Wei Ying gave him a cold glance, then took the dish in his hand politely, and handed the mutton to Tang Yu.

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She ignored Fei Yun directly, pressed Tang Yu’s ear, and whispered to him.

Fei Yun wanted to listen to what she said, but couldn’t hear anything, and complained, “Hey, what are you whispering? Does it mean that the lamb’s leg meat is not delicious? I’ll tell you, man. The mutton is the most delicious! “

Wei Ying didn’t even look at him, she stood up with her hands on her knees and turned to the bonfire.


Fei Yun looked at Wei Ying who was leaving and asked Tang Yu: “What did she tell you just now?”

Tang Yu sniffed the mutton and said lightly, “She said that she hated the silly talk.”

“Are you serious?” Fei Yun patted his thigh, angrily: “She got a personality! Good, this woman successfully caught my attention!”

Tang Yu: “…” Was this a second fool?

Tang Bowen had been absent-minded since the afternoon. His eyes fell from time to time on Wei Ying. Wei Ying got up and went to the toilet. He couldn’t help but glance at her secretly.

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Wei Rui noticed his eyes, deliberately turned over, and whispered, “Brother, what are you looking at?”


Tang Bowen saw her and moved in the direction of Tang Yu. With some impatience, he said: “Nothing.”

“Brother Bowen, there’s a horse over there. I’m a little scared. Would you like to accompany me to ride?” Wei Rui said softly.

Tang Bowen was almost disgusted by this “Bowen Brother” and got goosebumps. He impatiently roared “Go away.”

Out of the house, his true emotions were exposed.

Wei Rui looked at the man who was so gentle with her at his home and this harsh man. As she judged the two, her heart was shocked, and tears swirled in her eyes, and she trembled: “Brother Bowen, what did you say?”

When Tang Bowen thought about marrying this girl, he was even more angry: “I’ll said you go away, Are you deaf?”


His voice was not small, which attracted the attention of Fei Yun and Tang Yu.

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Even the young men and women who were clamoring for the bonfire dance noticed the situation.

Wei Rui was stared at by countless pairs of eyes. She was humiliated, pouted with anger, and got out of the crowd.

Seeing the girl running away, Fei Yun pushed Tang Bowen: “You are so rude. Why did you bring the girl over if you were going to humiliate her?”


Tang Bowen lips twitched and he snorted: “You fucking need to know that she is the blind date arranged for me. Do you still think I am rude?”

“No way.” Fei Yun was shocked: “She was your blind date. Was it your step mother who looked for such a girl for you?”

Fei Yun remembered that Tang Bowen’s stepmother was Tang Yu’s mother. He looked at Tang Yu with embarrassment, then touched the tip of his nose and closed his mouth.

The bonfire dance started, young men and women danced around it. Tang Yu was in a wheelchair watching them.

After Wei Ying absorbed the haze at the racecourse and filled her belly, she found Tang Yu sitting alone, watching the men and women singing and dancing.

His back looked very sad and had a distressing sense of loneliness.

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Somehow, Wei Ying’s heart seemed to be stuck by something. She had never felt this way since she was born again.

For a moment, a memory flashed through her mind about Tang Yu’s past life.

They were in the savannah, and it was the same kind of campfire. The prairie owner invited their couples to dance. At first, Mr. Tang, who was cold and serious, was reluctant to go.

Wei Ying, however, held the man’s neck and her soft lips rubbed the tip of his chin. She said, “I will go. Everyone is a couple. If they didn’t know they will think I am alone, a single dog. I want to let them know that my boyfriend is the best in the world! “

Facing his girlfriend, Tang Yu’s serious face changed and a warm, soft smile appeared on it. Indulging her agreed.

Tang Yu danced in a strange manner and became the laughingstock of grassland owners and other couples. After the dance, Wei Ying was about to pull her boyfriend off but was suddenly pulled back by the man.

She got into his arms unexpectedly. The man held her by the waist and held her up.

The man hugged her in front of the bonfire, and changed to a serious tone, shouting “Yingying, marry me”.

Everyone looked at them. She blushed and patted the man’s shoulders constantly: “You put me down and say it well. Kneel down and ask for marriage!”

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“You say yes. Then I will put you down.”

“How can you act a rogue! If I don’t agree, would you just hold me like this?”

The man’s face was serious: “Yes. Then hold till we get old.”

Wei Ying laughed loudly, holding the man’s cheek, and bowed her head and asked him, “Then I ask you, how much do you love me?”

He still asked with a serious look: “Love you more than life.”

Although the words were short, Wei Ying was moved.

This picture turned into a silk thread, tightly tangling Wei Ying’s heart, and then tightening it, causing her heart to twitch for a while.

After a while, Wei Ying found that her eyes were actually wet.

Why does she have this emotion? Was it that she hadn’t become a ghost completely?

Her mood quickly cleared up, and she returned to her usual cold expression.

What she didn’t know was that her stone heart was slowly recovering its softness.

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