“Let’s go home.”

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The mineral water bottle was thrown in the garbage bin. Wei Ying and Fang Yuan took off their gloves, took out the hand sanitizer and disinfectant from the bag, and washed their hands carefully.

When their hands were washed, the two girls walked home together again.

Fang Yuan didn’t notice anyone following, but Wei Ying was sensitive. As soon as she closed her eyes, she could clearly feel that someone was following her. Without turning around, she knew it was her dad.


After walking to the gate of the community, Wei Daoming drove the car over, rolled down the window, and shouted at Wei Ying who was about to enter the community, “Ying Ying.”

Wei Ying and Fang Yuan stopped at the same time, turned around and watched Wei Daoming step down from the car.

The man came towards them, and Wei Ying asked Fang Yuan to go upstairs and tell her grandmother to sleep early.

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After Fang Yuan went upstairs, Wei Daoming said, “Yingying, it’s time to go home. How long do you have to be angry with your dad? You are having a hard time here. You don’t go home, but pick up garbage outside. If this gets known by my friends, I will lose my face.”


“Huh?” Wei Ying sneered, “I thought you were distressed that I picked up trash, but I didn’t expect that you were worried about your face.”

“You!” Wei Daoming remembered his wife’s words, took a deep breath, and said softly, “Yingying, you are my daughter. How can I not care about you? Go back with me. Your grandma can’t give you a good life, she can only teach you how to pick up trash. Is this a kind of thing you should do at this age? You should study hard now to go to a good university.”

Obviously, the grandmother was Wei Ying’s weakness. Wei Daoming’s contempt for her grandmother made her angry, “Have you ever thought about why I would fall so low that I needed to pick up garbage? You are my father and gave me life, but only with this, you can stand high before me. As a child, I can’t choose whether I can be born or not. And since you chose to let me be born, you should believe me. But you would rather trust someone else’s daughter unconditionally than believe your own biological one. “


Wei Ying’s “Deception” skills didn’t work on the loved ones. Even so, Wei Daoming was deeply shaken by his daughter’s words.

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So his daughter would rather pick up trash than go home, all because of him?

Wei Rui did do something wrong to her. He also realized his mistake, so he came to pick her up.

Wei Daoming said after a moment of silence, “Daddy apologizes to you. You also know about Rui Rui’s illness, and She was so well-behaved hence I didn’t expect that she would be sick. You must understand her. After all, your Aunt Liu usually puts her mind on you and completely ignores Rui Rui. This has led to Rui Rui’s lack of motherly love. With this disease … “

Wei Ying shook her head. The man was dense. She looked at the man expressionlessly and asked without any emotions, “Dear father, do you love me?”

Wei Daoming’s face was sincere, “Love. You are my daughter, and I naturally love you. Since your mother left, I had been too busy to work and had no time to look after you. But Dad has you in my heart, you are Dad’s girl, and Rui Rui is also Dad’s girl. Come home with Dad. Your aunt Liu also cares about you. If she comes to know that you pick up garbage outside like this, how sad will your aunt Liu be? “

Wei Ying took her notebook out of the schoolbag, took out her pen to write down her bank account number, and then tore off that page and shoved it into her father’s hand.

Wei Daoming held the paper in his hand, “?”

Wei Ying put away her pen and paper, wore her school bag again, and said, “You can pay as much money as you love me. What I need is not fatherly love, but money.”

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Wei Daoming almost spit out his old blood, “…”

Wei Ying asked, “What’s with your expression? Don’t you love me?”

Wei Daoming clenched the note with the number in his hand, his heart was very complicated. As soon as he snapped out, his daughter turned around with her school bag and left.

Back in the car, Wei Daoming leaned weakly on the back of the chair and sighed.

When he got home, Liu Su came over and took off his coat. As she was hanging the coat, she asked, “What’s wrong? Yingying hasn’t returned? What are you holding?”

Wei Daoming sat on the sofa and frowned, “I’m thinking, isn’t it my fault as a father?”

He told his wife what happened and sighed again.

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Liu Su sat down next to him, rubbing his temples, while whispering softly, “You are not wrong, but the child is in a rebellious phase. No matter what you do, she will see it as wrong. What to do? You care for your family. In the past few years, it has been difficult to make money, and the company needs you. If you didn’t get busy at work from where would the money come from?”

“If you were a poor father, maybe your child will blame you for not giving her a better life. So there is no solution to this problem. If her biological mother is still alive, she may not turn like this. Hey, blame me not you……”

Halfway through her words, Wei Daoming interrupted her, “Don’t say these words at home. Xiaoqi may hear you.”

Liu Su pursed her lips, nodded, “Hmm.”

Relatives and friends thought that Wei Qi was Wei Daoming’s step-son, even Wei Qi himself thought so. Only Liu Su and Wei Daoming knew that Wei Qi was their biological son.

In order to conceal the fact of the derailment, Wei Daoming publicized Wei Qi as his step-son. It was also because of this incident that Wei Ying’s mother jumped off the building and committed suicide.

Even though it was said to be suicide, only Liu Su knew the inside story.

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