A shooting base.

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After Ji Muye finished recording the third episode of “Terror City”, he joined another crew non-stop to shoot his highlight this year: the TV series “The Wind and Cloud of the Ancient Capital”. This was a drama set in the Republic of China, in which he played the role of a noble son of the Republic of China who was suave and ruthless on the surface, but actually valued loyalty the most.

After joining the group for half a month, although photos from various parties had exploded, they were basically blurred pictures or regular cloth pictures taken illegally by paparazzi. His die-hard fans waited obediently, and after finally communicating with each other, they sent a visiting team to the crew to take a look at the most beautiful noble son of the Republic of China in the legend.

At twelve o’clock in the morning, it was time for the crew to rest. Jing Meini and her assistant brought fruits, drinks, cakes and other things sent by fans to share with everyone.

Without waiting for Ji Muye to ask, Jing Meini said that she had already arranged to deliver lunch and milk tea to the fans. Courtesy demands reciprocity, we should love each other.

Ji Muye hummed, “I’ll go over and have a word with them.”

After speaking, he walked out.

It was a very hot day, and the heat outside was unbearable. Jing Meini hurriedly opened a black umbrella, propped it on top of Ji Muye’s head and walked over with him.

Under the green shade outside the studio, a group of girls were wearing support uniforms and support hats, chatting happily, and next to them were neatly tied garbage bags, ready to take them away when they went back.

Ji Muye was wearing a white suit, his slender thighs were wrapped in white pants, and a black bow was tied ascetically at his Adam’s apple. Behind him was the unique arcade building of the Republic of China. He walked so stridingly, it was really like a noble son who had traveled through history.

The eyes of the fans were quite sharp, and they had already noticed it when Ji Muye first walked out. Stamping excitedly, but not daring to yell, they cautiously and desperately waved at him.

Ji Muye smiled at them.

Sister Zhan yelled: “Put away your phones and cameras. You are not allowed to take pictures. We must be quality fans.”

The big guys hurriedly packed up their things, and waited excitedly for their brother’s arrival like soldiers waiting for a review.

Those who could come to visit the crew today were loyal old fans. After the big guys went crazy about Ji Muye’s new look, all they cared about was whether he ate well in the crew, okay? Was he sleeping well? The weather was too hot, so he had to pay attention to prevent heatstroke and so on. They were all basically perfect mom fans.

Full of emotion, Ji Muye replied to them one by one.

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“Go back after you see I’m doing well. Don’t delay your studies and work.”

All the fans nodded and said yes.

Before leaving, Ji Muye called to stop one of the fans named Su Yue.

Jing Meini recognized her. She had a good personal relationship with “Ji Muye’s Little Gummy”, and the two often interacted online.

Ji Muye glanced at Jing Meini, Jing Meini understood immediately, but pretended not to understand.

Su Yue, who was named, didn’t know why, and thought that she was not doing well enough.

Ji Muye pretended to ask unintentionally: “It seems… that little Gummy hasn’t come again?”

Su Yue was relieved, Jing Meini asked about her last time as well. Maybe Little Gummy was too mysterious, and every time she was super generous and rushed to the front line of support, so her brother cared about her very much.

“Brother, you know. She is very busy.”

Jing Meini: Hehe. A certain person was filming next door, so of course she didn’t have the time or the guts to visit the set.

Ji Muye snorted.

“But she told me last night to ask me to take more photos of you for her to see.” Su Yue shrugged, “But today Zhanjie said that I can’t take pictures.”

After two hours of shooting in the afternoon, the director called a timeout to let everyone get ready for the evening’s night scene.

Ji Muye put on a coat, pretended to be taking a walk, and strolled around to the crew next door.

In this shooting base, the street on the left was the arcade style of the Republic of China, and the street on the right was the style of the 1980s.

Not far away, a group of people were busy, with a university campus in the background.

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The sycamore trees were branching and casting beautiful reflections on the ground with their leaves, and the lush university campus looked purely like an oil painting. Especially in the 1980s, each of the proud sons of heaven looked extraordinarily proud, walking in the forefront of the times and fashion, bathed in the earliest spring breeze of reform and opening up.

From a distance, Ji Muye saw that Jiang Zheng was wearing a lapel skirt with red background and white flowers, playful double ponytails and white plastic shoes, looking especially like the delicate beauty on the calendar of that era.

Jiang Zheng had also joined the crew for several days. She played a strong woman in this main theme period drama. At the moment, she was portraying a pure and beautiful college love with her first love with her face rushed towards him.

The actor who played her first love was called Meng Rao, who was last year’s summer boyfriend, and this year’s top male, belonging to the Pretty Boys Over Flowers series. Not to mention, he was also wearing a denim white shirt that matched Jiang Zheng very well.

This scene should be a series of sweet interactions between the two after they had just confirmed their relationship. Holding hands was the most basic shot, side by side, walking in the beautiful campus while being restrained but at the same enthusiastic, it was beautiful like a fairy tale. Jiang Zheng lowered her eyebrows and smiled softly, then raising her eyes to look at each other affectionately from time to time. That glance and smile, falling in the camera was the best love, but it fell into Ji Muye’s heart and turned into vinegar water.

