A few minutes ago, Wei Ying and Gu Heng conspired to put Wei Rui who was in a sack into the car.

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In the eyes of the kidnappers, it only took more than ten seconds from the time they got off and back inside but in fact, about six minutes had passed.

Gu Heng used deceptive skills to confuse the kidnappers’ brains, and then exchanged Wei Rui with Tang Yu.

Wei Rui was in a sack, and she could clearly hear the people outside, but her mouth seemed to be glued, and she could not utter a word.

She was so desperate in the sack that she twisted anxiously. the kidnapper smashed the person in the bag across the sack with his fist and scolded, “Damn, you shouldn’t run, otherwise I will cut your head!”

Wei Rui didn’t dare to move at all.

Around ten o’clock, the kidnappers carried her up to the Jinyang Mountain. Due to the dim light, no one noticed that they were carrying a girl.

The kidnapper said, “Why is Tang Yu so light?”

The driver said, “A teenager with a lame leg, who does not exercise all year round, would be skinny and light.”

“But this is too light, isn’t it?” The kidnapper wondered secretly, thinking that the weight wasn’t right.

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But the night was too dark, and Jinyang Mountain was cloudy. It was freezing. They felt that the man inside the sack would be warm and alive, so they didn’t have the heart to inspect.

At the predetermined location, they threw the sack down, punched and kicked it.

The person in the sack “whined” . Her voice was dull, they could not tell if it was a man or a woman, but she felt the pain.


Suddenly, Wei Rui heard the sound of her cracking bones.

Immediately after that, the kidnapper and the driver loosened the sack and threw the person into the shallow iced puddle, just enough to soak his lower body.

The kidnapper clapped his hands and gasped, “We finally threw him down, but let him survive.”

The driver asked timidly, “Nothing will happen, will it? If something happened then it’s a matter of human life.”

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The kidnapper spit and said, “What can happen? Mr. Tang is just trying to test whether this kid is really cripple. When he is about to die, Mr. Tang will find someone to take him back. Do not worry.”

Although the driver had done something unforgiving, in the final analysis, he did not want to kill someone as it was troublesome.

After hearing the kidnappers words, he felt relieved and went down the mountain with them.

Wei Rui’s lower body was soaked in ice water, she felt numb. She struggled out of the sack and looked around, a sense of despair spreading all over her body.


Fear and cold were all weapons that defeated her mental defenses.

She was finally able to speak. She trembled all over, and cried in the mud, “Dad … Mom … Uncle Ning … is anyone there? Save me, save me …”

Her voice wandered among the silent mountains and turned into the strangest echo. The voice was like the evil spirit crawling out of hell.

In the dark, it seemed that countless ghosts crawled slowly and approached her. She wanted to get out of the puddle, but she felt that her leg was broken and as soon as she moved, it hurt.

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In the end, she was confused.

Around ten thirty in the evening, the banquet at the racecourse was completely over.

Some people noticed that Wei Rui was gone, but no one asked where she went, and no one cared.

Fei Yun sent Tang Bowen, Tang Yu, and Wei Ying to the parking lot. He looked at Wei Ying and said, “Yingying, shall I drive you back?”

Then Tang Bowen knocked his head with his fist, “Are you an adult? Have you got a driving license?”

Fei Yun rubbed his head and shouted, “Can’t I ride a battery car to take her home?”

Tang Bowen sighed coldly, “In the winter, you want to ride a battery car to take a girl home, do you think you are a Prince?”

“Romance, you know nothing of that, you fart!”

Fei Yun and Tang Bowen were arguing with each other when Tang Yu had already taken Wei Ying into the car and drove out of the parking lot.

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Tang Bowen watched as the driver drove the car away. He stopped and cursed, “How can I return now!”

After speaking, he looked back to Fei Yun, “What about your car?”

Fei Yun spread his hand, “I let the driver go back, sorry, I really only have a battery car. After all, I am a member of the group, I have to abide by the law, I don’t dare to touch normal cars.”

Tang Bowen glared at him and called the driver to pick him up.

The road home from the racecourse was slightly tortuous. There were no cars along the way and it was very barren.

Wei Ying leaned her head against the window and thought about things. And at this time, Mr. Tang, 33, was awake.

He took out his mobile phone, looked at the simple record made by the young Tang Yu in the memo, and probably understood what happened today.

33-year-old Tang Yu cherished every moment with Wei Ying. Even if the girl became weird, as long as it was her, he would tolerate her with love.

It was not easy to be able to come back to life and see her alive again.

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