Seeing Ji Muye laughing, Jiang Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

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“I’ll go first. You can leave after half an hour!”

It was dark and the woods were dense, so they couldn’t be seen coming out of the woods one after the other.

Ji Muye thought that he had finally discovered Jiang Zheng’s little secret, but then he heard her tell him to keep his distance in the next second.

In an instant, the heart that had just jumped up shattered with a bang. How much did she despise him?

Back in the square, the bonfire dance continued. Jiang Zheng and Han Yi were nowhere to be seen, so they must have returned to the hotel first.

Ji Muye sat next to Jing Meini. The firelight reflected on his face, making his deep face more three-dimensional. He stared at the flame for a while, then asked: “You say…is the ratio of your girls who go hot and cold quite high?”

Jing Meini smiled and said, “This question is too awkward. Let’s talk about this phrase again. Isn’t it often used for men?”

Ji Muye choked, “Are you lost in love again?”

Jing Meini tucked her hair around her ear, “What do you want to ask, please tell me straight?

Ji Muye sat up straight and said in a low voice, “Is there any kind of girl who looks at people from thousands of miles away, but actually just looks cold?”

Jing Meini frowned, “There should be.

Ji Muye’s brows eased, with a secret happy smile, and said, “I think so too.”

Jing Meini turned to look at him, “You’re not talking about Jiang Zheng.”

Ji Muye immediately widened his eyes, “So obvious?”

Jing Meini: “Yes.”

Ji Muye: “…”

He stubbornly denied it, and Jing Meini just stared at him.

In the end, the guilty Ji Muye was stared at until he fled.

Jiang Zheng had just returned to the room when her brother Jiang Ran called.

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Jiang Ran’s tone was very brisk, as he congratulated his dear sister for her new drama premiere.

Jiang Zheng laughed twice, “Thank you brother. I’m also very happy.”

Jiang Ran used to think that his sister didn’t need to work hard outside, and besides, the entertainment industry was a big dye vat, and whoever jumped in would be dyed black. Jiang Zheng was like this before she lost her memory. Some people said she was good, but more people said she was not good. Every time he saw the fierce criticism of those black fans, he wanted to personally end the game, pick them and beat them up.

However, not only did his sister love acting, but she did it so well. Then he could only block the other ups and downs for his sister.

Jiang Ran was sighing in every possible way that he was so moved by the deep relationship between them brother and sister when he suddenly heard Jiang Zheng say, “Brother, I have a friend, he looks sweet and salty, he is a decent old cadre, and he can play a sickly villain, or a small person in the market. Do you have a suitable script there?”

Jiang Ran’s mouth twitched. A few days ago, a particularly blind subordinate introduced to him a certain actor who he disliked very much. It was said that this person was very malleable, and he acted like he was a new actor. Anyway, he said a lot of praise. One of the phrase was salty and sweet.

Was it? Maybe? Possible?

Oh shit! No matter who he was, simply refuse.

Jiang Ran said firmly: “No.”

Jiang Zheng snorted, “Brother, I haven’t said who it is yet, and you said no.”

Jiang Ran frowned, “Does he need you to worry about him?”

Jiang Zheng: “So you know who I’m talking about.”

Jiang Zheng stretched out her voice and shouted coquettishly, “Brother~~~~~~”

After saying that, she felt disgusted by herself. But she had fought hard for Ji Muye.

Jiang Ran wanted to get angry and wanted to go wild, but the flame in his chest was immediately quenched in half by his sister calling him brother.

He gritted his back teeth, “I’ll think about it.”

He hung up the phone and looked up to see Ms. Chen Jinjiao looking at him with a smile.

“Mom, I’ll move out tomorrow. You don’t have to look at me so horribly.”

Since Jiang Zheng went over for shooting, the house had become much more deserted. Jiang Ran originally wanted to move out, but his sister said that it would be too lonely for her mother to live alone at home, and her brother should be with her more.

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Jiang Ran was obedient to his sister, so he had to continue to live there. However, he and Ms. Chen quarreled whenever they met, and the style of getting along was hard.

Chen Jinjiao stretched out her hand to give her son a chestnut, but he was too tall for her to reach.

When you can’t move your hands, you move your mouth, “If you move away, don’t come back. At that time, Zhengzheng and I will be in love with each other, and you will envy me.”

Jiang Ran: “…”

The first broadcast was a big hit, and the crew seemed to have been injected with chicken blood. Everybody got up early in the morning before dawn to prepare for today’s filming work.

All units were in place, and the filming officially began.

Cui Ling refused to eat or drink and decided to go on a hunger strike to reject Queen Tang Qinlan’s “kindness”. He tossed and turned with only one need, and that was to let him go.

