After reading this message, Wei Ying sat down with her phone contentedly. Her heart was entwined with sweetness.

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Early in the morning, Wei Ying took the international flight with other models of the company and flew to Paris. When she landed after ten hours, she turned on her phone. The next second she received a call from Tang Yu.

Wei Ying and the team were dragging their suitcases. She answered the phone, “Why are you so right on time?”

“I had been keeping an eye on your flight timing. I called you as soon as the plane landed. Now it got through,” Tang Yu paused on the phone and said, “Don’t stare at the ground. Look up, and look out.

People were crowded at the exit. They were all there to pick up their relatives or friends. Most people were holding a nameplate in their hands. In the crowd Tang Yu was holding a bunch of flowers.

The model who came with Wei Ying looked at her along the way and teased, “Is it your boyfriend? It’s not easy to come here.”

Tang Yu and Wei Ying were so popular on the internet. Most Chinese young people knew them.

There were several female models in the team who had watched “The Rebellious Youth”. They had seen Tang Yu in a wheelchair throughout the show.

But at this moment, the Tang Yu they saw was tall and broad. Although his face was young but his overall temperament was pulled up in a mature suit. His appearance was outstanding even in the entertainment industry.

Moreover, such a young man was not only studying in Beiqing, but was also in charge of Qingyan Group. To have such ability at this age was enviable.

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Such a man was Wei Ying’s boyfriend, the young models were even envious.

Of course, they were not jealous. Tang Yu was excellent, Wei Ying wasn’t bad. The two matched each other evenly.

Under the eyes of her peers, Wei Ying went to Tang Yu. She took the flower from his hand and asked, “Weren’t you in England? How did you come before me?”

“I came over to pick you. After all, it is your first show. Someone had to support you, right?” Tang Yu reached out and rubbed her head, he said, “I have already said hello to Mr. Si Ting. I took a leave for you to have dinner with me. After dinner, I will take you back to the hotel.”

Tang Yu must’ve travelled overnight. He stayed up all night, just to surprise his girl. He knew Wei Ying had to get up the next day early in morning to prepare for the fashion show, so the restaurant was set up in another hotel.

Their table was on the balcony, surrounded by flowers and a series of star lights. One could enjoy the night view and the Eiffel Tower in the city.

The restaurant had a long-aged wine cellar. But they couldn’t taste it as Wei Ying’s wine tolerance was not very good and she had a fashion show the next day.

Wei Ying didn’t dare to eat too much, so she ate only ten steaks.

She glanced at the tower and looked back at Tang Yu, and asked him, “If my Li Gui value reaches 100 points and I become a real Li Gui. Then maybe I won’t even recognize you, would you still like me like you do now?”

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“I said, no matter what you become I will still like you.”

Tang Yu took out the gift he prepared. He put a ring in her hand, “This ring is the same as our engagement ring of the past life. If we can’t be together, then at least seeing the ring on your hand would give me comfort.”

When the man looked at her, he looked wary that she would reject. His eyes were wet. Wei Ying took the ring, put it on her finger, and showed it to him, “Is it okay?”

Although she wore the ring without any feelings, Tang Yu was very satisfied. Even if Wei Ying couldn’t recall the feelings associated with this ring all her life, as long as she could wear it in her hands day and night, he would be happy.

The hotel where they ate was only one kilometer away from the hotel where Wei Ying was staying. The two had eaten and walked back.

At the intersection, Wei Ying looked at the familiar street and stopped.

Under the dim light, Wei Ying looked at their reflection and thought of her past life. She had walked this street with Tang Yu before.

There was a lot of snow that night. The snow covered the streets, street lights, and benches. Everything was covered in it, and it was bright white under the street lights.

Pedestrians walked along the roadside and on the smooth ground slowly. Even Wei Ying, who had walked on the ramps, could not guarantee that she could walk on such a pavement.

So, before Tang Yu had responded, she jumped onto the man’s back, wrapped her legs around his waist, and squeezed his neck tightly. She put her chin on the man’s shoulder, and said in a low voice that had a hint of coquettishness, “I am afraid of falling, you carry me back.”

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The sudden coquettish behavior of his girlfriend made Tang Yu helpless. He clutched the girl’s legs that were wrapped around his waist and said with a doting accusation in his voice, “Cheeky.”

The assistant holding a large black umbrella followed behind them.

The man was wearing a coat and looked meticulous. No one would have thought that a cold-hearted man in the business world would spoil his girlfriend to such an extent.

The assistant had even once felt that Tang Yu was a steel straight man who would not fall in love or coax a girl. He was the kind of man who could only buy gifts for his girlfriend and spend money on her.

Unexpectedly, because his flight was cancelled, he watched her show live. He did not want to miss any shot of his girlfriend’s show. He also worried about choosing gifts for his girlfriend from the luxury stores. Facing his girlfriend’s coquettishness, the rigid man also became gentle and endlessly spoiled the girl.

Tang Yu could be multifaceted, but he always had only one face in front of Wei Ying.

Recalling these details, Wei Ying who was walking under the street light rolled her sleeves.

This time, she and Tang Yu were the only ones. There was no assistant behind her, no white snow on the street, and no cold wind.

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Tang Yu thought that something was wrong with her and asked, “What happened?”

Wei Ying returned to her senses and had an idea. She looked up at him, jumped onto his back, wrapped her legs around his waist, and then wrapped her hands around his neck.

Tang Yu didn’t respond to the situation.

She said very mechanically, “Tired, carry me back.”

“Huh?” Tang Yu thought of something, and asked her with a smile, “Did you remember something?”

“No!” She said hard.

Tang Yu walked forward step by step with her on his back, “No matter what you become, your personality will always be the same.”

Wei Ying rested her chin on the man’s shoulder. She said nothing. She closed her eyes with great enjoyment.

Maybe, but she was coquettish only to him.

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