33-year-old Tang Yu wrote for the 18-year-old him—

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—I faced many misfortunes in my life. That was the first time I wanted to give up. Her timely appearance gave me the resolution to carry on. 18-year-old Xiao Tang, you have to cherish this girl. She is the first light of our lives. Please take good care of this light. She will be your only warmth in the future.

When Tang Yu, 18, saw this, he didn’t understand the emotion behind Mr. Tang’s words. He had not experienced anything and naturally could not empathize with him.

But he seemed to understand a little bit now.

The next day was weekend, and the school forum post about “Environmental Protection Club” was trending on hot search

— “Why are the boys crazy about picking up trash?” 【hot】


In the post, someone anonymously broke the news and said, “Has anyone heard of the school celebrity Wei Ying? She actually created an Environmental Protection Club, issued leaflets to the boys, and used the flower Fang Yuan as a bait, seduced the boys to pick up trash. This act degrades a woman’s status!”

The main Weibo also posted a few spectacular pictures of boys picking up trash.


A classmate said to the post, “Wait a minute, why didn’t you tell me about Fang Yuan earlier? If you told me I would have gone there earlier!”

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“That’s Wei Ying? Did the one who clicked the pictures add a beauty filter to her? Why do I think she looks beautiful? She looks thin?”

“Wait, the one who picked up the garbage was Liu Yuze, a study committee member of Class 12. Isn’t he handsome? Ah. One of the best-looking in Class 12!”

“Who is the other?”

“Of course, the most handsome in class 12 is Tang Yu, but unfortunately he is a cripple. I like Liu Yuze more. Last year, his performance in the school speech contest was impressive. This kind of high-profile handsome boy is something that I can look forward to. Their 12 elite class would all get into Beiqing University in the future, *crying! Envy!*”

“Who can tell me how to sign up for this club? Hmm? I wouldn’t say I am heading for Liu Zeyu. _ (: 3∠) _”


“Everyone on the street knows what’s in Sima Zhao’s mind.”

Originally, the students didn’t know the existence of this club, but because of this post, the Environmental Protection Club’s name spread like fire in the school.

Wei Ying posted a video of the first meeting of the Environmental Protection Club on the forum.

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Wei Ying had unlocked the first sharp ghost skill-deception.

This skill could increase the appeal of her words. For example, when she gave a speech, everyone would think carefully about everything she said.

Through the video, the students saw the passionate slightly fat girl. Her remarks were simple and clear, but they made the students fire up.

There were classmates following the video post, “Oh, I think Wei Ying is right! Every time I see those who promote environmental protection and say that the earth is our mother and to protect it, I wish to vomit. But when I heard Wei Ying’s speech, I actually thought it made sense? People are selfish and so for our own sake, we must be eco-conscious! “

“It actually makes sense! How do I sign up and join the club?”

“Please Sister Fang Yuan and Wei Ying take us to protect our environment together! And work hard to build a civilized campus and civilized China!”

The students in the school seemed as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and they all sought ways to register.

Many students signed up, so within a week, the Environmental Protection Club grew into a 100-person club.

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After school that afternoon, the Education Bureau came down to inspect. The leaders and the headmaster passed the school playground and saw more than 100 students lined up neatly in front of the flowerbed.

The students held colorful things in their hands, and the leaders mistakenly thought that it was a welcome ceremony for them.

The leader immediately said, “How many times have I said, don’t trouble the children. These children are the hope and future of our motherland. How can we toss them like this. Wouldn’t it be hard for the children? If your children are willing, then let them come at mealtime! We have to keep ourselves in the children’s shoes! “

The headmaster sweated. He then turned his head to look at the vice principal in confusion. The vice-principal turned his head to see the deputy director of the Political and Education Affairs Department and gave him a sharp glance.

The deputy director was innocent. How could he say that he did not make the students come here to the welcome ceremony.

The deputy director did not speak before, so he heard the hundred students shouting in unison, “For Xichen No.1 High School , environmental protection comes first! You and I should maintain a clean campus environment. Let’s do it!”

“Let’s do it,” sounded through the sky, scaring the school leaders.

The group of students who shouted the slogan, spread out like birds and beasts and ran to all directions in the campus.

The leader then saw clearly that the colorful things that the students held in their hands were not the floral decorations used in the welcome ceremony at all, but the various jute bags! Every canvas bag was old as if it had been sealed for a long time before being turned out for use.

The leaders watched as the students went to pick up trash on every corner of the campus.

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Some went to the racetrack, some stayed at the playground, some went to the campus, and some went to the street outside the school.

The headmaster couldn’t understand what was going on. He grabbed a classmate and asked, “Student, what are you doing?”

The students said with excitement, “Pick up trash! Protecting the environment is protecting ourselves. Our new school motto at Xichen No. 1 High School: you and me, we have to maintain a clean environment, let’s do it! I’m going to pick up trash! Today I picked up ten mineral water bottles. I’m so awesome. “

The headmaster was speechless, why didn’t he know that the school changed its motto?

The leader of the Education Bureau took the school leader for another walk and finally knew about the Environmental Protection Club of Xichen No.1 High School.

He said with emotion, “I did not expect that the students of Xichen No.1 High School not only study well but also have high essence. The incident of classmate Wei Rui a while ago led netizens to talk about your school, saying that your school is a wealthy school but the quality of the students is really poor. Now it seems that the opposite is true. Xichen No. 1 High School has worked hard to educate students! The Environmental Protection Club can not only sharpen students but also train them to bear hardships and make them work hard. Good, good.”



Everyone on the street knows what’s in Sima Zhao’s mind: that a person’s supposed hidden intention (in this case, usurping the throne) is so well known that it is not really hidden. It came from a quote by Cao Mao, fourth emperor of Wei, who launched an unsuccessful uprising against Sima Zhao in an attempt to take back imperial power.

From three kingdoms!

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