Yong Ruo didn’t care much, and calmly repeated the previous lie, “I went to the lantern festival that night to sell plum blossoms. I met an old lady who was kind. The old lady sent people the next day. The young man came and gave me some meat snacks and said he wanted to buy a plum to put it in a vase. Yesterday, the man came again to ask for another plum, but he didn’t bring anything anymore. “

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“I heard that the boy also gave you a famous name post?”

“That’s the case.”

“Maybe you can show me that name post?”

“I’m sorry. The name post was given to me by an old lady who found us pitiful, to help us deal with the catastrophe and disaster. She did not allow me to show them to anyone at will. I dare not offend a noble family.”

“Who is that noble family?”

“I don’t know. The noble lady never revealed it, and I didn’t dare to ask more. There was only a name and address on the name post.”

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“Will the girl bring the famous name post to the Yang house?” Yan Yan stared at Yong Ruo, seemingly inadvertently trying to get more information.


“No! The Yang family has a great career, and they have their own relatives and friends. How can I use the favor of this noble man of unknown origin? That famous name post, I will leave it to my younger brothers for emergency needs.”

After talking about the famous name post, Yong Ruo evoked a faint smile, and looked at Yan Zheng, “You questioned me, but what gossip did you hear outside? I’ve lived in this alley for years, and not all of them are good people. The Qin family in the east is pretty good. We can trust them. The Jin family in the west, most of them are worrisome except for the elders. I’d never believe their words, especially Aunt Jin’s. Among the other neighbors, the brother Wu’s family is not good enough, and they just suffered a big loss in my hands. Even though I’ve been tolerant, I’m afraid it won’t do me any good … “


She talked about the character and disposition of the neighbors in the Hutong, and said, “Inquiring about the life of your in-laws and future daughter-in-law was originally a necessary process for marriage. It’s needed. You also need to know who to believe. There are even classes of villains in this world, who liked to hurt innocent people by evil words. If you believe in a villain’s words and mistook pearls as rubble, this would lead not only me to regret, but it will also make the Yang family regret.”

Yan Xuan said, “The girl makes sense.” But she had a look of disapproval.

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Yong Ruo had a dull heart, knowing that Yan Yan had come on behalf of the Yang family and Mrs. Yang.


From Yan Yan’s attitude, she could understand that she was being rejected by the Yang family. And these subordinates sent to their own house, in addition to helping her family, secretly, they had a mission to inquire about her and her family members.

She felt like she was the only piece of pork neck left in the vegetable market in the evening! Buyers were clearly unwilling to buy, but they had no choice but to buy.

It seemed that after going to Yang’s house, at least for a small while, she wouldn’t be happy.

The wedding was near, but Yong Ruo had no plans to get married before. So, she didn’t prepare dowry, and gifts, clothes, socks, or purses for Yang’s new relatives.

These things can only be bought. Fortunately, this was a very developed commercial city. It was mostly the poor who depended on needlework for a living. She took Yan Zheng to the two shops, paid the deposit, and everyone in the shop patted her chest to ensure that nothing would go wrong!

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To buy these things, of course, she used the Yang family’s gifted silver.

In addition to some kind of gifts, the Yang family also gave her 620 silver ingots. Yong Ruo was going to set aside 200 silver in case of emergency, 50 for the wedding, 50 for her family. The remaining 320 would be used for dowry.

The dowry of three hundred and twenty silver plus the silver of two hundred silver, placed in ordinary people, was definitely a rich dowry for her.

But in fact, with this little dowry, she would be a laughing stock and be laughed at for a lifetime.

Yong Ruo did not take this to heart.

The huge gap between the houses was already known to her. As long as she promised the marriage, she knew what she had to do. Now that she had made a choice, she should have the courage to face it all.

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She just prepared to marry peacefully, and deal with all matters in an orderly manner, neither sullen nor joyful.

But three days before her wedding, she was hit!

The Yang family said that they broke off the engagement!

Break off the engagement? !!

At that moment, Yong Ruo, who had endured for a long time, could no longer remain calm. A deep sense of humiliation severely hurt her heart!

She had known for a long time that she was a slice of suspected pig-neck meat, and did not expect to be treated with pork belly!

But why did they buy it if they hated it? Since they bought it, why should they return it? !! Didn’t they know how this piece of pork neck meat was when they paid?

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