Near lunchtime, Wei Ying and her father Wei Daoming’s car arrived at Tang’s house first.

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The Tangjia Villa covered a large area. From one main entrance to another entrance it took about six minutes to drive at a constant speed. The garden was like a residential area, and the vegetation was European-style, simple and luxurious.

The car stopped directly in front of the main building. Mrs. Tang took Tang Bowen and Tang Yu and waited at the door.


The assistant in the car got down first and pulled the car door for the person in the back seat.

The first to get off was Wei Daoming in a suit and leather shoes, followed by Wei Ying in a dress.

She was tall and skinny, wearing a tube top skirt. Her ponytail was tied up and she looked slightly mature. Her makeup matched her features, just like a beautiful girl coming out of a painting.

Considering that she was a tall girl, Wei Ying did not wear high heels, she only wore a pair of flat shoes. But even so, she couldn’t hide the fact that she had long legs.

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The waistline of this skirt was cut just right, perfectly highlighting her proportions.

When she got out of the car, her father Wei Daoming offered her an arm to help. She glanced coldly, looking up at the Tang family standing on the steps.

Her aura was proud, but a bit of disdain felt in it, like an annoyed queen.

When Tang Bowen saw the girl coming down from the car, he was obviously stunned.


Why was there such a big gap with her in real life and her photos? The girl in the photo had a small, round face, but in front of him, her facial features were cold and beautiful. Although she also had a girlish sense, she had a strong aura.

Not at all like Wei Rui, but like the female King Kong Wei Ying.

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Tang Bowen had this idea just now, and Mrs. Tang came up and said to him, “Wei Rui is much better-looking than the picture. Are you satisfied now?”

Satisfied, of course. Tang Bowen looked at the girl who came with his father, and smiled at her with a gentleman’s smile. The two thought she was Wei Rui.

When the girl and Wei Daoming approached, Mrs. Tang greeted them, they were about to introduce themselves to Wei Ying, but Tang Haotian just came out and interrupted their conversation.

The two men greeted each other, and Wei Daoming was quickly taken away by Tang Haotian, and they went to the study upstairs to discuss some matters.

Wei Ying was left with Mrs. Tang.

Mrs. Tang looked at Wei Ying from head to toe, and also felt that she did not look like the picture, she looked more skinny and more beautiful. Even so, she didn’t look like the female King Kong Wei Ying in the photo.

That picture of Wei Ying was deliberately given ugly by Liu Su. It not only exaggerated her acne and obesity, but she also distorted some of the girl’s beautiful and cute features.

When Wei Ying was 150 pounds, in reality, although her face was fat, it was far less exaggerated than in the photos, and it was a very delicate fat face.

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After looking at Wei Ying, Mrs. Tang took her hand and said kindly, “You don’t look a bit like the photo. It looks like you are thin.”

Wei Ying pulled her hand from Mrs. Tang expressionlessly. Although she knew it was Tang Yu’s mother, she had an extraordinary sixth sense as a ghost.

She didn’t like Mrs. Tang.

She said lightly, “Oh, I succeeded in losing weight.”

After that, her eyes stayed on Tang Bowen’s face for two seconds, then she looked away and walked towards Tang Yu.

In the face of the girl’s eyes, Tang Bowen smiled, but as soon as the corner of his mouth came up, the girl’s eyes moved away and she walked towards his brother.

Wei Ying walked to Tang Yu, crooked her finger and asked him, “Did you do homework for the winter vacation?”

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Tang Yu had a serious face without emotion,”You dream.”

Then, Wei Ying’s hand naturally laid on the teenager’s wheelchair and pushed him into the room vengefully.

The conversation between the two people seemed inexplicable. When the two of them spoke, there was no expression on their faces, but their tone made them seem like old acquaintances.

Mrs. Tang and Tang Bowen looked at each other and did not know what was happening. Did the two know each other at school?

It was well known that since Tang Yu was a cripple, he hated being treated like a cripple person and never allowed anyone to push his wheelchair. But when the girl pushed him into the house instead of losing his temper, he started talking to her.

Watching the two enter, Tang Bowen’s expression instantly stiffened and whispered, “Do they know each other?”

Mrs. Tang reacted and said, “They are in the same high school and they know each other well. Let’s go in for a while.”

Since the family banquet had not yet started, Tang Yu began to take Wei Ying to visit the garden. Tang Bowen, sitting on the balcony drinking tea, looked at Tang Yu and Wei Ying in the garden, his expression was not very good.

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