The female ghost in red looked at Wei Ying who was still indifferent, and soon wept with grievance.

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But she was a ghost, how could a ghost cry? It would be too bad.

Wei Ying cut the red ghost’s hair and turned away. She washed her face and hands. Then, she looked at the woman in red who was only 1.6 meter tall, and said, “Come with me to the room and I’ll get you a thermos cup.”

There was no haze pollution in the village. She was hungry all day. Because she was recording the show, she could not go to the graveyard alone to get death haze. If she was found by a cameraman or even followed, she would have to be taken as an old zombie and get experimented on.


Fortunately, she brought a special thermos cup to the mountain. Only a ghost could let her eat fresh death haze.

There was a grapefruit tree in the yard where they lived. She could make the haze of grapefruit taste, sour and delicious.

Gu Heng and Xiao Ba didn’t accompany her on this trip. She never expected that there would be another cute little ghost coming to her door, like a God’s gift which solved her food problem!

She got an underling whom she could use, so Wei Ying couldn’t wait.


Xiao Hong looked at Wei Ying who had excitement on her face.

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Was this woman a devil? Terrible, even more terrible than the ghost master!

She unexpectedly cut her horrible long hair, and she was not even able to fight back her opponent.

It was too shameful! She was called the dreadful ghost in red and she was bullied? That’s too much!

She wanted to get angry. She opened her mouth showing her fangs. Her eyes bled and she flew towards Wei Ying. It was necessary to recover her dignity as a ghost!


But as soon as she rushed over, Wei Ying raised her hand and caught her chin, preventing her from approaching closer.

Ghost in red, “…”

The moment she met Wei Ying, all her powers were useless.

Who was this woman?

Wei Ying clutched her pale white face, looked closer and sighed with emotion, “You also have long eyelashes …”

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She started to pluck her eyelashes one by one.

When the ghost saw her eyelashes being pulled out one by one, finally, her tears of grievance began to fall down.

Wei Ying saw her crying. Her mouth twitched and she asked, “Are you going to behave?”

The woman nodded like a chicken pecking for rice.

Even if she didn’t want to, she had to!

Wei Ying took her back to the bedroom and simply asked her to state her purpose. Without her confession, Wei Ying could also imagine who sent her over.

Any ghost would not easily find someone, unless he was instructed or obsessed. The so-called saying, ‘don’t fear the ghosts knocking on the door if you did no bad things’ was right.

After the woman in red ghost finished speaking, she held her head and begged for mercy, “I have confessed everything. Please let me go.”

Wei Ying loosened her hair and took out the winter homework that she brought with her and asked the ghost, “What if you couldn’t complete the task given to you by the Taoist?”

The ghost shrank at the corner, swallowed, and said, “We were all captured by the Taoist. He cast a spell on us, limiting our freedom.”

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The red female ghost nodded, pulled the neckline and an amulet appeared on her neck, “This.”

It was something similar to an amulet, which was stuck around the female ghost’s neck.

Wei Ying waved at her, “Come here.”

The female ghost was timid, afraid that her eyelashes would be plucked, she flinched.


Xiao Hong didn’t dare to disobey and crouched down.

Wei Ying’s slender fingers touched her neck, she picked it gently and she lifted the rune paper. Xiao Hong just felt light and brisk for a while. Her physical restraint was lifted.

She couldn’t believe she was free. She looked at Wei Ying gratefully.

The girl lifted her eyes coldly, “As a reward, for one month and a half, you have to take care of my food. I am hungry, go to the graveyard and get me something to eat.”

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Xiao Hong held her thermos cup in her arms, nodded heavily and floated out of the room.

When Xiao Hong left, Wei Ying began to do her homework.

But as soon as she completed two questions, her attention was occupied by the amulet.

Ning Hao sent Xiao Ba and Xiao Hong to harm her. If Xiao Hong didn’t go back this time, Ning Hao would be curious and doubtful.

Once the ghost path was traced down, he would find out her sharp ghost constitution.

Wei Ying bit her pen and thought for a long time. She needed to find an excuse to persevere. She got an idea, she immediately put down her pen and ran to Tang Yu’s room, and knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

The teenager’s door was not locked, and the girl pushed it open with a slight push.

After 10 o’clock in the evening, the 33 years old Mr. Tang, had woken up. He looked up at the door and saw the girl coming in.

After receiving his answer, the girl squeezed in, pulled a stool to sit next to his bed and whispered, “I remember you have a pendant, could you give it to me?”

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