Wei Ying found Wei Rui’s video on Weibo on her phone in hot search.

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In the video, Wei Rui in tears stated, “Hello everyone, I’m Wei Rui. I’m very sorry for the past two days. Here I want to apologize to my sister Wei Ying and the passers-by I’ve pushed down. I’m sorry! Because of the pressures of school and family, my mental health has been oppressed for a long time, and I developed schizophrenia. I know I was wrong, please give me a chance to mend my mistakes. I will actively receive treatment, and do my best to compensate my sister and the passer-by who was hurt because of me. “

Then came the emotional part. Wei Rui begged the people in front of the camera with her hands pressed together, “I don’t expect anyone to forgive me. I just ask everyone to give me a chance to mend my mistakes.”


She also posted her own diagnosis report at the end of the Weibo video statement and successfully led everyone away. Then some anonymous netizens claiming to be Wei Rui’s classmates, posted the girls’ transcripts and the competition awards she got for the school.

Netizens commented, “An intelligent student? Psychiatric patient? The resume is indeed excellent, but unfortunately she is sick. Hehe.”


“Have been mentally ill for a long time? The girl was left distraught by her sister? Family? I am curious. The two daughters became trending in hot search. How did the family react to it? I didn’t see their parents coming out to talk about it. “

“The proof doesn’t seem to be fake. This girl is pitiful. This kind of disease needs to be cared for. We all had gone to high school. The pressure of high school is really a lot. When I was in high school, I was depressed and once felt I couldn’t go on. Children nowadays don’t have it easy. She apologized so sincerely, and I am willing to give her a chance to mend her mistakes.”

“Conspiracy theory! This child is in trouble. Isn’t it her sister’s fault? If so … what do you think?”

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“You have a big hole in your brain. They are all junior high school students. Please be kind. Is it not possible for a mental patient to be forgiven even if they kill someone, but she hasn’t done something that wrong! She said she would receive treatment actively. So let’s give her a chance. “

Fang Yuan was furious when she looked at these comments on the Internet. She turned her face to look at Wei Ying, and found that she still had not reacted.

She asked, “Yingying, aren’t you angry? I’m trembling with anger.”


While arranging her books, Wei Ying said, “You will also be a public figure in the future. You can’t mess up with these damn netizens online.”

“Public Figure?” She clearly did not understand the meaning behind her words.

Wei Ying didn’t continue, and Fang Yuan didn’t press it.

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She felt that Wei Ying’s words were quite profound, as if she was fortelling her future.

Taking advantage of the weekend, Wei Ying went to the TV station to interview for the “Young Speaker” program and passed the initial test smoothly.

The preliminary round of the show was scheduled in the winter vacation. The champion would get 10 extra points in the college entrance examination. A total of 3,000 people had entered the competition, and only a few dozen entered the preliminary round.

Wei Ying had decided to make a speech about environmental protection. She had no clue as for how to write the speech and attract people’s attention

On Monday, Tang Yu didn’t hand in his homework. The teacher was curious and asked for the reason. Tang Yu said the truth that he had lost it.

The teachers didn’t doubt Tang Yu, but just asked him to go to the office to get the exam papers and exercise books again after class.

During the class, Tang Yu looked at Wei Ying from time to time.

The little girl who received the glances muttered innocently, “What? Do you think I did it? I didn’t eat your homework.”

Tang Yu’s tone was flat, “You sound guilty!”

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Wei Ying squeezed her chubby fist and blushed, “What am I guilty of? I didn’t steal it!”

She had no guilty conscience! Tang Yu’s homework was stolen by the fat ghost and Dishian Gu Heng. It had nothing to do with her! Why would she feel guilty?

The mid-term exam would take place in a week, and Wei Ying’s presence had caused headaches to her teachers. In the office, several teachers were talking about the problem.

Chemistry teacher Liu said, “Wei Ying’s performance is really not good in the elite class. She is a hundred times worse than the second last student! The average score of class 12 has been worse than the rocket class twice in a row, every time because of her score. It lowered the average score of class 12. Teacher Ma, what is Wei Ying’s family’s background? “

The physics teacher sitting opposite who was checking the papers said, “Ms. Liu, it is no secret that she has a strong background, isn’t it? Her grade is the problem! “

Mr. Tuyasu, the biology teacher, spoke in Chongzhou dialect and said, “You are exaggerating the situation. We have seen more than 5,000 students pass. Our school has 400 students, so she can go into a good university. Class 12’s average score is lower than the class next door, but you can’t dump the pot on Wei Ying ’s head*”

The physics teacher yelled, “Lao Su, Wei Ying is good, but it’s too unreasonable for you to say this? Elite class is the best class in our school. She has more than 400 students ahead of her. Isn’t that bad?”

Ma Yongmei, the class teacher who had been looking at the English composition, kept down her pen and raised her eyes and said to other teachers, “What Mr. Su said makes sense. Our school has more than 400 students, and our ranking in the city is still good. Although Wei Ying is our class lowest student. It does not mean that she does not have the gift of learning.”

Ma Yongmei scanned Wei Ying’s English papers, printed several copies, and showed it to several teachers, saying, “This time Wei Ying will represent our class to participate in “Young Speaker”. You see, this is what Wei Ying wrote yesterday, an English essay.”

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Mr. Li took the paper and muttered, “Wasn’t she always at the bottom at English in class 12?”

The physics teacher looked at the essay carefully.

However, Mr. Tuya Su said with a hint of surprise, “Is this really written by Wei Ying? Yes, this English writing level is not of someone who is in high school. I can see that she is not only good in biology, but also good in English.”




*Dump the pot on someone’s head: Throw responsibility to someone.



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