men, she also knew that posting random frontal photos of people on Weibo could potentially get people into trouble.

However, even a photo of their backs caused a lot of people to look at them, because the backs of the two men were so good-looking that many people wailed for the blogger to post a frontal photo.

After understanding that the blogger shouldn’t, people soon found that these two men might not only be good-looking, but also might be tall, rich, handsome Mr. Perfects. Because, they found that the watches worn on the hands of those two were limited handmade products of a world famous brand, with less than two hundred pieces produced worldwide each year.

In addition to the watches, the scarves and jackets on their bodies were identical to some famous brands, although they couldn’t decide whether they were high quality counterfeits or genuine. However, many people had already identified the two as Mr. Perfects, mainly because they were long-legged. All humans were visual animals.

Originally this “back view of handsome men” photo on Weibo had a moderate degree of heat, until a message from Super Panda, which suddenly made this photo on Weibo catch fire.

Super Panda: I don’t know if you remember the watch that Qiao Shao gave to Master Xi. It seems that …… it was the same one.

Super Panda seemed to be worried that people wouldn’t believe it, and deliberately dropped a Weibo screenshot in the comment section. The picture was the same one that Xi Qing posted on Weibo after receiving the watch.

Don’t Like Meat: So …… the back view of these two handsome guys could possibly be Qiao Shao and Master Xi?

Soon a technical expert compared some back photos of Gongxi Qiao with this photo, and finally came to the conclusion that one of them was most likely Gongxi Qiao. Although no back photos of Xi Qing could be found, from the watch, the man who walked with Gongxi Qiao was Xi Qing.

So the question arose, why did Gongxi Qiao and Xi Qing have such a good relationship?

If Gongxi Qiao had been away for a year and a half, it would be normal for Xi Qing to come to the airport to pick him up. However, Gongxi Qiao was still at the Imperial Capital a few days ago, and had only been away for a few days. Was it worth it for Xi Qing to come to the airport to pick him up personally?

Not to mention good buddies, even if they were biological brothers, they wouldn’t be so mushy, right?

Could these two people ……

This kind of subtle speculation was soon overturned, because a certain company came out with a statement saying that the president of the Xi Group had held cooperation negotiations with them at a certain place that afternoon.

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Everyone checked the place. It was very close to the airport, so maybe Master Xi was just passing by. Besides, between good friends, why couldn’t they pick each other up and drop them off?

Best girl friends could go to the bathroom together and go shopping together, but they can’t allow good guy friends to pick each other up from the airport ah?

Most people didn’t take the ambiguous speculation seriously, and a certain part of the fans who could see gay romance even when there was no gay romance just hid in the corner and silently thought ‘meng’, instead of running out and talking nonsense in front of the real people. Therefore, the storm quickly passed, and the Weibo topic also became Qiao Shao and Master Xi’s brotherly love, and the long legs dazzled countless passers-by.

People who were used to the Internet knew that news on the Internet was best used to watch the fun and not to take it seriously. Therefore, Gongxi Qiao didn’t worry at all after he knew that his photo with Xi Qing at the airport was recognized and associated with him. With this kind of thing, the more you tried to clarify it the more murky it would get. More importantly, he didn’t want to deny anything.

The next morning, Special Assistant Gou watched his boss put away the papers on his desk and look like he was ready to leave. He couldn’t help but look at his watch. It was only about ten o’clock and his boss was ready to leave work?

“Special Assistant Gou, I’m going to have a very important meal at noon. If nothing important happens in the company, don’t notify me.” Xi Qing picked up the coat on the sofa and was ready to go out.

“Boss, then this afternoon’s meeting ……”

“Move it to tomorrow,” Xi Qing said. “Just make the arrangements.”

Special Assistant Gou wanted to say something else, but when he saw the pleasure and expectation on his boss’s face, he swallowed all his words and watched his boss stride away.

At noon, when Special Assistant Gou was eating in the staff cafeteria, he browsed Gongxi Qiao’s Weibo account and found that Gongxi Qiao had just posted a message.

Gongxi Qiao V: A sumptuous lunch prepared by mom and dad [with picture]

The table was full of dishes. The most important thing was that the corner of the photo showed a corner of a piece of clothing. Others might not recognize it, but Special Assistant Gou knew very well that it was the clothes worn by the boss today.

No wonder the boss was so excited today. It turned out that he had gone to meet Qiao Shao’s parents.

Thinking of this, Special Assistant Gou looked a little peculiar. This Gongxi Qiao’s parents were really open minded. When their own son found a man, they were generous enough to invite him to dinner together.

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This family was really unusual.

At the Gongxi family villa, after the family of four had offered incense to Zao Shen and finished eating, they sat on the sofa drinking tea and watching TV. After a period of contact, Xi Qing and Gongxi Qiao’s parents got along very naturally. Apart from not calling them “Mom and Dad”, there was no difference between them and family.

“Da Xi ah, you went to the airport yesterday to pick up this brat?” Gongxi Xiong remembered the online fiasco last night. “Nowadays, in the age of the Internet, people will find out if you’re not careful, so you two should be more careful in the future.”

Although Gongxi Xiong was a bit rough, there was sensitivity within the roughness, which was why he made it clear that this had nothing to do with Xiao Qiao, so as not to cause the two to become suspicious over a small matter.

Gongxi Qiao looked up and smiled at Gongxi Xiong and Xi Qing, and went to his mother’s side, and together they went to complain about the dog blood drama plot.

“Please don’t worry, Uncle.” Xi Qing turned back and looked at Gongxi Qiao with a smile.

He didn’t say anything about reassurance, but Gongxi Xiong understood in his heart. He reached out and patted Xi Qing’s shoulder and said with a smile, “It’s good for you two young people to live your lives well.”

“I will take good care of Xiao Qiao,” Xi Qing said seriously.

“Take care of each other and support each other.” Gongxi Xiong said with a smile, “This brat has a lot of problems and is lazy. I’m glad you can stand him.”

“Xiao Qiao is very good.” Xi Qing looked back at Gongxi Qiao and saw that he was peeling an orange, half of which he handed to Qiao Lanfen before eating the rest himself. “There’s no one better than him.”

Gongxi Xiong patted his shoulder again. He understood that beauty was in the eye of the beholder.

When Xiao Qiao’s mother took him by the ears and scolded him, he thought she was more beautiful than any other woman. What else was there to say?

After the two of them left the villa where Gongxi Qiao’s parents lived, Gongxi Qiao smilingly asked, “What did my dad say to you?”

Xi Qing pulled open the car door for him and followed him into the car. He looked at the cozy villa through the car window and said with a smile, “Nothing much.”

Gongxi Qiao raised his eyebrows. Seeing him smiling like this, he didn’t ask any more questions.

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