Ji Muye stood aside, couldn’t help watching, and making himself sore from time to time. He could only brainwash himself: acting it’s just acting. Everything is fake.

There was Jiang Zheng and Meng Rao acting, basically without NG, while Ji Muye just stood by for a while and they had already filmed several scenes.

The director shouted cut with satisfaction, asking everyone to rest for a while.

Jiang Zheng looked up and saw Ji Muye in the crowd, wearing a windbreaker, as he just stood there smiling at her.

She suddenly didn’t know where to put her eyes.

After the crowd dispersed, she dawdled in front of Ji Muye, pretended to smile calmly and asked, “Are you here to find the director?”

The director was standing next to him, and he quickly waved his hands, “No, no, no, I didn’t date him.”

Jiang Zheng: “…” Was dating the only reason?

Ji Muye spoke polite words to the director, but the director hurriedly slipped away, not daring or being able to be a light bulb.

Ji Muye raised his jaw, Jiang Zheng didn’t know why, so she followed him to the side.

Many leaves fell on the steps in front of the library, as the breeze blew, and the leaves trembled.

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“Yesterday you told Su Yue that you wanted to see me in the Republic of China outfit, come on, I’ll show you for five minutes.”

After speaking, Ji Muye took off his coat and windbreaker, revealing the white suit.

Jiang Zheng’s eyes lit up. Looked so good! Especially how the curvature of the jaw matched the suit perfectly. When she looked at it sideways, the charm and angle were exactly the same as the photos of the Republic of China that she had seen before.

She was absent-minded for a few seconds before she came back to her senses and coughed twice, “Then you can’t follow Su Yue’s words.”

“However, hehe, so handsome!”


Jiang Zheng hummed, “It’s more handsome than I imagined.”

Ji Muye felt that his tail was rising up to the sky again.

After a while, Jiang Zheng yelled at Ji Muye to get dressed quickly, she had a good time first, and then decided to take a closer look at the feature film when it was released.

Suddenly she remembered the poem that Ji Muye had read to her that day, and she couldn’t help asking: “That poem…was written by you.” She listened to it over and over again in the past few days, no matter how many times she listened, it was never enough. It felt like an intimate massage every time. So recently, Han Yi ordered a lot of good headphones for her, for fear of wasting his high-quality voice.

Ji Muye’s expression froze, “How can it be! It’s a man named Nicholas…”

He was really embarrassed to admit that he wrote the poem, so he had to make up a foreign name casually, but he couldn’t pull anything out after Nicholas for a long time. Jiang Zheng said with a serious face: “You should be talking about Nicholas Muye.”

Ji Muye: “…”

The crews on both sides were working overtime to catch up with the progress.

After nine o’clock in the evening, Jiang Zheng finally finished filming and got a chance to take a breather. Looking through Ji Muye’s fan group casually, someone had broken the news that Ji Muye was filming a brothel scene on Minguo Street, but the actress who played the oiran[1] didn’t prepare well in advance, and the dance was so ugly that the director never gave a pass to her, so everyone had been delayed until now. If it weren’t for their brother’s good temper, he would have given up already.

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Only then did Jiang Zheng know that Ji Muye hadn’t left yet.

She went around to Minguo Street, and she saw bright lights there, and there were many people in the brothel with the Fenghua Building plaque hanging on it.

Han Yi hesitated to speak, and was just about to persuade her to go home for a beauty sleep when Jiang Zheng’s left foot was already lifted in.

“Because of you alone, all of us have to wait for you.” The director’s reprimanding voice passed through the window and entered Jiang Zheng’s ears, “If you can’t do it, tell me sooner.”

Then a girl cried out, this was probably the actress who played the oiran.

The director yelled for everyone to rest for a while, the figures moved, and the big guys came out to breathe. Seeing Jiang Zheng and Han Yi standing in the corridor, they were all stunned, but dared not say anything and dared not ask anything.

Jing Meini saw the two of them first and called Ji Muye back.

Ji Muye walked out, his hurried steps slowed down the moment he saw Jiang Zheng.

The big guys were very discerning in going far and pretending to be transparent. Jing Meini and Han Yi were very friendly and went downstairs to discuss the future development trend of the entertainment industry.

Ji Muye smiled and said, “I thought you had already left.”

Jiang Zheng blinked, “I’m here to steal some tips again.”

Ji Muye’s eyes darkened, and he said in a half hoarse voice: “If you want to learn, I’ll teach you one-on-one in person someday.”

Jiang Zheng seemed to understand what he said, and unconsciously looked away, pretending not to understand.

“I don’t know when it will end here. You can go back quickly after watching it for a while.” Ji Muye was afraid that she would delay too long. Everyone knew that during the filming period, the protagonists’ work and rest would not be too normal. Staying up late to film was a common thing. If you could go back early to rest, then you should go back early.

She looked up and looked inside. The actress who played the oiran was obviously a rookie without much experience. She looked pretty, but it was a pity that her dancing foundation was too poor, and she looked very stiff when she danced the same movements. How could this charm all living beings and make people’s hearts move?

This supporting role was afraid that someone must have forced it in.

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