Jiang Zheng walked away with her long legs, and she turned the pretty little girl of Chang'an into a solemn empress, leaving behind the crying Qiao Xi, producer who was scolding around, and buzz of discussion in the crew members.

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Han Yi followed behind her.

Jiang Zheng frowned and complained in a low voice: "How come she brave enough to mess with me with so little of fighting power. It felt like I was bullying her."

Han Yi: "..."

Moving on, the filming should continue.


'March 3, early spring arrives.'

The garden park of Qujiang Lake was bustling with people.

Noble ladies were hiding behind the divider curtain in the pavillion, some were poking their head out from time to time to see what going on outside. Some scholar were enjoying the pleasant and serene lake. Innocent and lovely young ladies dipped the willow branches in Qujiang Lake, laughed at each other and splashed the water from it in order to drive away diseases and keep them safe and healthy.

Some singer, dancer, pancake seller, and flower seller were flocking and very lively. The troupes who came from Persia were also crowded by many people.

Acrobatic, magic show, knife swallowing and fire breathing were all there. There were also the rope walking, with graceful figure and snow-like skin, and every smile that attracted the crowd to cry out.

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The long rope was divided into three sections by two supporting pillars, and the rope was stretched straight like a string, swaying slightly in the spring breeze.

Li Rui smiled and stretched out her foot, revealing her snow-white socks. She held a round fan in her hand, then stepped on the rope gently, but the rope shook instantly.

"Darling, if you're unsteady, let me help you!" Some strong man shouted, with a flirtatious tone in his words.

Li Rui covered her face with the fan and smiled again. Her feet quickly stepped on to the rope, and ran fast to the next supporting pillar like a flying geese.

Amidst everyone's astonished eyes, she nodded slightly and smiled like the most beautiful peony flower in spring.

The crowd instantly applaused.

Amongs the crowd were her coworker from the goverment office were stunned, their mouths big enough to put an egg in them.

This Li Rui was a charming and pretty young lady, which is three points more beautiful than Orchid in Ankang Square.

In front of her was another swaying rope, it was thin and long, not even cover half of her sole when she stepped on it.

Li Rui stretched out a foot but immediately retracted it, pretending to be scared. The soft and pitiful appearance made the hearts of all the men stirred.

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Just when everyone was holding their breath, she walked firmly through the rope. Everyone realized that this young lady was deliberately showed her weakness, but in reality she was very capable of doing it.

Seeing that everyone was happily watching, a troupe group leader hurried forward to ask for money.

At this time, a handsome young man in a robe also got on the rope and met Li Rui head-on.

'You moved to the left, I moved to the right, and no one wanted to give in.'

Jiang Zheng smiled grimly, took out a fan and knocked on the young man's forehead, then turned around and hurried past the young man to the opposite pillar.

Not only did the extras in the scene applaud, but even the filming staff were impressed by Jiang Zheng, a performance comparable to that of professional acrobats.

This is the A list actress, watch and learn

Jiang Zheng stood sideways, turned her head slowly, her eyelids drooped, the fan was slightly clasped to the tip of her nose, then after she chuckled, she raised her eyes and looked over.

Ji Muye happened to see this scene when he came over.

Obviously separated by many people, Jiang Zheng's eyes were like a spring water, that just falling straight into his heart, and then made ripples, circle after circle.

He had been in the industry for many years and he had seen a lot of beautiful girls. He was like a dormant spring cicada, an old monk who enters meditation, and he never looked more, thinked more, nor came closer. But Jiang Zheng brought the heat of early summer and the sound of the Buddha in the meditation hall, which made him wake up from the meditation.

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Jiang Zheng, who was smiling cheerfully on the rope, occupied his entire field of vision as if he couldn't tolerate the existence of other people.

Feng Wan'er played by Qiao Xi appeared in the scene. At this moment, no matter how wronged she was, she had to perform well with the protagonist to make this scene good.

Just when Jiang Zheng was standing firmly on the pillar, she (Qiao Xi) rushed out of the crowd and shouted, "Li Rui!"

She said Li Rui (李蕊), not Li Rui (李睿).

The person who was on the rope with Li Rui were confused.

The troupe leader with thick and deep eyebrows came to Feng Wan'er with a tray and a smile. Feng Wan'er pushed him away and pointed to Li Rui and said in a trembling voice, "Someone! Pull this fugitive down for me."

Li Rui still has a smile on her face, but the light in her eyes is a little hidden. She shook her fan and opened her lips. "Did this lady recognize the wrong person?"

Feng Wan'er stood under the rope with a grim expression and raised her head and shouted, "Your father was a felon sentenced by the emperor twenty years ago. Your Li family was killed by all the people. We have known each other since childhood, and I can recognize you even if you are turned into ashes."

The troupe leader's face was cold and stern. He slowly raised his eyes and looked at Li Rui. This woman was picked up by him on the way. She told him that she had been living with an opera troupe since she was a child. Only because her master and mother died suddenly and the troupe broke up, she came to beg for food.

It turned out to be a lie.

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He spat hard on the ground, and the others immediately gathered around.

The yamen lurking nearby rushed out when the situation was not look good.

The boy who was on the rope jumped off and went back to the troupe leader.

Li Rui did not panic, leisurely stepped on the rope, went to the center, looked down at the people of Chang'an city.

According to the script, she would escape from the scene with the help of the male leader. As a result, just as the male lead rushed into the scene, the veiled hat on Qiao Xi's head somehow bumped into the rope. Jiang Zheng fell down without even realising it.

In order to make the scene more real, under the rope was covered with soft sand. Under normal circumstances, even if someone fell, they wouldn't get hurt. Unfortunately, there was a small stone hidden in the sand. Jiang Zheng's back of head   hit it directly, and fainted the moment she landed.

It happened so fast that everyone was stunned.

Qiao Xi retreated in fright and raised her hands to show her innocence.


Han Yi jumped up and rushed past, only to find that someone ran faster than him and held Jiang Zheng in his arms.


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