Tang Qinlan had never encountered such a lifeless person who wanted to disobey her orders. She suppressed her temper, and asked, “Are you already married at home?”

Cui Ling shook his head.

“Do you have anything to hide?”

Cui Ling continued to shake his head.

“Why can’t this palace hold you?”

Cui Ling’s expression was indifferent, he knelt down and kowtowed, shouting, “This commoner is guilty!”

Tang Qinlan was so angry that she squeezed out a sentence from between her teeth, “You were hungry for a day and a night, but you still have the strength to say that this commoner is guilty. Then continue to starve. If you die of starvation, I will let them throw you into the river to feed the fish.”

After speaking, she lifted her foot and kicked Cui Ling away.

The maid Cen Baoqian frowned, secretly thinking that Her Majesty couldn’t help it after all.

Cui Ling didn’t seem to see it and knelt stiffly and didn’t move.

Outside the camera, everyone was staring at Jiang Zheng’s foot, but the foot was lifted in the air, swayed, and still fell to the ground.

She pursed her lips and looked up at Han Yi.

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Han Yi understood. Others didn’t understand.

Jing Meini hurried to help Ji Muye stand up. Ji Muye waved his hand and stood up from the ground. He had been kneeling for a long time, so his knees softened when he stood up suddenly and he almost knelt down again. Jing Meini quickly stepped forward and grabbed him.

Jiang Zheng was startled. Seeing this scene, she blamed herself more and more. She really couldn’t kick the wall of her house. It would just kill her. Although she gave herself a crazy mental build up before filming this scene, she still couldn’t kick it down when it came to actually doing it.

Director Xing Weimin stood up from behind the monitor and walked over, “Teacher Jiang, are you alright?”

Jiang Zheng’s face had turned pale, “I’m sorry. Can you give me a few minutes?”

Xing Weimin quickly nodded and said yes.

Han Yi helped hold up her skirt, Jiang Zheng lowered her head and stood under the tree next to the shooting site, thinking about it.

With her back to everyone, she dared to frown and sigh.

Han Yi: “You just kick him down with your eyes closed?”

Jiang Zheng shook her head, “I can see him even with my eyes closed.”

Han Yi: “…” What was the logic of this?

“Would you like to find the director and screenwriter to delete this scene?”

How could Jiang Zheng do this? This kick must be done. Teacher Yu Juan said that this kick was kicked on Cui Ling, but it was actually kicked in Tang Qinlan’s heart. The scene couldn’t be deleted, and she had to change her expressions between anger and distress.

At this moment, Han Yi saw Ji Muye walking towards this side.

He coughed twice and said in a low voice, “Your wall is coming.”

Jiang Zheng turned around suddenly. Han Yi left consciously, not wanting to be the light bulb.

Jiang Zheng frowned, wondering if Ji Muye thought she was deliberately delaying time so that he could kneel longer? Given her previous “dark history”, it was not impossible for him to have this idea.

Ji Muye smiled and said, “Teacher Jiang, you finally got the chance to kick me, why don’t you cherish it?”

Jiang Zheng was so shocked that she almost coughed on the spot.

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Ji Muye smiled warmly, Jiang Zheng could see that he was joking.

She immediately raised her face, “I’m afraid your fans will hunt me down.”

Ji Muye shrugged, “They just don’t know you. Besides, you’re acting according to the script, and if they want to scold someone, they can only scold the screenwriter.”

Jiang Zheng was stunned. Lol, did he come here specifically to comfort and enlighten her?

Her restless heart seemed to be wrapped in warm wind, light and fluttering, and all of a sudden, her emotions were gone.

“However, Teacher Jiang, please be merciful. When you kick, can we do it in one go?” Ji Muye winked very cutely after finishing speaking.

Jiang Zheng’s heart was fluttering, he and she were now a we, were they?

Immediately, her courage surged up and a yes was squeezed out of her throat.

After the meeting, everyone found that Jiang Zheng had walked into the set again with high spirits.

The director shouted action.

After Jiang Zheng finished her angry words about throwing Cui Ling into the river, her shoulders trembled slightly, her eyes seemed to be smiling, but her face was as white as ice, and she kicked Ji Muye’s arm as soon as she lifted her foot.

Ji Muye fell down, and the two cooperated tacitly and passed the scene.


Everyone secretly sighed. As expected of a boss, even if it’s an important scene, you only need to adjust your emotions for two minutes. How could other actors, adjust and adjust, but still need to NG many times to pass?

Jiang Zheng walked out of the camera zone with a gloomy face. As soon as the director said it, she quickly turned around.

Ji Muye got up from the ground and gave her a thumbs up.

Jiang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at him from across the crowd.

This was probably the first time the two had smiled at each other since they joined the crew. Although it happened in a flash, it was as if it had become a little secret between the two of them.

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