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They all covered their chests and yelled.

Just imagine, you are just putting a non-human non-ghost monster into a coffin, and suddenly a human voice exploded behind him, it could be fatal.

Ji Muye stood calmly at the door of the main tomb, followed by Liang Xiaoduan, He Xiao, Ke Cancan and Xiao Cheng.

“You don’t know that there are people who like such strange things. They can be sold at a high price.” Ji Muye said nonsense.

He had heard that there were people who collected mummies, but as for whether there were people who liked big Zongzis, he guessed that there were all kinds of wonders in the world, so there should be people who were willing to collect them.

The boss of the grave robbers secretly scolded the dog party secretary, saying that one business should not be sold to two, and yet another wave of colleagues came.

He chuckled, “It’s okay. If you want the coffin, you can take it as long as you can handle it. Anyway, except for the coffin, the rest is all ours.”

Ji Muye’s face darkened, “It’s already four o’clock in the afternoon, and there is another one. The sun will go down in the early hours. This place will be covered by yellow sand again. Can you handle so many things? Why don’t we work together?”

The two cave guards outside did not come in to report, and they must have been knocked out by the other party. Just now two more fainted and one escaped, leaving only four people including him. There were five people on the other side, and they really couldn’t beat them in terms of numbers. It was better to listen to his opinion, cooperate first, and take away everything that could be taken away. After going out, they could do the calculation again.

After making up his mind, he said with a big smile, “Okay. Then I wish us a happy cooperation.”

Just as he finished speaking, a delicate woman’s voice came from behind him, “None of you can take away my husband’s things.” .

#Ahah My Sister Zheng looks so good as a ghost bride.

#Nice she is good-looking, but it’s too scary.

#When did Jiang Zheng change into a red dress? I will never admit that I covered my eyes just now.

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The boss turned around slowly, only glanced at her once and his legs softened, then he almost knelt on the ground.

He saw a charming woman in a long red gauze dress sitting on another coffin… with shatterable skin, bright and shining eyes, ruddy and delicate lips, and graceful hands. This was not Mr. Zongzi, the disgusting thing, but a beautiful and treacherous lady ghost.

Boss: “You, who are you looking at?” He was so focused on talking to the man across from him that he didn’t even notice something crawling out of the coffin behind him.    

Jiang Zheng raised her little finger like an orchid, covered her face with her sleeve, and said delicately: “I am Empress Huangsha, you just wanted to cut off my head, have you forgotten?”

This female ghost looked exactly like the woman in the Huangsha Empress Temple.

Such a strange situation was unimaginable, the thread in his heart suddenly collapsed, he knelt down with a thud, and begged for mercy, “Please forgive me. Madam Huangsha, we just wanted to beg for food. That’s why we came here to bother your old man. It was all a misunderstanding just now. We didn’t want to cut off your head, but we wanted to…”

He stammered for a long time, “We wanted to give you a bath. You’ve all stood in the yellow sand for a thousand years, wouldn’t it be dirty?

When Jiang Zheng heard this, her brows stood on end, and she sneered, “I was targeted by the monarch for my beauty before I was alive, and I vowed not to obey, do you think I will be insulted like this by you after death… You can’t get along with men and women, you villain ruined my reputation.”

Ji Muye suppressed a smile in his heart, Jiang Zheng’s acting skills were really second to none. If you ignore the background of the variety show recording, she was just like Empress Huangsha herself.

The boss knew he had said something wrong, so he rubbed his hands together and begged for mercy, “No, no, that’s not what I meant…”

He begged for mercy with a sad and pitiful face, but when everyone was not paying attention, he suddenly got up and threw Ji Muye towards her. With a push forward, he was pushed towards Jiang Zheng all at once.

Jiang Zheng hugged Ji Muye subconsciously, and the watch on her wrist was instantly exposed.

The boss was taken aback and shouted: “How dare you lie to me!”

“She is not Empress Huangsha. They are in the same group.”

The other three kneeling grave robbers quickly got up and surrounded their boss.

“Pretending to be a ghost, and the acting is still pretty good.”

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The grave robbers were extremely vicious, and arrested Liang Xiaoduan, Ke Cancan, Xiao Cheng, and He Xiao in two strokes.

Jiang Zheng supported Ji Muye’s hand and jumped off the coffin.

She smiled softly, “You’re right. I’m not Empress Huangsha, but I know magic tricks.”

