However, halfway through Wei Ying’s speech, the show crew realized that something would go wrong if they let her talk like this, so they cut off her teleprompter directly.

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During the speech, Wei Ying found that the teleprompter was shut down, and she gave an indifferent glance to the director, and then continued the speech. There was no trace of stuttering or pausing, as she showed her amazing emotional control.

A chill passed through the spine of the director, as if something had scratched his neck, causing him to feel goosebumps.

Even if the teleprompter was turned off, Wei Ying did great and ended the speech smoothly.

When the applause at the scene aroused, the live chat was on fire. It was so densely crowded that it covered the screen.

“Well, what an amazing speech! She is the Champion!”

“Pick the garbage and sort it! Trash sorting! I will pick garbage and sort it tomorrow!”

“After listening to this speech, I feel like I’m a scumbag. Tomorrow I will begin to pick up garbage and contribute to protecting the human environment with our sanitation workers!”

“The little fairy is amazing! I like you! Please enter the entertainment circle as an actress This sister wants to lick you! I am crazy for you, crazy for you!”

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Wei Ying’s performance in the show was amazing. Her aura and language skills, as well as the content of her speech, were all amazing.

At the end of the speech, the audiences were touched.

Wei Ying had added a garbage classification list on the big screen. Garbage was divided into three dry garbage, wet garbage, and harmful garbage. All of which was then subdivided.

The audience at the scene took out their mobile phones to take pictures, intending to practice this even after returning home.

The response on the spot was so big that the program group could never be able to eliminate Wei Ying in this round. After all, any laymen could see that her performance was better than other players.

So the show let Wei Ying enter the second round of speech, and eliminated another player.

In the second round of competition, after the inside champion speech ended everyone just stood and applauded without any expressions. They probably saw the news on the Internet. This time for the fear that netizens would judge their expressions they didn’t cry.

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However, their actions made netizens even more surprised.

Some netizens wondered about it.

“What is this for?”

“It’s embarrassing. This is probably a professional audience, right? Acting.”

“Hahaha haha, what the hell. In the last round they performed so well with all that crying and runny nose, this round they gave up? It’s too embarrassing to applaud without expression. Hahaha, did the father of that young master not give them enough money?”


“[Money face.jpg]”

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In the second round of speeches, Wei Ying speech still remained class apart from others.

She had given high-level speeches from the beginning. It was expected that she would be repetitive and weak in the later stages. But her performance was completely different from what the crew expected.

Not only did her points raised, the speech became more exciting.

In the end, even the judges couldn’t stand it. They jumped directly over the program group’s orders and made Wei Ying the winner. The moment the judges announced that Wei Ying won, the audience stood up and applauded.

The show was live, and if they changed the winner, they would definitely face audiences discontent. Now, the show crew could only find a way to comfort the participant they had decided on.

Netizens and the audience were not surprised when Wei Ying won the championship.

After the show ended, major video websites began to forward Wei Ying’s videos, each of which could be used as a teaching lecture.

The video of her speech was also spread to YouTube. The views and likes on it set new records.

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This naturally affected many people. As a result, Wei Ying ’s Nui Gui Ghost value finally broke through the 50-point bottleneck, rising to 60.

When her ghost value reached 60 points, not only did she grow stronger, but she also found that she started to enjoy human food.

Before that, she could not enjoy human food, and those things could not give her any physiological fullness. But now, food could comfort her.

In order to experience the feeling of satiety, Wei Ying ate two pots of white rice in one breath.

Yes, two whole pots!

Fang Yuan and her grandmother were stunned. They feared that she might have a problem.

Wei Ying rested contentedly on the back of the dining chair, reminiscing the satiety brought by this human food. This feeling was different from the satiety brought by the death haze. It was a wonderful feeling that could make people physically and mentally happy.

She couldn’t describe the feeling specifically. Yet she began to get greedy.

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