Liu Su was relieved when she heard Ning Hao’s words. After all, she had full faith in his work. 

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Ning Hao was now a well-known Tao master of the wealthy circle. He was also the chief assistant of Tang Haolong, the richest man in city A. Not long after Liu Su and Ning Hao got together that year, Ning Hao calculated that Wei Daoming and Liu Su had a fate. In addition, he predicted that Daoming would be lucky after he became 50, and so Liu Su married Wei Daoming.

In the rich circle, there were not many people like Wei Daoming. This kind of person was also easy to use, so Liu Su and Ning Hao picked him.

Wei Rui was born with an average fortune. Ning Hao forcibly snatched the koi* from another girl and gave it to her.

But they both didn’t expect that Wei Rui would provoke a ghost, which led to the loss of the hard-to-find Koi. One must know that people with Koi had a lot of luck and fortune.

In order to get Wei Rui’s Koi back, Ning Hao planned to catch the ouija spirit and let him spit out the Koi.

Although Wei Ying was born with a rich koi, now it was not the most suitable time to take her fortune. But just in case, if he couldn’t catch the ouija spirit, he could only use Wei Ying’s good luck to balance Wei Rui’s recent bad luck.

The next day in class, Wei Rui and Wang Jing were on leave. The atmosphere in the class was strange.

The students in the class knew that Wei Ying had been misunderstood, and they all felt a little unhappy. Although she kept hindering the class, Wei Rui’s bitter plan made them feel terrible and sympathize with Wei Ying.

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After the second lesson, Tang Yu discovered that Wei Ying was looking at the math book, and she enjoyed it.

Whether in his memory or in the 33-year-old Tang Yu’s diary, she was not a person who enjoyed studying.

Tang Yu looked at her and felt that she had been weird recently.

According to the 33-year-old Tang Yu’s diary, Wei Ying’s soul would be removed from her body and get replaced. Was it possible that the soul changed in advance?

The look in his eyes immediately changed, and there was a trace of coldness in it for no reason.

Maybe it was because of the “Ghost Value Points” added last night, Wei Ying found that after just listening to a math class and reading a few pages. A lot of knowledge learned in her last life reappeared in her mind.

She randomly found a math problem, took out a paper, and mechanically began to solve the problem. She just wrote two steps and found that something went wrong. She wanted to use the eraser and found that she didn’t have one in her pencil case.

She hit Tang Yu’s arm with her elbow and asked, “Do you have an eraser? Let me use it.”

Based on Tang Yu’s understanding of Wei Ying, she would never be able to do the problem just now.

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He glanced coldly at the table and used the pen tip to push her arm out of his desk. Immediately afterward, he took a scale and drew the 38th parallel* in the middle, and said coldly, “Won’t give.”

Wei Ying’s arm was pushed back to her desktop with his pen. 

Wei Ying, “?”

She was very irritated, and her eyes were red with anger. Her eyes were as wide as saucers, and her nonexistent canines were sharpened.

She had dreamed countless times that Tang Yu was cold to her; he did not let her copy his homework, or lend her whitener. But she didn’t expect that these dreams were true after rebirth.

She opened her mouth angrily and bit Tang Yu’s arm.

Tang Yu responded very quickly. He pushed the wheelchair back and looked at her coldly.

With that indifferent look, Wei Ying almost soaked up his haze! But the thought of absorbing his haze was extreme, and she quickly gave up this sudden plan.

She squeezed her pencil angrily, twisted it, and started writing a recipe on the paper.

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Ingredients: Tang Yu

Method: steamed, braised, cut into pieces, dry pot*

She pondered for a few seconds and crossed out the “cut” method. She now had a physical body, “slash peel swallow and drink blood*” was too indecent.

Tang Yu’s meat was tender, and chili oil could be added to the ears to make it spicy. Meat elsewhere could be steamed, retaining the most delicious taste. As for the legs, teriyaki, or wok, it would be more delicious.

A small line was written in the recipe section.

——Eighteen ways to cook my deskmate [Smile Stick Figure]

She clipped it into the textbook, and then looked at Tang Yu with the look of a “swineherd who raised pigs.”

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Tang Yu clearly received this look.

Tang Yu, “?” 

Why doesn’t this look like provocation, but like … a swineherd?

The second period was English.

The teacher Ma Yongmei opened the lesson with Wei Rui’s incident. After criticizing Wei Rui, she also said, “This time Wei Rui has greatly affected the school, and the school is discussing her punishment. The original candidate in our class to participate in “Young speaker” was Wei Rui. Now that the place is vacant, we need to choose another one.”

“For the sake of fairness, all the students in the class can participate in the selection. The participation method is the same as last time. The participating students will speak in English on stage.”

“Oh yes, there is one more thing. Ms. Wei Ying, if your grades still do not improve during the midterm exam, you will be transferred to class 23 after the exam. Do you have anything to say?”

Although Wei Ying’s line of thoughts did not follow human beings, she also understood that once she was kicked out of class 12, it would have a great impact on her learning.

Although she had dropped off at the end of class 12, the teachers in class 12 were all of the highest quality in the year. In her previous life, although she didn’t get admitted to Beijing, she was admitted to a similar university, which was not too bad.

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