Grave robbers: “!!!”

She stood in the middle of the tomb, raised her hands slightly, closed her eyes, opened her lips lightly and read: “The yellow sand flies thousands of miles!”


#You fish brains. This is the poem on the fifth mural in Huangsha Empress Temple.

#I remembered.

The general’s wife stood on the pagoda with blood and tears in her eyes. She raised her face and cast three curses on the long yellow stretch of sand, then fell down. During the fall, she recited a poem: The yellow sand flies thousands of miles, the strong wind blows in the daytime, gathers in my hands and wears them, only to see the skull withered.

Jiang Zheng guessed that this should be the spell used by the general’s wife to manipulate the sand and wind. She was similar to Empress Huangsha’s true self. This was the prompt information given to her by the director. There was a high probability that she would also be able to stir up wind and sand when she read this poem, scaring away these grave robbers.

But just after she finished reading, everything was calm, but Mr. Zongzi in the coffin next to her was very excited, patting the coffin board with both paws.

Jiang Zheng: “…”

The boss laughed, “Little girl, this is the 21st century, sorcery or something, don’t trick the children.”

Jiang Zheng didn’t give up and continued to read: “The strong wind blows in the day.”

As soon as the words fell, the coffin boards and ropes could no longer hold Mr. Zongzi, only to hear him roar, and his two claws pierced through the wooden board. Before everyone could react, the huge coffin was shattered into pieces…Mr. Zongzi’s hatred had accumulated for thousands of years, so he went straight to the grave robbers.

In an instant, the four of them rushed out in fright.

There were screams and cries in the grave passage, and the battle ended soon.

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#Ah ah ah The zongzi is back again.

#Damn, he won’t eat the guests, right.

#Barrage body protection Barrage body protection.

Mr. Zongzi smelled the smell and turned back to the main tomb. He was panting heavily, his cloudy eyeballs were rolling, and saliva was flowing from the corners of his mouth. He moved his feet wiping the ground.

Jiang Zheng and the others were too scared to move.

Mr. Zongzi seemed to be judging which of the six people was the mastermind, with his arms outstretched, he moved towards Ji Muye for a while, then towards Liang Xiaoduan for a while… finally he chose to reach out to Jiang Zheng.

#Ah ah ah My Zhengzheng’s thin neck is about to be strangled.

#Kneel down and kneel down.

#don’t want! don’t want! don’t want!

Jiang Zheng and this non-human non-ghost master stared at each other for three seconds, and she jumped back, “Wait a minute. I don’t believe I was wrong.” If this poem was useless, why bother engraving it on the mural?

Mr. Zongzi was taken aback. He probably didn’t expect anyone not to be afraid of his sharp claws.

“Gathers in my hands and wears them, only to see the skull withered.”

After reading the last two lines of the poem, Mr. Zongzi was stunned again.

Suddenly, like the willow wind blowing from the west, it gently rubbed against people’s hearts.

Mr. Zongzi’s turbid eyes cleared up, he knelt down slowly, prostrated himself at Jiang Zheng’s feet, and burst into tears.


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“Madam! I’m late!”

Jiang Zheng pursed her lips, feeling unspeakably uncomfortable.

At this moment, Ji Muye grabbed her hand, “Run.” If you don’t run at this time, when will you wait till?

The six people rolled and crawled and ran out of the grave while Mr. Zongzi cried and fwailed behind them.

Outside, black clouds were pressing down on the surroundings, and yellow sand was billowing not far away, and Chiyou City was about to be buried.

They passed through the city wall, stepped over the door opening, and rushed forward desperately.

Behind them, the yellow sand covered the pagoda layer by layer, the barracks, the Huangsha Empress Temple, the city wall, and the thousand-year-old sad story.

Everything was shot, and a line of words was printed on the screen: “Chiyou City” escape mission completed!

The director stood on the sand dune, waiting for six disgraced guests.

Jiang Zheng dragged Ji Muye aside, “Who would curse himself for breaking his leg?”

Ji Muye: “…I’m just using an analogy.”

Jiang Zheng looked serious, “You know how many people will be worried if you are kidnapped?”

Ji Muye: “…It’s really just a hypothesis.”

Jiang Zheng snorted, “When the marriage is officially announced, prepare @who? Do you have a marriage partner?”

Ji Muye: “This, well, there really is.”

The author has something to say: Brother Ji, if you dare to say it directly, I will respect you as a man.

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