Tearing out from the memories, Tang Yu’s emotions were like turbulent waves, which were hard to calm down for a long time.

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The eyes under the cap were filled with sadness, he took a deep breath, and slowly released his clenched fists.

He looked up at the building where Wei Ying lived. The light in her living room had gone out.

His girl and her grandma should be sleeping.

He thought of Wei Ying’s chubby face while his eyes were closed.

Perhaps to others, he was a demon crawling out of hell. But in front of her, he was always a submissive little wolf dog.


Tang Yu lowered his head and carefully checked the contents inside the plastic bag again, making sure that the skin care products and the money was enough. Then he entered the community.

Wei Ying’s bedroom window faced up the mountain. This kind of community was only seven floors high and was not monitored. Tang Yu packed the plastic bag and shoved it into a backpack. Then he wore a mask and pressed down the brim of the cap. He started to climb up the pipeline and the air conditioner.


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Tang Yu climbed up to the third floor in one breath and came to Wei Ying’s bedroom window.

Wei Ying was used to sleeping with a small night light on. Tang Yu only looked at the dimly lit night light, and the stone hanging in his heart fell.

In previous life, fake Wei Ying did not have this habit. In other words, now Wei Ying was the real one.

Tang Yu took the plastic bag out of the backpack and tied the plastic bag to the window fence.

After doing this, he went downstairs.

The eighteen-year-old Tang Yu would appear after seven in the morning. If the young girl went downstairs, he might get to see her.

Thinking so, Tang Yu sat on a bench in the park, waiting for dawn.

Eight in the morning

As soon as Wei Ying opened her eyes, Dishian Gu Heng poked his head out of the mug and told her, “Boss, last night there was a good thief who visited your home.”

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“A thief?” Fang Yuan sat up with her eyes wide open and asked, “Did we lose something?”


Gu Heng pointed outside the window and said, “That’s not it. He left something on the window fence.”

Wei Ying got out of bed, dragged her feet to the window, and got the plastic bag from the window fence. After opening it, she found that in addition to snacks, there were sk2 skin care products and 20,000 yuan.

Fang Yuan looked at her mobile phone, and said, “Yingying, this thief could be planting stolen items to frame people? Let’s call the police.”

Wei Ying thought it was possible. She took the math book on the desk and nodded, “You call the police, I’ll go downstairs to buy breakfast. Later, let’s study Tang Yu’s math homework together.”


Fang Yuan, “…” For the first time, she heard someone copy others homework in such a clear and refined way.

Wei Ying came downstairs carrying a plastic bag, and planned to pick up a few mineral water bottles on the way.

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Protect the environment and start small!

As soon as she got downstairs, she saw a crowd around a bench. She looked in through the gap of the crowd and found Tang Yu, who was sleeping on a it.

Although he was wearing a black face mask, even if he turned to ashes, Wei Ying would recognize him.

She squatted down in front of him and looked at him.

Tang Yu felt someone staring at him, and his body was sore. As soon as he opened his eyes, he met Wei Ying’s bright starry eyes.

Tang Yu looked around in confusion and then looked back at Wei Ying’s cute little fat face.

She looked beautiful recently.

No, this was not the point. The point was how was he there?

Wei Ying folded her arms, looked at his dull look, and chuckled, “What are you doing here?”

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Tang Yu was confused, but quickly reacted and said, “Dictation,” he paused and said, “I’ll make up the dictation that the English teacher gave us the other day.”

Wei Ying looked around and asked him suspiciously, “Where’s your wheelchair?”

Tang Yu didn’t change his face, “My driver took back the car. The driver will come to pick me up at noon, and we have enough time to study.”

Wei Ying’s brain circuit did not seem to be on the same channel as him.

She patted her knees and stared at him with wide eyes, “You want me to carry you upstairs?”

Tang Yu didn’t expect that her first reaction would be like that. Obviously he was also caught off guard a little.

Wei Ying said with anger, “No, I won’t carry you!”

How could she betray an unreasonable man who did not cheat on her? Oh, that was impossible.

But she was a wicked ghost with no emotion. 

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