Early the next morning,

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The road near Xichen International’s No.1 Middle School was blocked by luxurious cars.

Wei Daoming was a well-known rich man in the city A. For the safety of his children, except the school leaders, nobody knew that the three siblings — Wei Ying, Wei Rui, and Wei Qi — were his children. Not even their schoolmates and teachers. 

Xichen No. 1 Middle School had a very high tuition fee. Children studying there didn’t have a poor background.


Wei Ying had been pointed at by people since she entered the school gate. She turned a deaf ear along the way and found her class based on what she remembered.

She had just entered the 12th class and looked at the dozen or so vacant seats in the classroom.

Where was her seat? It was hard to recall.

The classmates in the classroom looked at Wei Ying and felt that she was a little different today.

Her previous style of dressing was awful. She covered most of her face with bangs all year round to hide her fat face and acne.

Back then, she looked very unspirited and gray.

But today, she combed all her bangs and revealed her features. They saw her face. The red acne marks on her face were covered a lot, and her skin looked a lot better.

She wore a bright yellow dress with a high waist belt, which not only covered her thick limbs but also successfully made her figure look tall.

The students looked at Wei Ying in wonder.

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It had only been a weekend, why did she suddenly lose weight? Did  her skin also look better? Had her temperament also changed?

Of course, her ugly image in everyone’s eyes had been ingrained. Unless she became a goddess, her classmates wouldn’t react much.


Wei Ying was standing at the door and looking around. A seventeen-year-old boy pushed his wheelchair into the classroom.

Tang Yu’s wheelchair rolled into the classroom and made a slight noise.

The young man stopped in front of Wei Ying, and when she passed by, he specifically ordered, “Return to your seat and write what I’ll dictate.”

Hearing the boy’s voice, Wei Ying turned to look at him.


At that time, Tang Yu, with a pale and young face, was not as cold and stable as he would be many years later. His facial contours were thin, probably because he had been in a wheelchair all year round, he looked sick, his eye sockets were deep, his features were clean, and he looked a little exotic and handsome.

In the eyes of others, he was pitiful. Excellent in all aspects, but a crippled person.

But she knew that he was not only unpretentious but also had a deeper mind than ordinary people.

He was a fake cripple, but she was also curious where the sickness on his face came from.

Tang Yu’s family was complicated. He was only seventeen years old, and he knew how to act with patience and tolerance. A person who was so cruel to himself, how would he deal with others? He had a small heart; those who bullied him, things wouldn’t end well for them in the future.

Tang Yu didn’t like anyone helping him push the wheelchair, so Wei Ying followed him and found the last row of seats.

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Wei Ying sat down and began to sort her books. Then she heard the teenager whisper in her ear,”Take a pen and paper, dictation, ten minutes.”

Wei Ying was an international supermodel. She had stayed abroad all year round, and her English was not bad. But she had been a ghost for too long, and her resentment had long devoured her language skills. Now she was not even able to speak, let alone talk in English. Although she would like to cooperate with her young fiance’s dictation, she wasn’t good enough.

Tang Yu noticed her resentful little eyes, and he flicked her forehead at speed visible to the naked eye, and said quietly, “If you didn’t want to learn, you shouldn’t have asked me at the beginning.”

Wei Ying’s performance was always stable; she was the last! However, she wished to improve her results and stay in the third class. 

It was not so easy.

To improve her class ranking, she had to turn to Tang Yu for help.

In order to copy Tang Yu’s homework, Wei Ying would usually bring him breakfast. Initially, when she brought him breakfast, Tang Yu would not touch it. Only half a semester later was he willing to accept the “remuneration”.

As far as Wei Ying was concerned, Tang Yu was cold and warm at the same time. Of course, these emotions were pure sympathy.

After the former Wei Ying and Tang Yu were together, she asked Tang Yu when he started to like her.

He replied, “The moment you appeared on the runway at the d & m spring fashion show.”

Wei Ying did not reply. She refused to write the dictation. Tang Yu had a feeling of hitting his head on an iron wall. Apparently, angrly, he also stopped talking to Wei Ying.


The girl who felt that he was angry, poked his elbow with a pen, and whispered, “Are you angry?”

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Tang Yu frowned and still ignored her.

Wei Ying crooked her head and looked at him for a while, and said nothing, feeling that Mr. Tang was boring. She couldn’t remember the caring and loving memories of her previous life. Only Mr. Tang, the rough man, remained.

Although she became a human, she had been a ghost for a long time. Wei Ying opened her mouth and spoke as if she had lost a lot of strength, and her physical strength was like a discouraged ball that kept leaking out. As a result, her stomach began to “grumble” and protest.

She stared at the book with the smell of ink in front of her, wanting to eat it. But if the book was gone Mr. Tang  would be suspicious. 

She stared at the desk in front of her, pinched it, and smashed it, trying its hardness. When she knocked on the desk made of iron, it made a sharp noise. It was hard! Her teeth had always been bad, eating hard stuff would hurt her teeth, and so, eventually, she gave up.

In the end … while no one noticed, she quietly ate dozens of homework books.

At the end of the third period, the representative of the math class stood on the podium and shouted angrily, “Who stole the math workbook in the class? If you stand up on your own , I will let you off lightly or else!”

Everyone in the class looked at each other, wondering who would steal the homework book.

“Class representative, shouldn’t it be you who accidentally lost everyone’s homework books. The thief shouted to catch the thief? After all, you have a previous record.”

“Yeah, who stole the workbook? Did everyone have their work done? The old bald man is so fierce, who dares to steal his workbook?”

“Yeah yeah.”

The classmates whispered to each other. Tang Yu felt that Wei Ying next to him was not fine, and turned his face to look at her.

Those clean eyes met him, and she kneaded her slightly bulging belly, then, toward his face—

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Usually, when people burp, their breath would be full of buns, spicy flavors. Why was her burp filled with the smell of ink?

Tang Yu, “??”   What a weird illusion.

Before the first afternoon period  started, Wei Rui was taken to the classroom by the driver. As soon as she entered, dozens of eyes gathered at hers.

Wei Rui’s right arm was plastered, and a bandage was tied around her neck. She was thin and had a very deceptive obedient face.

She limped to the seat in the second row and sat down, then she took out the English book and read it.

That pitiful girl was unfortunate.

After looking at Wei Rui, their gaze turned to Wei Ying sitting in the bottom row.

Within the anonymous class group:

“Wei Ying is too domineering. She beat Wei Rui like this! How can our 12th class tolerate such a school bully to stay in the class? She usually pulls down the average score of our class, even if it is violence against female classmates, it is intolerable! “

“Wei Ying also bullied Wei Rui, who is usually well-behaved! Picking soft persimmons, an abomination.”

“Didn’t someone post her deeds online yesterday? Why isn’t there a reaction?”

“My dad is a local PR. I will let him forward this when I go home at night! Resolutely put an end to campus violence!”

“Resolutely put an end to campus violence!!!”

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