Wei Ying wasn’t surprised; she just asked her, “Did anyone ask you to sign for a company?”

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Fang Yuan’s mood stabilized, and she nodded and said, “Yes. Xu Jianghuai’s agent wants to sign me as a trainee. But he said that after signing the contract, I must be admitted to Beiying University, but you know, I want to be admitted to Beiqing University. Today Emperor Xu Ying talked to me in private again and said that I can act. I think these days have been magical. The stars that I could only see across the screen actually sat in front of me and invited me to act. Isn’t it wonderful? “

Wei Ying thought it was okay. She couldn’t empathize with the excitement of the girl, but nodded, “Wonderful.”

Fang Yuan said, “When will you come back? I think I can support you and my grandmother. If you are not happy over there, come back soon.”

Wei Ying nodded.

Of course, she wouldn’t just go back to her grandmother’s house like this. She would have to roll up enough money before leaving. Although she was a sharp ghost, she also understood the reason money could make ghosts grind.

Without money, even ghosts couldn’t do anything.

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At about three o’clock in the morning, Wei Ying was entering a fixed state, absorbing the nearby haze, and was suddenly awakened by a banging on the door.

As soon as Wei Ying opened her eyes, the door of her bedroom was smashed open and Liu Su stormed in. If it wasn’t for Wei Daoming and the nanny holding her, she would have rushed over and strangled Wei Ying.


The girl sat up, looked up at Liu Su lazily, rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned, “What? Didn’t you sleep?”

Liu Su pointed at her and shouted, “You, why are you so vicious? Did I do anything bad to you? Do you have to harm Rui Rui so much? Now that Rui Rui has become like that, are you happy? Happy? “

She tried hard to rush towards Wei Ying but was held tightly by Wei Daoming. Wei Daoming called the family doctor, who gave Liu Su a sedative and dragged her back to the room.

When everyone was cleared, Wei Daoming told Wei Ying, “Something happened to Rui Rui.”

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“Oh? What’s wrong with her?”

Wei Daoming sighed and said, “Rui Rui is ill again. I don’t know who took her to Jinyang Mountain and broke her legs. Because her lower body was soaked in ice water for a long time, she may not stand up in the future.”

“How could this happen?” Wei Ying immediately got up, clenched her fists, and smashed the headboard severely, “Dad, is Rui Rui okay now? Be sure to channel her mentality in time, and don’t let her think too much Dad. Who is so cruel to hurt a little girl? You must catch the suspects and bring them to justice!” Her angry and sorrowful attitude made Wei Daoming freeze for a moment and his heart was moved.


Even if the younger daughter did so many unfair things to the older one, at this time, the first reaction of the older daughter was not gloating, but worrying for the younger one.

This was in stark contrast to Liu Su’s indiscriminateness.

The person Tang Haotian sent to monitor Tang Yu went up the mountain around twelve o’clock, but their people found that the person thrown into the puddle was not Tang Yu at all, but a girl.

He notified Ninghao. When he learned that the other party was Wei Rui, he hurriedly sent people down the mountain.

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When Wei Rui was taken to the hospital, her lower body was paralyzed, and it was difficult to cure it. The girl’s spirit was stimulated and she became unconscious, but she murmured, saying that Wei Ying had harmed her.

Of course, the police would not believe what she said. Right when the girl’s mental illness relapsed, she started to blame her sister again.

Not only the police did not believe it, but Wei Daoming also did not believe it.

He wondered how much Wei Rui hated Wei Ying? That even in such a state she didn’t forget to pull Wei Ying into the water.

Wei Daoming sighed and said to Wei Ying and said, “Your sister said at the hospital that you knocked her out and kidnapped her. When your aunt Liu heard it, she took it seriously, her mood broke down. Rui Rui is very ill now, but even when she encounters this kind of thing, she still wants to blame you. But you can rest assured that the police have investigated clearly, you have never been alone with her. There is no evidence. Dad won’t do you wrong this time, Daddy believes you.”

Wei Ying rubbed her eyes till they turned red deliberately, her tone slowed down, “Thank you, you can believe me. It’s not appropriate for me to stay here now because of this incident. Why not give me a little money and I will move to a hotel for two days. When Aunt Liu is in a stable mood, I will return.”

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In order to avoid seeing through the acting performance of her pretentious, she added, “Although I usually hate Aunt Liu, it doesn’t mean that I don’t have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. In this case, let me be wronged.”

With these words, even Wei Ying herself was shocked.

Recently she was becoming more and more “humane.” She herself was aware of the many recent changes.

Wei Daoming heard his daughter’s words. He thought that she was sensible, then nodded. He took out a card and handed it to her, “You can use this card first, and I’ll let the driver take you to a nearby hotel. Wait for Aunt Liu to be emotionally stable then I’ll call you back. “


Wei Ying took the card from her father and almost vomited. For the money, she could do anything.

Wei Ying packed up and went to the hotel the same night. The driver had taken her to the hotel at 4:30 in the morning. Instead of continuing to sleep, Wei Ying called Fang Yuan and asked her to send her bank card account number.

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