Before the broadcast of “Shining World” on Friday, the program team had been on Weibo @Jiang Zheng, thanking her for the temporary rescue, and that they were looking forward to her wonderful comments, and hoping that her joining would make the show even more exciting.

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The official Weibo said some routine words politely, but the fans of the contestants wailed in private, feeling that nothing good could come from Jiang Zheng’s mouth.

The focus of Jiang Zheng’s fans was that their sister is so good, and the elders are willing to give her such a high-profile position. On one side, it was the affirmation of her strength, and the other it showed their trust in her.

Other fans who didn’t like Jiang Zheng were hoping to see a good show, and wanted to see Jiang Zheng go crazy like a machine gun, and wanted her to be chased and scolded by the fans of the contestants, and at the same time, they were jealous of her always eye-catching body.

On the night of the broadcast, as soon as Jiang Zheng appeared on the stage, the barrage exploded.

#Queen is here, start the crazy mode.

#Ah Ah Ah My Zhengzheng is mighty, looking so beautiful today.

#Worthy of being a female boss, the number of online viewers has skyrocketed today.

#I really admire the director, he dared to invite Jiang Zheng to smash his own place.

The opening dance was extremely gorgeous, boys of all colors competed for splendor, and the girls watching the live broadcast were full of spring and love. In the barrage, Yu Mingzhi’s name was shouted the most. As a result, Jiang Zheng took out their baby brother at the beginning and criticized him mercilessly. And it was after the other judges had praised him vigorously. Her courage and sharp angles made everyone stunned for several seconds.

#Ah ah ah I’m so mad!

#My brother, where did he offend you?

#The senior is afraid that the younger generation will shoot her to death on the beach.

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#Please oh. My sister Zheng was at the peak when she debuted, and your brother is still climbing at the foot of the mountain. It doesn’t matter if your talent is not strong, but you still secretly find other players to carry your brother’s sedan chair. Shameless.

#Yu Mingzhi There is obviously someone behind him, and after just the first game, he was on several hot searches.

#I think the grass is very small, designed by my brother, please wash your thoughts clean.

However, just when everyone thought that Jiang Zheng was going to piss off all the members, she suddenly picked up Zhou Yan who had no presence and was captured by Yu Mingzhi as the background board, and excitedly praised his dancing skills. Was she giving him face??

#Blow Blow Blow My brother is really good but no one praises him.

#+1, Zhou Yan is dignified and handsome, much prettier than Yu Mingzhi’s oily-faced face.

#You guys are too naive, I’m afraid Zhou Yan has something to do with Jiang Zheng.

#Funny. My Zhengzheng is just telling the truth, some people’s brains are flooded and they don’t understand.

#Zhou Yan is probably the first person who made Jiang Zheng praise his face.

#The man who is favored by the boss.

#what. Doesn’t anyone think Zhou Yan and Ji Muye look alike?

In the following program commentary, everyone found that Jiang Zheng was not blindly slandering others, she would never let go of what a person deserved, and said what she wanted to praise directly, never hiding it.

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Before, the popular players who were not worthy of the name were all hated enough, and the players who had less shots were pointed out to be outstanding in a certain aspect, Jiang Zheng spared no effort to pick them out from the crowd, turning a corner and boasting about them. Speaking of which, she even said that she wanted to become one contestant’s fan, be the first to listen to his songs, and ask for his autograph, blah blah. Like this, she said a lot.

Han Yi stood under the stage and stomped his feet anxiously. Did this guy drink wine or put honey on her lips before going on stage? The character design is about to lose its hold, Auntie.

Those contestants who thought they would be eliminated in the sixth game actually succeeded in advancing through Jiang Zheng’s discerning eyes. If it weren’t for the fact that some people in the public judging were pushed in by the forces behind Yu Mingzhi, he would have almost overturned and been eliminated.

Some sensible people lamented that Jiang Zheng was so obvious but she could still make the program crew keep what she said verbatim, the boss was indeed the boss.

Before the show got over, netizens, mainly fans of Yu Mingzhi, rushed under Jiang Zheng’s Weibo angrily, accusing her of speaking too viciously and not being considerate of the younger generation. They even said that in order to gain attention, she deliberately took their brother’s food and drinks. How ugly it was to speak. Jiang Zheng’s fans were used to seeing blood and rain, so they immediately scolded back: “Be content, you guys, my sister Zheng has become friendly enough in the past two months. If it was before and she had seen your brother’s disgusting action, Sister Zheng would have scolded him so much that he would have regretted being a man.”

At this moment, Jiang Zheng had already set off for the airport, preparing to participate in the filming of the third episode of “Terror City”.

Jiang Zheng closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Han Yi hesitated to speak beside her. He had just received a letter of thanks from the director. The ratings for the sixth episode had come out, and it had surpassed the previous five episodes, and occupied several hot searches: #Jiang Zheng disses Yu Mingzhi#, #Jiang Zheng said Zhou Yan looks good# and #Jiang Zheng Fancy benefactor#.

