“No, you should answer after thinking,” Wei Ying let go of her chin and stood up.

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While she let go, Wei Rui immediately got up and wanted to run. However, as soon as she stood up, Wei Ying pushed her down the stairs.
Her body rolled down the stairs. She fell on the stage, and her bones cracked. Her arm was broken, and the pain was several times worse than what she felt the last time she fell down the stairs.
It was so painful that she could not speak for a while, and only her tears fell. She paused for a while before raising her eyes to look at Wei Ying on the top of the stairs.
The dim light surrounded Wei Ying, she was 1.7 feet, plus with her little chubbiness, she looked like a mountain.
Wei Ying at this moment was like a devil crawling out of hell. The coldness of those eyes was as if she was going to not just bully her but kill her.
She shuddered and shrank back until her back was against the wall, and she could not go further.
Wei Rui was terrified and trembled, “Wei Ying, what are you doing? I’m your sister, you can’t do this to me! Aren’t you afraid I will tell the teacher about this?”
Wei Ying walked down the stairs step by step, and came to her. She lifted her feet and pressed it against her delicate little face.
Wei Rui was so scared that she didn’t dare to speak any more, and just kept crying. She wanted to run, but her hand was broken and her legs hurt so much that she couldn’t stand up.

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Just then, near the stairs, a teenager in a wheelchair appeared.
“What are you doing?”
The cold voice of the teenager echoed in the stairwell. Wei Rui heard the voice of the monitor Tang Yu and immediately called, “Monitor, save me!”
Although the monitor Tang Yu was a cripple, he still had some prestige in the class.
Wei Ying’s feet were still stepping on Wei Rui’s face. She turned her head to see Tang Yu. There was no change in her expression.
When her little chubby face didn’t have any expression, it always gave people the illusion of innocence. This time was no exception.
As soon as Tang Yu got in the car and was going home, Mr. Tang, 33, woke up.
33-year-old Tang Yu learned that Wei Ying was still cleaning the class, and he returned to send her home.
But as soon as he pushed the wheelchair to the door of the classroom, he saw Wei Rui.

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First, Wei Rui provoked Wei Ying by splashing dirty water on her body. Then, Wei Ying relentlessly dragged Wei Rui out of the classroom and pushed her down the stairs.
Even though Wei Rui’s face was innocent, the 33 year old Tang Yu, did not show any sympathy for her.
After all, in his last life, it was this woman who constantly created misunderstandings between him and Wei Ying. When she couldn’t shake their relationship, she encouraged her demon Tao father to bring a ghost to occupy Wei Ying’s body.
Even if she was born again, Tang Yu still wanted to take revenge for Wei Ying who died.
Wei Rui looked to the monitor for help. He not only did not interrupt Wei Ying’s action, but stared at her coldly which made her shiver.
At this moment, she had the feeling that she was going to die.
Just as Tang Yu’s melancholic breath was about to devour her, Wei Ying said, “I’m bullying my classmates, can’t you see?”
When he heard her voice, all the hatred was pulled out instantly. He glanced back at the little girl again, all the enmity in his eyes disappeared, and got replaced with love.
Tang Yu glanced at Wei Rui, who was covered with bruises. He glanced at Wei Ying, smirked and said to her, “I’m leaving, I’ll take you home.”

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Wei Ying’s physical strength was dwindling, so she temporarily let go of Wei Rui. Coincidentally, she also had a question to ask Tang Yu, so she left with him.
Wei Rui, who was left behind, was desperate, but for a long while she could not make any sound.
When Tang Yu got in the car, he sent a message to the old housekeeper and asked him to handle the school’s surveillance camera. With Wei Rui’s character, she would not let go of this.
The car drove all the way smoothly.
Wei Ying took out the notebook, pointed to a physics question and asked him, “This is the problem, I can’t solve. You teach me.”
Her tone was calm as if nothing happened.
Tang Yu glanced at her, smiled, took the pen from her, and began to explain the steps to her on the blank sheet on the last page of the notebook.
He held the pen and looked up.

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Wei Ying nodded, indicating that she understood.
Tang Yu gave her the pen, and found another similar question in the exercise book for her to solve. She applied whatever he taught her and quickly solved it.
She must be admitted to a good university in China so she could take care of her grandmother.
The car stopped at the door and Tang Yu watched Wei Ying enter the factory area.
His little girl had changed a lot. Just now her aura was as if she wanted Wei Rui’s life. Based on the description of the young Tang Yu in his diary these days, he had guessed something.
Tang Yu was pretty sure that this was indeed his Wei Ying. But what exactly caused her to change that much? Was it the butterfly effect because of his rebirth?
The old housekeeper called him, “Master, the school surveillance has been erased.”
The old housekeeper said, “It was indeed erased, and there was no trace left. But someone did this before us.”

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