When the video reached more people, the netizens no longer bragged, but instead used the ‘crying’ emoji.

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Netizens said:

“*Crying* Who is this fairy sister? I have been in a foreign country for two years, but still speak with an accent!”

“This girl should win the championship!”

“Maybe that’s because other players’ videos are not online. I am following the show! As an English language learner, I decided to watch it live three days later!”

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“There are no tickets online! I can only watch the live feed to see the little girl and hear her speech!”

“Her face is not as rigid as that of an ordinary international model. She has exquisite facial features and a good figure. What’s more is that she’s so talented. I want to marry her!”

After being hyped by the 33-year-old Tang Yu, Wei Ying quickly became popular on the Internet. He quickly seized the id of the “Wei Ying Support Club” and created the official group.

The online #Glamorous girl # caused a sensation in the entertainment industry.

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The producer of “Rebellious Youth” produced by Fruit Channel saw the news online. He immediately called someone from the ‘youth speaker’ and asked for Wei Ying’s contact information.

In the new season, the program group of “Rebellious Youth” had implemented reforms, and planned to invite 5 rich second generations to experience life in Dashan village.

At present, the producer had contacted CEO Tang Haotian of Qingyan Group and Fei Zhongshan, chairman of Chengshan Group.

Tang Haotian agreed to allow Tang Bowen and Tang Yu to participate in this show.

For one, it was to let the people across the country know that Tang Yu was a waste. Second, he wanted to show off his son’s goodness. Once the show airs, the two would become famous, and he could then arrange a Cyber squad to attack Tang Yu as a waste and break his self-confidence.

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Also damaging Tang Yu to core, making him unable to restore his image.

Fei Zhongshan agreed to let his son Fei Yun participate in the program. The purpose was very simple, he just wanted to fix his son’s bad temper.

At present, there was still one place in this rebellious youth group, and the producer intended to recommend Wei Ying. An excellent girl, coupled with four rebellious men, would inevitably produce the catfish effect* that would make viewers look forward to watching them.


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Dashan Village, A division of rural area of Xianyu Town

The catfish effect is the effect that a strong competitor cause the weak to show better of themselves

In Norway, live sardines are several times more expensive than frozen ones, and are valued for better texture and flavor. It w

as said that only one ship could bring live sardines home, and the shipmaster kept his method a secret. After he died, people found that there was one catfish in the tank. The catfish keeps swimming, and the sardines try to avoid this predator. This increased level of activity keeping the sardines active instead of becoming sedentary.

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