At six in the morning, the sky was already bright. The baker at the entrance of the breakfast shop lifted the lid, and the fragrant scent of soy sauce wrapped in a white smoke spread in the air.

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“Boss, six buns,” Wei Ying took ten dollars out of her pocket and handed them to the boss.

The baker picked up the six buns for her. There was another girl behind her, her eyes were closed and her face wasn’t right. But what was strange was that she held a black umbrella when there was no rain. The sun was rising in the east.


Fang Yuan was unconscious under the black umbrella, and the drug wasn’t out of her system. Wei Ying’s physical strength was limited, and Dishian Gu Heng could only help Fang Yuan by possessing her. 

Wei Ying bought buns, and found her grandma cooking porridge when she got home. Her grandma asked—

—Yingying, when did you go out? Who is this?

Wei Ying explained, “Grandma, this is my classmate. Her parents died early, and she was kicked out last night. She has nowhere to go. Can she stay at our house for a few days?”

When her grandma saw the wounds on Fang Yuan’s arm and face, she quickly pulled the girl into the room.

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Wei Ying kept her umbrella by the door and handed the buns to her grandmother and said, “I bought buns. You go cook, I will help her wash and change clothes. We will come out to eat later.”

Her grandma nodded and showed the girl the bedroom.

When Grandma left the room, Dishian came out from Fang Xuan’s body, and she immediately fell to the bed as if she lost her support. Fang Yuan’s head rested on the edge of the wooden bed, and became sober.

Fang Yuan sat up and looked at Wei Ying for a moment with caution.


She knew Wei Ying, but no one in Xichen No. 1 high school knew her. She was almost abducted, she was puzzled, and rubbed her sore head and asked her, “What happened … how are you here?”

Wei Ying explained briefly, “I happened to pass by and saved you.”

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“You?” It was unbelievable. Feng Huan asked, “What happened?”

“The trafficker wanted to abduct you, but accidentally hit a telephone pole while driving. I happened to pass by and brought you back, and called the police on the way.”

Wei Ying briefly described the passage and said, “If you don’t want to go home for the time being, you can stay with me.”

Her grandma knocked on the door, and sat down beside the bed. She had brought ointment. She dipped her fingertips in the ointment, dragged Fang Yuan’s hand and spread it gently on her wound.

Fang Yuan glanced at the grandmother and raised her eyes to see Wei Ying. She pursed her lips, and whispered, “Thank you. You are different from what I heard.”

In Fang Yuan’s impression, Wei Ying had a lot of money, and she had a bad reputation in school, and her academic performance was very poor. There were also rumors that Wei Ying had connections with delinquents, school bullies and bad girls outside the school.

But now this bad girl was different from rumors.

After breakfast, the two little girls took the bus to school together. Class 12 and Class 16 were not on the same floor. When they parted ways, Wei Ying called Fang Yuan again, left her contact information, and told her, “If you don’t want to go home at night, just wait for me and follow me back home.”

Wei Ying didn’t think she was so helpful. She just didn’t want this girl to have the same fate as her previous life. Dishian spat the Koi back to her, but the week when Koi was returned, was still a dangerous period.

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As long as this week passed, her koi could no longer be taken away.

Fang Yuan looked at her for a long time and said, “Wei Ying, we are not familiar with each other, you still helped me …”

At breakfast, Fang Yuan briefly explained her current situation.

After the death of her parents, she lived in her uncle’s home. Every month, her father’s friend sent her living expenses, but more than half of it was taken away. Not only that, but she was often subjected to domestic violence.

She ran away from home the previous night because she heard that her aunt fixed her marriage. After she refused, she was violently beaten. When her aunt fell asleep, she ran out of the house, carrying her school bag.

“We have almost the same experience in life. Helping you is like helping myself. You don’t need to be polite with me. If you feel really embarrassed, you can help me with studies,” Wei Ying interrupted her and said, “Wait for me in the afternoon.”

Fang Yuan ran away from home and obviously didn’t have a place to stay. If she lived on the street, she might not be as lucky as last night. When she heard Wei Ying say that, she nodded and said gently, “Wei Ying, thank you.”

As soon as Fang Yuan returned to her class and sat down, she heard the girl sharing her desk saying, “There are traffickers in our city! Fang Yuan, you should be careful when you go home these days.”

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She glanced over and looked at the phone in the girls’ hand. The van on the news was a bit familiar, and the two men arrested were the men who tried to kidnap her the previous night!

The girl whispered to her, “These three traffickers are unlucky. According to the news, they abducted a high school student. But, they got in an accident. The car hit a telephone pole. They didn’t know how the windshield suddenly got smashed. After they were injured, another female high school student came, and smashed one of the traffickers’ face with a punch and rescued the girl who was tied up. I really want to see this high school girl who stunned a trafficker with a punch! “

Fang Yuan was shocked, and seemed to understand what happened.

Presumably Wei Ying saw her getting abducted, smashed the windshield with something, and caused a car accident. After that, she courageously attacked the trafficker and rescued her.

Fang Yuan was in a daze. So the girl poked her with her elbow and asked, “Fang Yuan, what’s wrong with you?”

Fang Yuan looked back and said, “Oh,” she shook her head, “Nothing, nothing.”

Maybe Wei Ying was a bad girl in other people’s eyes, but in her heart she was a hero. If Wei Ying had not been there the previous night, she didn’t dare to think what would have happened to her. 

The third period of the morning was an English class. Ma Yongmei gave half an hour speech to the students who participated in the “Young Speaker”. There were 6 students in the class who enrolled for it. Except Wei Ying, all of them were good in English.

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