Her “little ghost value” was at 90, with ten points remaining, which couldn’t be improved anyway.

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If she wanted to gain the last ten points, she had to gain international influence and become an international supermodel. Then she could promote global environmental protection to fill the last ten points.

With her current ability, she could not deal with the demon Ning Hao. She and Tang Yu would have to leave city A again. She could only leave the ghost in red and Gu Heng in city A. Let them guard Ning Hao, who was “detained” in the warehouse garbage dump, and Liu Su, who worked hard every night.

Tang Haolong was arrested and Mrs. Tang was sent to a mental hospital. In the next half month, Tang Yu set out to deal with Qingyan Group’s affairs, while Wei Ying was responsible for handling the follow-up matters of Yingyuan’s environmental protection, Ning Hao and Liu Su.

When things in city A were properly arranged, Tang Yu, Wei Ying and Fang Yuan went to the capital Beiqing University to report.

Due to their special status, it was of course impossible for the three to live on campus. Tang Bowen was already a sophomore at Beiqing University and had rented an apartment near the school as a dormitory.

Tang Bowen felt that everyone should stay together and so the nanny freed up three bedrooms for three people.

After school began, Tang Yu rarely stayed in school, only attending examinations. Fang Yuan also asked for leave because she was filming.

In a blink of an eye, in early October, Wei Ying went to the interview at the Spikea headquarters building.

Unsurprisingly, Wei Ying didn’t expect more than one girl to come to the interview this time.

Although Mr. Shi Ting admired her, he had never met her. He was very conservative and cautious in his work. He would definitely have many choices.

A total of six girls were waiting in the parlour. Except Wei Ying, they were supermodels from other countries, and they were all well-known.

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During the waiting process, the girls didn’t talk with each other, and went to the interview room individually for an interview according to the serial number they had drawn.

Wei Ying got the last one. The second last British model was just called away. Someone came in and called Wei Ying, “Miss Wei Ying, someone is looking for you outside.”


Wei Ying couldn’t think of anyone who would look for her at this time. Thinking that it was Tang Yu who came early to pick her up, she sent a WeChat to him.

Tang Yu said he was still having a video conference at a nearby hotel, and he would come to pick her up in about 20 minutes.

Wei Ying hesitated for a moment and followed the man out of the waiting room.

The staff took her to the utility room at the end of the corridor, raised her hand politely and pointed inside, saying, “The lady is waiting for you inside.”

Wei Ying carefully looked at the door in front of her. She couldn’t see from the outside that it was a utility room, and there was no sign indicating so.

She hesitated to enter, and the door inside suddenly opened. The staff pushed her hard, intending to push her inside.

However, the staff underestimated Wei Ying’s strength. She was not weak. She pushed hard but the girl actually stayed still, turned around, and looked at her with confused eyes.

Looking at her eyes was very embarrassing.

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The opponent anticipated this situation and prepared a second hand. This embarrassment lasted for a few seconds, and two strong men came out of the door, and pushed Wei Ying in.

When Wei Ying was locked in the room, the door was locked from the outside.

In the utility room, Wei Ying was tied to a chair, and two strong men looked at her fiercely.

Wei Ying calmed down. She raised her eyes and asked, “Who are you? Why are you doing this? Do you know where it is?”

One of the strong men looked at her with a cold face, and said, “As long as you stay here until the interview is over, you can leave.”

Wei Ying pondered about what was happening.

This was the headquarters of Spikea, who would dare to do such things inside the company? The British model Coco who came for an interview today was the senior niece of the top of the Spikea Group.

Wei Ying was in good condition and had a certain traffic impact in the country. Everyone with a good eye knew that she was the biggest competitor.

Although Spikea was a Chinese fashion brand group, it could take an international route. The company had a lot of high-level foreigners. They didn’t like Asian models. This was a deep-rooted concept.

In her previous life, Wei Ying was discovered by Mr. Si Ting, and was selected by Mr. Ting to participate in the show. She was not selected as a substitute, and didn’t undergo such interview selection.

This life was different. She needed to go to the interview.

Wei Ying roughly guessed the situation. She looked up at the two strong men and said, “I give you a piece of advice, untie my rope, and disappear from my sight within ten seconds.”

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The two men laughed as if they heard some funny jokes, and said ironically, “Who do you think you are? You can’t even move a finger.”

As soon as the man’s voice fell, Wei Ying snapped open the rope.

Before the two men even reacted, they were punched, fell down on the ground, and mourned on the ground.

The two guards performed the tasks assigned by the boss, who provoked them?

Wei Ying looked at the two on the ground coldly, and clenched her fist, “I gave you advice.”

She straddled the man’s body and pulled the door, only to find it locked from the outside.

At the same time, Mr. Shi Ting, who saw the situation in the utility room through monitoring, immediately took the assistant downstairs to open the door.

But when they came to the door of the utility room, the door was suddenly smashed, making a “banging” loud noise.

The assistant guarded Mr. Si Ting behind his back. The wooden door was ripped from the middle, and an iron rod broke through the door.

The people inside smashed the door to such an extent that they still didn’t plan to stop. She slammed it for a while, and the whole door frame began to loosen.

With the sound of a cricket, the wooden door fell suddenly, and a girl holding an iron rod stood at the door like a stone monument, resolute and unyielding.

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She had a cold eyebrow, like a fighter who had just returned from the battlefield, wrapped in brutality.

The assistant was so frightened that he pulled Mr. Ting back, and whispered, “Is this fucking girl King Kong?”

It was just an assessment, and the staff did not touch her. If the staff had done anything unkind to her, then the two of them would now be handicap.

Thinking of this, the assistant shuddered.

This was a test of the model’s ability to think in terms of contingency, which mainly depended on a series of reactions of the model after encountering unfair treatment.

There were many kinds of accidents on the runway, and the model’s calmness was very important.

But Wei Ying’s resilience seemed to exceed everyone’s expectations.

Wei Ying saw Mr. Si Ting outside and immediately understood that this was a part of the assessment. She threw away the iron rod in her hand, and immediately changed her expression into a mild and harmless one.

Everyone looked at Wei Ying, whose expression was changing rapidly, all sincerely sent out the feeling that this girl unfortunately wasn’t acting.

Wei Ying approached Mr. Si Ting with a decent smile, and took the initiative to stretch her hand, “Hello, Mr. Ting, I’m Wei Ying. Did I pass this assessment?”

Shi Ting glanced at the door smashed by the girl, and then glanced at the hand that she stretched out. Suddenly he felt like if he said no, the other party would break his neck.

Shi Ting shook his face solemnly and nodded, “Welcome to my team.”

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