Tang Cheng film studio

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Jiang Zheng, who dressed in a Tang Dynasty's cloth with rounded collar, black outer and narrow sleeves, and already done her hair in a man bun, walked out of the dressing room. She starred as the female lead, Li Rui, in the new drama "Changan People's way". Li Rui(李蕊), a fugitive from the imperial court, was disguised as a man and assumed the name of Li Rui(李睿)as a small bailiff in Chang 'an County, Jingzhao Prefecture.

Her clothes should looked like this


Jiang Zheng not only had to figure out the heroine’s cautious and forbearing personality, but also had to potrait some characterictic of adult male with gesture and low tone of voice

She had become man for the last three months now for the drama.

Today was her last day shooting the drama. Finally, she can put on some pretty women's clothes to perform the most thrilling and exciting scene.

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"You have to walk the rope later, are you sure you don't need stuntwoman?" The director followed and asked.

In this finale scene, Li Rui, played by Jiang Zheng, will changed back to women's clothing and join in a troupe that is popular in Chang'an City and did some famous attraction, that is, a tightrope walking. She needed to run across quickly like a swallow on a rope that about 1.8 meters high and about 20 meters long.

Jiang Zheng opened half of her robe and sat down. "No need," she said calmly

Han Yi smiled and said: "Zheng Zheng had invited a teacher to teach her how to do the tightrope walking before the filming of this drama. Every day, she had practiced for two hours after finished filming for the day."

When the director heard this, he was instantly impressed. Everyone said that Jiang Zheng had a bad temper and poisonous mouth, but she was at least very profesional.

In this scene, she had to step on the ropes and then fall off in front of her brotherhood from the goverment office and the villain's female partner. Her expression, movements, and demeanor must be very acurate to make the audience feel how thrilling this scene was. Stuntwoman would only limit and affect the continuity of the atmosphere. As a director, he naturally hoped that every scene to be perfect.

The director happily left to make preparations.

The staff asked Jiang Zheng to change clothes after finished shooting on the scene. Jiang Zheng was 1.7 meters tall, it was already tall among other actresses, but in the drama she needed to potrait a stong man. Therefore, she had to add extra insoles. She also had to put on many layers of robe under her jade belt to mimic sturdy male posture.

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Now after 3 months seeing her dress like that to disguise as male, Han Yi was already become familiar to that look. Suddenly, a charming and lovely Chang'an beauty appeared in front of him, even he couldn't help but marvel.

The eyebrows droop low with the flower mark in between looked graceful, and the rouge on her lips was on point, how beautiful she was.




The makeup artist was specially invited by Jiang Zheng. This person was very good at ancient makeup, especially Tang Dynasty's makeup. The rouge blush, lipstick and eyebrows that were used from all natural materials. Han Yi's heart was in a bit pain, because Jiang Zheng's studio was paying for all this.

At that moment, Han Yi's cell phone rang. He picked up the phone and his expression became more and more serious.

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Jiang Zheng sat in the chair. "What's wrong?"

Han Yi told everyone to go out and open the Weibo for Jiang Zheng to see.

Jiang Zheng glanced at it and clicked twice: "She is a real talent."

In the five years since her debut, always people who think they were smart and tried to use her 'influence', such as Qiao Xi, the female second lead in "Chang'an People's Way".

From the start of filming, this woman hinted on Weibo that she was very tired. Many of her fans comforted her in the comment: Whoever acts together with Jiang Zheng can't have a great time. I feel sorry for you, sister.

Later, Qiao Xi even posted a sentence on Weibo: How I want to be a single-celled organism and live simple-mindedly.

Such a post immediately became fuel to start crusade against Jiang Zheng. Many netizen and passerby came only to stroke the fire to blacken* her more. Qiao Xi didn't comment any further nor gave any explanation.

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*blacken means adding more shame or giving her image as villainess.

This morning, Qiao Xi posted another Weibo: I am so happy that I am finally going to finish this. 

Originally, there was nothing wrong with this post, but it happened that Jiang Zheng just tweeted that she was going to finish filming today.

Qiao Xi's fans leaped for joy, saying: congratulations to my sister for finally getting out of the sea of suffering.

Qiao Xi shamelessly gave a heart to this comment.

Instantly many verified account of media began posting: Evil Teacher Jiang  bullies another younger generations. When will this stop?

Jiang Zheng stood up with straight face and walked out slowly.


Han Yi hurriedly called for someone to come over, for holding  umbrella, the script and also some warm water, they had to keep up with her pace.

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