At the airport, Fang Yuan made the grandmother stay in a nearby cafe, and ran to the door of the men’s bathroom to find Wei Ying.

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Seeing her standing at the door of the men’s bathroom, she walked over and asked her in a low voice, “Yingying, what happened?”


To prevent people from recognizing them, both girls wore masks and caps.

Now Wei Ying was also a popular star. Although Fang Yuan’s work had not yet broadcasted, a marketing account had recently revealed that she would play the heroine of Xu Jianghuai’s new drama.

Soon, Tang Haolong and his assistant came out of the bathroom. Both changed their attire and put on their beards, and their makeup, they looked slightly old.

Even so, Wei Ying still recognized them at a glance.


Staring at the back of the two, she whispered to Fang Yuan, “How can we prevent them from passing through the security passage?”

Fang Yuan didn’t know who the two were, but didn’t ask why, and asked her directly, “Are you trying to stop the two men from going through security? Is there a way? If you are sure, I’ll do it for you.”

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Wei Ying specifically instructed, “Don’t do anything uncivilized. There are many people here, and I have an image to protect.”

“Well,” Fang Yuan said with a smile on her face, “Where did Yingying, who was absolutely unreasonable go?”


“Always learn to be a civilized person, right?” Wei Ying raised an eyebrow, and said, “I’m still holding hundreds of thousands of fans now, a city environmental ambassador. What can I do if my image is lost?”

Fang Yuan patted her shoulders with confidence, “Look at me.”

After speaking, she rushed towards the two men with a bag. The queue was long due to it being the economy class.

She was faster and was ahead of Tang Haolong.

The team moved forward slowly. When Fang Yuan loosened her hairpin and bent to pick it up, she suddenly screamed “ah” and bounced.

Her voice caught everyone’s attention, and everyone turned their eyes.

Fang Yuan covered her own ass, and yelled at Tang Haolong in panic, “Pervert!”

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Tang Haolong frowned and bowed his head subconsciously.

The assistant behind him immediately stepped forward to mediate, “It’s a misunderstanding, miss, a misunderstanding.”

Then he touched his wallet, took out some money, wanting to prevent the matter from escalating.

They were in a special situation and should not be noticed. Even if the other party didn’t touch her, they could only suffer.

Fang Yuan took the money and threw it on the other person’s face, and with a sharp voice, she said, “You are obscene and you want to give me money for your pleasure! I want to call the police.”

Tang Haolong frowned. He passed directly over Fang Yuan and his assistant, thinking that if nothing happened, he would continue to line up. Fang Yuan did not hesitate, and grabbed him, “Dead pervert, you want to cover up your crime! If you have the ability to do such shameful things, you should not hide!’

Fang Yuan looked crazy. She clawed off Tang Haolong’s hat and the two beards he had put on his lips.

Fang Yuan held his beard back and said loudly, “It’s you! Tang Haolong!”

People around didn’t even recognize that this was Tang Haolong, but when they heard the girl shout, they immediately focused on him.

If they looked closely, he looked … a bit like him?

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An uncle rushed over, stared at Tang Haolong’s face and looked at him for a while, then pointed at him, “Yes! It’s him! Tang Haolong, general manager of Qingyan Group! What’s going on? I just watched the Weibo live broadcast, and his wife broke the news. He is a murder! He wants to run away! “

Someone in the crowd immediately looked down at their phone, and then whispered, “No, I thought that Mrs. Tang was just crazy. Is that true?”

“It must be true! Must be since he wants to run away!”

People lined up all around to watch Tang Haolong. The man could not wait to find a place to bury himself in. He never thought that he would encounter such a thing at the airport.

Tang Haolong couldn’t bear it, so he took a fruit knife and was about to stab Fang Yuan.

This fruit knife was originally intended to be thrown away before going to security, but he never thought it would come in handy.

Seeing that Fang Yuan’s eyes would get stabbed, Wei Ying quickly pulled the girl behind her.

The crowd stepped back to avoid being injured.

The assistant also rushed. He knew very well that if he didn’t go abroad at this time, he would be 80% dead. He also took out a sharp blade, wanting to hold someone hostage.

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At the airport, this kind of hostility was absolutely not allowed.

It was precisely because the crazy behavior of these two people would lead to a mess. Wei Ying first kicked off the sharp blade in the assistant’s hand, and then kicked the side of his face, which made him fall down to the ground.

Tang Haolong wanted to run, but Wei Ying rushed forward. Her thin body fell strongly on the opponent, rubbing his head against the ground.

Fang Yuan coughed softly.

What if he just said yes?

When the airport armed police came over, the two violent men had been knocked to the ground by the little girl.

Wei Ying handed them over to the armed police, and just happened to see someone holding a phone and recording a video. She took off her mask calmly, and greeted the camera, “Hi, I’m Wei Ying.”

The live broadcaster was stunned and reminded her, “Brother Ying, it’s really you! It’s a live broadcast, hurry up, talk to us!”

Wei Ying’s face was full of smiles. On her chest was a fluttering scarlet scarf, “What I want to say is, do less bad things and engage in environmental protection. You must become a person who is useful to society. You must not become a social cancer! That’s the worse in society , “

She pointed to Tang Haolong who was taken away, “like him.”

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