Wei Ying ran out of the school building holding her school bag. For her safety, instead of leaving through the gate, she climbed out of the damaged fence behind the school.

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She didn’t want to get delayed, and raised her hand and took a taxi back home. Reaching the community, she ran home while taking sharp breaths.


Rushing back to her room, she didn’t even change her shoes, and hurriedly said only a word to her grandmother in the living room.

Her grandmother turned off the TV, then turned around and heated the meals. So if her granddaughter woke up at night, she could eat at any time.

After which her grandmother took her medicine and went back to bed.

Wei Ying on the bed was thinking about the demon Tao.


Ning Hao, the demon Taoist master, was the most feared Taoist master among ghosts in city A. He was cruel and didn’t hesitate to send the ghosts to death. Whoever fell in his hands, useless ones were refined into evil spirits and useful ones were turned into weapons.

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Although Wei Ying was not afraid of him, she knew that the gap between her and his powers at the moment was huge. The reason why she ran away just now was because she was worried that she would be caught by the cruel and ruthless Ning Hao, resulting in her body getting possesed again.


Only now did she realize that she was human, not a ghost. Even if Ning Hao wanted to harm her, he couldn’t rely on his ability to catch ghosts, he had to use the evil spirits he raised.

Wei Ying unzipped her schoolbag, took out the translucent ball from inside, and threw it heavily to the ground.

After the ball rolled several times on the ground, he gradually stretched out his hand and changed back to the ouija spirit boy.

The dizzy boy floated in the air, waiting for the world before his eyes to stabilize. When he saw the expressionless Wei Ying sitting on the bed, he was scared and hid in the yellow mug.

Wei Ying said in a cold voice, “Get out.”

Only then did Dishian poke his head out, revealing his eyes, and looked at her timidly, “You … who are you?”

Wei Ying introduced herself, “I am Wei Ying.”

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Dishian pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose. Wei Ying didn’t want to reveal too much, and he didn’t dare to ask more. He only trembled and introduced himself, “I … My name is Gu Heng. I died suddenly in the college entrance examination. Thank you for saving me tonight. “

“Why was he after you?” Wei Ying asked.

Gu Heng held his head and thought for a while, and said, “It’s because I sucked Wei Rui’s Koi and they wanted me to spit the Koi back. I think the man clearly wanted to let my soul fly, I thought I couldn’t escape, but I didn’t expect to meet you.”

Wei Ying frowned, ‘Wei Rui even had Koi?’

Gu Heng was able to read her thoughts and explained, “Because I have a contract with Wei Rui, I can feel that this Koi does not belong to her. It is a koi from someone else. Rich people do this.”

Wei Ying remembered her past experience. Her five fingers clenched the edge of the wooden bed. Because she pinched it too hard, a piece of wood broke off with a click.

Gu Heng shuddered.

That night she had used too much energy, and didn’t have much haze for two days. Her physical strength was seriously insufficient. She rubbed her abdomen and asked him, “Can you sense people’s Koi?”

Gu Heng nodded, “Yes! Koi is too rich to digest. I cannot consume it all. So I have been looking for its true owner these days to return it. I had planned to return it tonight but encountered this kind of situation. Fortunately, you appeared in time to save me, thank you, thank you.”

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After thinking for a while, Wei Ying said, “You accompany me to the mass grave for dinner, and I will help you return the koi.”

Gu Heng,‘‘?’’ Big sister was going to eat at the mass grave?

He looked at Wei Ying’s innocent and chubby face. The big sister was indeed a big sister, even her meals were different.

Wei Ying didn’t get the nylon rope back, so she made Gu Heng grasp the window with one hand, while she grabbed his other hand, and then used her weight to jump downstairs.

Due to her own weight, Dishian Gu Heng’s body was pulled into a long strip, like a rubber band full of elasticity. When Wei Ying landed, Gu Heng’s body was pulled more than ten meters long.

When Wei Ying let go of him, Gu Heng returned to normal and floated downstairs.

Wei Ying, carried her school bag and flashlight, and entered the deep mountain along the forest path in Jinyang mountains.

The mass grave was hazy, and the surroundings were dark.

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Wei Ying found a spot on the graveyard and stopped. She turned her head and said to Gu Heng, “Ten meters below the ground, there is a corpse; full of vitality.”

Gu Heng blinked, “So?”

Wei Ying looked at him with a pair of big sincere and harmless eyes, “So you help me dig it out.”

Gu Heng,”…”

Wei Ying walked expressionlessly, grabbed his wrist, and stared at him with her big eyes.

Gu Heng, “!” No, although he was handsome, it wasn’t right!

Wei Ying patted the back of his hand three times. She was so powerful that Gu Heng’s hand became sore, and five slender sharp ghost claws immediately grew out of it.

Wei Ying did the same, hit the back of his other hand, and it also grew claws.

Dishian Gu Heng, “…”

Dishian’s face showed that he was lost. QwQ

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