Heavy rain came out of the car window. With the thunder roaring, Wei Ying held the man tighter. The thunder sounded like a “sentence” from hell, causing her body to tremble, and her whole heart seemed to be entangled with iron wires, causing her pain.

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She was suddenly very scared that these thunders would hit Tang Yu. If she could, she wanted to get all the punishment for him.

Tang Yu soon felt the girl’s fear, and wanted to hold her to make her feel relieved, but the girl clenched his head tightly to prevent him from moving.

The raindrops crackled on the windshield. The street lights and cars on the outside quickly turned blurry. The roar of thunder and the bad weather seemed to be blocked. As if the peace in the girl’s arms left him infatuated.

The fire truck arrived quickly, rescued them from the car, and removed the obstacles.

The original car could no longer be driven, and the driver quickly drove another car to pick them up.

Wei Ying was wet from the rain.

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Tang Yu asked the driver to warm the car to a suitable temperature, took a towel and wrapped the girl’s little head, and gently dried it.

Throughout, Wei Ying didn’t speak.

She looked as if she was thinking about something seriously. Before Tang Yu began to ask, Wei Ying had grabbed his wrist and solemnly called his name, “Tang Yu.”


The girl clutched his wrist, with a lot of strength, “Be careful in the future, don’t kiss me anymore.”

She said with a serious face that made Tang Yu laugh.

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The man laughed, “I can take responsibility for you.”

“Do you know what will happen if you do this?” Wei Ying was very angry when she saw his hippie smile, “Maybe you will be punished to death!”

Tang Yu didn’t think it was a condemnation from the heavens. It was obviously a normal thunderstorm.

He looked at the girl with a calm expression on his face. He was not afraid of them at all.

He stated in a calm voice, “If two people in love are condemned just because they want to be together, how could there be fairness in this world? Your experience is proof that God treats everyone fairly. Yingying, I know what you worry about. I don’t mind your current status. No matter how difficult the future will be, I will accompany you and never leave you alone, no matter what you become. “

After listening to his words, Wei Ying was not touched. She just asked, “That was the warning God gave us just now. Don’t you understand? Fairness is that we have a chance to come back, but we will definitely lose something. “

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Tang Yu’s voice was bland, “Is it? But I don’t think so. If we are condemned by God to be together, then the thunder should’ve striked me, right?”

“Tang Yu, don’t make a fool of yourself. Do you know how dangerous it was when you just did that?”

“Are you worried about me?”

Wei Ying froze.

Tang Yu saw her change in expressions and asked, “Why are you worried about me if you have no feelings for me? I thought you were going to confess to me. Although I had confessed in past life, I don’t mind if this time you confess.”

Wei Ying was slightly angry, she blushed and said, “Tang Yu! Don’t turn my words! I am worried about you, but this has nothing to do with whether I like you or not! I am a ghost and I have no feelings. I can’t feel human love. “

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After speaking these words, Wei Ying herself had no confidence.

A ghost falling in love with a human was not logical!


When Tang Yu leaned forward, Wei Ying flinched back.

While retreating, Wei Ying frowned, “Tang Yu! Do you want to die?”

He wanted her to know that her words were completely illogical and untenable.

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