This was expected, but #Jiang Zheng persona set to overturn# had jumped to the 47th place, and the ranking was still going up.

The most liked comment on this topic said: Jiang Zheng is so kind to people, but this is the first time I saw it. The Poison Tongue Demon King’s character is about to collapse.

Fortunately, there were many fans and passers-by speaking for Jiang Zheng. In particular, what a passer-by said was very accurate: Jiang Zheng’s venomous behavior was not based on reckless, coquettish or unreasonable behavior. Look at all the hot searches since her debut, what she hates are bottomless paparazzi, rumor-mongering media, and domineering and unscrupulous colleagues… Over time, she has been dubbed the poisonous tongue demon king, and it has become an inseparable label from her body. But who has seen Jiang Zheng’s heart-warming behavior of caring for fans, and supporting the younger generation’s virtue while caring for good talents? The media doesn’t like to publish these positive things, and some people will question them when they are released. So, that’s the kind of person she is, where did the design collapse?

Han Yi noticed that this person’s Weibo name was Siheli. Turning it in, it turned out that this account had very few followers, and there was not much posting or reposting, and it did not seem to be an operating Weibo account.

Just then, Jiang Zheng’s cell phone rang.

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Han Yi handed over the phone, “It’s your mother.”

Jiang Zheng picked it up and had just opened her mouth to call her mother, when Chen Meiting’s magical giggling came out.

Jiang Zheng: “…Mom, don’t scare me.”

Chen Meiting was laughing so hard that she almost lost her breath, “Your brother, your brother is on the hot search.”

Jiang Zheng gave Han Yi a wink and told him to open Weibo.

Sure enough, some media had photographed Jiang Ran kissing a tall girl on a busy street. Others might not know who the gossip’s heroine was, but Jiang Zheng could tell at a glance that it was Bai Xuan, the planning director of “Fashion” magazine.

The person who broke the news seemed to know the identities of both parties very well, and accurately pointed out that Jiang Ran was the big boss of Zhewei Trust with hundreds of billions of assets, and Bai Xuan was the planning director of “Fashion” magazine.

Han Yi: “Who took this. It looks like a promotional photo for an idol drama.”

That’s right. Jiang Ran’s appearance was already very eye-catching. In the photo, he held Bai Xuan’s back with one hand, and supported her neck with the other, holding her firmly in his arms.

It happened that the two were standing under a tall sycamore tree, the soft halo of the street lamps was projected on their shoulders, the two profiles that were already pretty, one lowered and one raised, and their lips touching… Hey, good, sweet so sweet.

Jiang Zheng laughed, “Mom, congratulations.”

Chen Meiting said angrily: “If he is sincere, shouldn’t he bring her back for me to see.”

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Jiang Zheng suddenly felt moved, “Mom, you don’t think, doesn’t this girl look familiar?”

Chen Meiting looked at it for a long time, and suddenly called out, “Ah, this, this is not that Su, Su what Su Xuan?”

Jiang Zheng: “…”

The mother and daughter’s thoughts met in this way, only then did they get to know that after abandoning Jiang Ran, Su Xuan seemed to have changed her name to Bai Xuan. The two met unexpectedly three days ago. In front of Jiang Zheng, Jiang Ran got into his car but didn’t go home or go to the company for three days and three nights, and when she saw him again, he was on the trending search.

Although Jiang Zheng didn’t know what happened between the two of them, what kind of godlike development speed was this. She had every reason to believe that in a few days, a sister-in-law and nephew or niece would appear in front of her at the same time.

Suddenly Han Yi said quietly, “I’m afraid Mr. Jiang took the initiative to let people take pictures.”

Jiang Zheng suddenly realized. Probably. Her brother had always seen the beginning and the end of the dragon, how could he be photographed so easily by the paparazzi. Even if a paparazzi who didn’t have long eyes took a picture, it would have been withdrawn by his public relations team. This trending search had been on for half an hour, and it was still blatantly trying to climb up.

Chen Meiting chuckled, “This kid uses the methods used in business on other girls. It seems that he is determined to circle people around.”

The title of the revelation clearly put Bai Xuan’s name on it. So, he told the world in a different way. Now there was no way for Bai Xuan to retreat.

“No wonder she looked at me a little wrongly.” Jiang Zheng blinked. Bai Xuan recognized her, but she didn’t know Bai Xuan. Han Yi didn’t know her either, probably because his brother had always kept this kind of thing a secret, and only his mother and aunt knew about it. The result was now it was exposed.

Chen Meiting: “Looking at your brother’s posture, I may soon be a grandma, and Zhengzheng, you will also be an aunt…”

Jiang Zheng: “…” That’s awesome.

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